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“Gate House No. 3 is also a small 'outlet structure' on the edge of the Reservoir on Sedgwick Avenue. It was originally designed to contain 48-inch pipes connected directly to the city's distribution system. This Gate House, constructed on the west side of the Reservoir, has the same general plan as Gate House No. 2 ... Over several years, WPA workers built at least three and possibly five of the brick superstructures over Jerome Park Reservoir Gate Houses. DWSG&E annual reports do not always identify the actual gate house superstructure that was completed by the WPA in any one year; however, the uniform design and materials indicate that Gate House No. 3 was completed at approximately the same time as Gate Houses Nos. 2, 5, 6, and 7. The massive ashlar foundation is visible from the Reservoir. The Gate House is a one-story, flat-roofed structure with a limestone cornice; its projecting brick piers, with concrete lintels, divide the walls into bays. On the Reservoir side are three windows set into the bays. On the street facade, or west elevation, is a limestone rectangular plaque over the door opening; smaller square plaques ornament all elevations. The sidewall fenestration originally consisted of three narrow single-stacked pane windows. The Gate House No. 3 superstructure, approximately 27.5 feet by 32 feet, has an iron-railing balcony projecting over the Reservoir.”[1,p.106]