Text extracted from PDF scan by pdftotext 3.03.

Corrected by Frank da Cruz, June 2014.

Original order preserved (reverse chronological).
Paragraphs reformatted by recombining hyphenated words and filling to 78 cols.
Duplicate entries omitted.
Tabs converted to spaces.
Table of Contents (about 10 pages with abstracts) at beginning omitted.
Coding: ISO 8859-1 (for cent signs and fractions).

Search Terms relevant to New Deal:

Civil Works
Work Relief (may be split across lines)

Other interesting search terms:
Isadora Duncan
colored [indicating YMCA/YWCA facilities were segregated]

New Deal projects announced in this archive:

 8 Feb 1934  Manhattan   Model playground program announced
12 Feb 1934  Brooklyn    Massive cleaning of Coney Island
28 Feb 1934  Manhattan   Playground along Chrystie St, Canal to Houston Sts
28 Feb 1934  Manhattan   Broadway center strip and safety islands
 6 Mar 1934  Manhattan   Barrett Park Zoo
 7 Mar 1934  Manhattan   Central Park Zoo
 8 Mar 1934  Brooklyn    Prospect Park Zoo
14 Mar 1934  (all)       Model concession and police stands for all parks
15 May 1934  Brooklyn    Construction resumes on Dyker Beach golf clubhouse
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   Playground at West 17th St between 8th-9th Aves
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   Playground at 85 Roosevelt Street
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   Playground at 99 Thompson Street
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   Inwood Hill Playground at Payson and Dyckman Sts
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   St. Nicholas Ave Playground at 141st St
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   Central Park Reservoir Recreation building
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   Corlears Hook Playground at Corlears and Water Sts
27 Jul 1934  Manhattan   Playground at Rivington and Lewis Streets
27 Jul 1934  Brooklyn    Playground at Fourth Avenue and 3rd-4th Streets
27 Jul 1934  Brooklyn    Baseball diamond at Sunrise Hwy and Atlantic Ave
27 Jul 1934  Bronx       Playground at 141st St, Brook and St.Ann's Aves
27 Jul 1934  Queens      Playground at 25th-30th Aves and 84th-85th Sts
27 Jul 1934  Richmond    Playground at Jewett and Castleton Avenues
27 Jul 1934  Richmond    Marine Park (CWA work in progress)

(begin archive)


                            THE CITY OF NEW YORK

                            DEPARTMENT OF PARKS
                                CENTRAL PARK
                                                                July 27, 1934

                         STATEMENT TO THE PRESS AS TO
                         PROGRESS OF WORK AT MARINE
                         AND WOLF'S POND PARKS

          I have received from the Borough President of Richmond a petition,
signed by a number of residents of Richmond, referring to alleged lack of
progress in construction work at Marine and Wolf's Pond Parks.  It is stated
in this petition that because the bulkhead at Marine Park, is not completed
the dredging work will be retarded.

          I do not know who is back of this petition or who solicited the
signatures. I do not know whether the background of the petition is
political, malicious or honest. No effort was made to communicate with the
Park Department directly on this subject, and the facts are perfectly well
known and have been repeatedly stated. Nevertheless, these facts are
repeated below.

          When the new park administration took charge on January 19, 1934,
Marine Park was in a complete mess. The plan which the CWA workers were
supposed to be following needed drastic revision.  The materials and
equipment were inadequate and a number of men were either standing around or
attempting to do work which had no value.  I am fully conversant with the
Marine Park problem, I helped to obtain the cooperation of the State in the
transfer of land under water without which the park would have been
impossible. I was chairman of the State Land Board when the principal action
was taken and I drew the bill which made the transfer possible.

          The new park administration reorganized the work at Marine
Park. We cut out waste effort. We revised the plan and made it practical. We
succeeded in obtaining through CWA and relief funds, $50,000 for sheet
piling without which no bulkheading or filling was possible. The actual
work of setting the sheet piling in place and dredging has been going on as
fast as relief funds will permit. No other funds are available for this
purpose. Arrangements have been made for the United States Govern- ment to
begin dredging the channel in September. There is nothing the matter with
the progress of work at Marine Park excepting that all progress with relief
funds is bound to be slower than progress through contract work.

          As to Wolf's Pond, when the new park administration took office
the first thing we had to do was to get rid of a colony of shacks which had
been allowed to accumulate. The better part of the park was rented to
individuals and families at a nominal con- sideration. No intelligent
development in the public interest had been attempted or was possible under
such conditions. The first thing we did was to get rid of the shacks. We
then prepared a plan for future development. These plans cannot be prepared
in five minutes and especially not when we are dependent on relief funds to
employ architects, engineers and field parties. We immediately proceededto
clear the park of dead timber, rubbish, etc., and began minor construction
work. We built a simple bath house for temporary use this Summer and it is
now open. The major improve- ments in a park of this kind cannot be
constructed over night with relief funds, but they are going ahead as fast
as possible.

