New Mexico New Deal Sites November 2018

Frank da Cruz (Bronx NY) and Pam Ives (Albuquerque NM)
November 6-19, 2018
Most recent update: 2019-Jul-24 10:06:21 NYC Time

Selected New Deal sites in New Mexico, a state that takes pride in its New Deal heritage and honors it. These are a just a few of over over 300 sites known to exist in New Mexico (and probably hundreds more still unknown). All photos by the authors except where indicated otherwise.
[See the second batch of New Mexico sites from June 2019]

In the news: National New Deal Museum proposed for Santa Fe (March 2, 2019).

[NM Tech]  [Courthouses]  [TorC PO/VC]  [White Sands VC]  [Fairgrounds]  [Heights CC]  [Indian Hospital]  [Milne Stadium]  [Airport]  [UNM]  [Fire Station]  [Roosevelt Park]  [Tingley Beach]  [Los Poblanos]  [Schools]  [Sandía Crest]  [Gerónimo Museum]

Search the New Mexico New Deal galleries on this site: (New Mexico only, might not work yet; it takes a while for Google to index the site)...
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  (Click on any photo to enter)

Coronado Historic Site

5939 coronadoaerial 5940 5959 5942 5943 kuauaexcavation1934 5944 5945 5946 5948 5949 5951 5953 5952 5955 5956 5960

New Mexico Tech buildings

6004 nmtech 6027 6026 6025 6024 6028 6029 6008 6007 6010 6009 6014 6015 6036 6037 6038 6020 6005 6030 6031 6019 6018

Socorro County Courthouse in Socorro

6053 6062 6063 6064 6065

Sierra County Courthouse in Truth or Consequences

6073 6075 6077 6078 6080 6081 6082 6084

Truth or Consequences Post Office

6120 6121 6122 6123 6125 6125a 6126 6127 6128 6130 6131 6134 6135

Truth or Consequences Visitor Center

6094 6095 6096 6100 6110 6111

White Sands National Monument Visitor Center

6202 6201 6235a 6192 6193 6200 6206 6208 6217 whitesands1930s whitesandsbook1 whitesands1941 6194 6199 6196 6198 6203 6204 6207 6209 6214 6210 6215 whitesandsbook2

Albuquerque State Fair Grounds

6287 6303 6307 6301 6304 6306 6314 6318 6319 6322 6336 6338 6337 6344 6297 6345 6346

Albuquerque Heights Community Center

6356 6355 6354

Albuquerque Indian Health Center

6388 6380 6381 6383 6385 6387 6389 indianhospital1951a indianhospital1951b

Albuquerque Milne Stadium

6431 6425 6429 6432 6434

Old Albuquerque Municipal Airport

6468 6441 airportpanorama airportgoogle airportpostcard 6447 6451 6448 6580a 6457 airportpanorama2 6461 6464 6465 6466 6470 6559 airportsah airport1930s 6577 airport1940s airport1950 6560 airportbhaskins 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6567 6574 6575

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

6394 7224 unm_scholeshall_2010 7225 7179 7180 7181 7183 7184 7247 7190 7236 zimmerman1938 7227 zimmermangoogle2018 7234 7233 7230 7191 7210 7194 7195 7196 7198 7199 7202 7206 7214 7215 7223 7217 7219 7220 7205 7204 7201 7200 7209

Albuquerque Monte Vista Fire Station

7162 7165 montevistafirestation1940s 7168 7169 7160 7167

Albuquerque Roosevelt Park

6584 rooseveltpark1933 6615 6591 6617 6618 6614 6603 6613 6596 6597 6582 6583 6598 6612 6590 6616

Albuquerque Tingley Beach

6929 6930 6935 6937 6945 6947 6949 6967

Albuquerque Tingley Field Stadium

7005 7012 7000 7015

Los Poblanos Ranch

7303 7280 7299 7295

Albuquerque Bandelier School

6373 6363 6365 6367 6368 6374

Socorro Grade School

6046 6042 6044 6045

Albuquerque Lew Wallace Elementary School

6489 6481 6492 6486 6478 6488

Albuquerque Coronado School

6519 6523 6507 6508 6509

Albuquerque Harwood Girls' School Annex


Sandía Crest Trail Head

7122 7125 7126 7131 7132 7134 cccsandiacabin

Truth or Consequences Geronimo Museum

6153 6154 6155 6159 6145

Created by Photogallery 2.33 July 24, 2019