New Mexico New Deal Sites June 2019 - Photo #86 - Jémez State Monument

Jémez State Monument, New Mexico: The Church of San José de los Jémez, completed about 1620, excavated by the CCC in 1935.


These barren walls were once plastered. Excavations have revealed that there were groups of murals, which were executed al fresco (painted while the plaster was wet for penetration and permanence), among the few found in any of the 17th century churches in the Southwest. Boldly executed fleur-de-lis and other patterns were found as well as realistic Indian motifs in green, red, blue, yellow, black, and white.

Along the walls are the remains of twelve pedestals which most likely supported religious statuary. Other wall decorations would have included the 12 stations of the cross hung between the pedestals, and other religious paintings.


Estas paredes desnudas estuvieron enlucidas un día. Las excavaciones han revelado que habían grupos de murales un las paredes oriente y poniente cerca del altar. Los murales, ejecutados al fresco (pintados mientras el yeso está húmedo para lograr penetración y permanencia), se encuentran entre los pocos encontrados en las iglesias del siglo XVII en el suroeste. Se encontraron flores de lis y otros deseñas florales tscamente ejecutados así como motivos indígenas en verde, azul, amarillo, rojo, negro, y blanco.

Junto con las paredes se encuentran los restos de loce pedestales que seguramente soportaban estatuas religiosas. Otras decoraciones de pared han de haber incluido las 12 Estaciones de Vía Cruces colgadas entre pedestal y pedestal y otras pinturas religiosas.

Figure caption: Murals which were found on the right side of the nave in the 1920s.