          People who have a real interest in these and other park and
playground improvements have nothing to worry about under this
administration.  They are getting a lot more service than they ever got
before, and the city is now working on a logical, com- prehensive
recrearional program which will meet its needs.

                                           ROBERT MOSES

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                        For Release, Monday
ARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK                      July 30, 1934
Regent 4-1000

Graduation tests for 5000 children who have taken advantage of the
"Learn to Swim" campaign sponsored by the Department of Parks will
be held Tuesday, July 31, at four of the largo outdoor pools in the
city, viz.:
Manhattan -   Riverside Cascade  -   134th St. & Broadway        -2-4 p.m.
Bronx     -   Jerome Cascade     -   167th St. & Jerome AVG.     -2-4 p.m.
Brooklyn  -   Betsy Head Pool    -   Hopkinson Ave.&Diment St.   -9-11:30 am
Richmond  -   Faber Park Pool    -   Faber St.&Richmod Terrace   -9-11:30 am

The tests have been arranged for three classes, "boys and girls:

Midgets -      Height limit 4 ft.        to show ability to swim 15 yds.
Junior  -         "    "    4 ft. 8 in.   "  "      "    "   "   20  "
Intermediates     "    "    5 gt. 4 in.   "  "      "    "   "   30  "
                                free style and 40 yards breast stroke.

Exhibitions in diving and swimming are to be given by sone of our
foremost Olympic champions. Swimming records will be attempted at
several of the pools by the Spence brothers, Walter and Leonord of
the New York Athletic Club. Exhibitions also will be given by girls
from the Women's Swimming Association.

The success of the "Learn to Swin" campaign is due to the enthusias-
tic response of those desiring to learn to swim and of the c-oopera-
tion of the public spirited citizens who opened the following
swimming pools for free instructions to children and adults:

BRONX:-                          Jerome Cascades Pool
                                 Starlight Park   "
                                 Metropolitan     "
                                 Castle Hill      "
                                 Bronx Union Y.M.C.A.

MANHATTAN:-                      Riverside Cascades Pool
                                 Y.M.C.A. West Side Branch
                                 Y.M.C.A, 23rd St.    "
                                 Y.M.C.A. 135th St.   "
                                 Y.W.C.A. West Side   "
                                 Y.W.C.A. Harlem      "
                                 London Terrace Pool
                                 Park Central     "
                                 Lido             "

BROOKLYN:-                       Betsy Head Pool
                                 Farragut     "

QUEENS:-                         Jamaica Pool

RICHMOND:-                       Faber Park Pool
                                 Wolfe's Pond

                                               For Release, Saturday
                                               July 28, 1934,
Begent 4-1000

                Under arrangements made by the Recreation Division of the
     Department of Parks, the Eastern Lawn Tennis Association cooperating,
     Mr. Montgomery Ogden, recognized authority on tennis, will continue his
     free instruction for boys and juniors holding park permits.

                Those wishing to avail themselves of this instruction must
     be on the tennis courts at 9 a.m. sharp, on the dates indicated:

         Mondays, July 30, August 6, 13 and 20, Mr. Ogden will
                be in Central Park, Manhattan.
          Tuesdays, July 31 and August 14, he will be in McKinley
                Park and on the alternate Tuesdays, August 7 and 21,
                at Gravesend Park, Brooklyn.
         Wednesdays, August 1, 8, 15 and 22, he will be at the
                Crotona Park Courts, Bronx.
          Thursdays, August 2, 9, 16 and 23, he will be at Forest
                Park, Queens.
         Fridays, August 3, 10, 17 and 24, he will be at the
                Livingston Park Courts, Richmond.


       Department of Parks
       The Arsenal, Central Park
       New York City                        (Jacob Riis Park,
                                             Rockaway, N. Y.)


                 All children who visit Jacob Riis Park Playground on
       Thursday afternoon (July 19th) at 3:30 P.M. will be invited to see
       the Marionette Show - entitled "Black Sambo," staged by the
       Department of Parks. So successful was the "Puppet Show* staged last
       week at Jacob Riis Park - when 3,000 people attended from the
       Rockaways, that Jacob Riis Park has managed to grant the many
       requests from mothers and children who would like to see the
       "Marionette Show."

                                           Olive Hatch
                                       Miss Olive Hatch
                                       Park Department
                                       Jacob Riis Park, Rockaway, N.Y.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                     FOR RELEASE
Arsenal, Central Park                                   FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000

                The Park Department will open fourteen playgrounds on
Saturday, August 11th, at 11 o'clock in the morning Mayor Fiorello
H. LaGuardia will be present at the Model Playground located on West 17th
Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues, and deliver the opening address,
which will be relayed by public address systems to all of the other thirteen
playgrounds and broadcast over the Municipal Broadcasting System.

                 This is the second group of new playgrounds to be opened by
the Park Department this year. Nine playgrounds which were acquired and
developed with the War Memorial Fund, which was turned over to the
Department of Parks for this purpose, were dedicated and opened by Mayor
LaGuardia on July 15th.

                 The fourteen playgrounds to be opened August 11th are as

          and NINTH AVENUES. 125 ft. x 107 ft. Facilities:
          Recreation building, a wading pool which can be used
          out of season for two basketball courts , and one
          handball court.

          PLAYGROUND at 85 ROOSEVELT STREET. 116 ft. x 127 ft.
          Site of the old Public School No. 122 and one of the
          abandoned school sites turned over to the Department
          of Parks by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for
          development as a playground. Facilities : Recreation
          building. An existing wall on the south side has been
          utilized as a handball court for younger children, an

          PLAYGROUND at 99 THOMPSON STREET. 75 ft. x 95 ft.
          Located within the block. Facilities: Recreation
          building, a wading pool in the center of the play
          area, and the usual apparatus for small children 
          including sand tables, see-saws and slides. This is
          distinctly a playground for small children.

          375 ft. x 175 ft. Facilitios: Field house, comfort
          station, play aroa, basketball courts and the usual
          playground equipment for children.

          WEST 141st STREET. 200 ft. x 60 ft. Facilities:
          Open pavilion, a comfort station and a wading pool
          which can bo converted into a basketball court, and
          slides, jungle gyms, etc.

          CENTRAL PARK, LOWER RESERVOIR SITE, northwest corner.
          Approximately 3¼ acres. A large recreation building
          having the usual facilities is to be erected. A
          chlorinated foot bath is being added to the existing
          large oval-shaped wading pool. The center of the
          playground area consists of a large turfed section,
          surrounded by three distinct play fields, viz.:
          one for very small children with ample seating
          oapacity for mothers. This area will contain such
          small type apparatus as play houses, sand tables,
          garden swings, seo-saws and jungle gyms. An open
          shelter has been provided in this area to give further
          immediate shade. The second area contains apparatus
          for children between the ages of 8 and 14 years,
          and areas set aside for games such as punchball and
          paddle tonnis. The third area contains gymnasium
          apparatus, including horizontal ladders, horizontal
          bars and a giant stride.

          340 ft. x 100 ft. Facilities: An open shelter is
          to be erected. There aro four handball, four horse-
          shoo pitching, one volley ball, two basketball and
          shuffle board oourts. This area, which adjoins a
          lodging house with accommodation for 1800 men, has
          been planned to provide recreation for the unusually
          large number of men residing in this particular dis-

          x 150 ft. Site of the old Public School No. 88 and
          one of the abandoned school sites turned over to
          the Department of Parks by the Commissioners of the
          Sinking Fund for development as a playground.
          Facilities: Recreation building, and an octagonal
          wading pool, which also can bo used for round games.
          An area has been set aside for the exclusive use
          of small children, with the usual apparatus and
          seats for mothers.

          MODEL PLAYGROUND at 3d and 4th STREETS at FOURTH
          AVENUE (GOWANUS HOUSE). 695 ft. x 230 ft. Facili-
          ties: the recreation building is an adaptation of
          the old Cortelyou house which formerly stood on this
          site. It is boing built in part from the stone sa-
          vaged from the old house at Gowanus, the founda-
          tions of which were uncovored by Park Department
          Emergency Relief workers last summer. The play room
          is designed in a manner to represent typical Early
          Dutch Colonial Interior Architecture. The playground
          has a bank of seven handball courts along the Fifth
          Avenue boundary; two boccie courts, a large area
          for small children with nho regulation apparatus,
          and a wading pool.

          MODEL PLAYGROUND at 3d and 4th STREETS (continued).
          The Fourth Avenue area has been reservod for a
          baseball diamond and sports for older boys. Side-
          walks along 3d end 4th Streets have been laid out
          in a park-like manner. Ample shade is being pro-

          HIGHWAY and ATLANTIC AVENUE. 695 ft. x 190 ft.
          This area has been developed into a baseball diamond
          and field.

          PLAYGROUND at 95th STREET between AVENUES K and L.
          140 ft. x 100 ft. Facilities: Comfort station
          and shelter, and playground apparatus.

          PLAYGROUND at 141st STREET between BROOK and
          ST. ANN'S AVENUES, 587 ft. x 175 ft. Facilities:
          Recreation building, wading pool, handball and
          basketball courts and playground and gymnasium

          MODEL PLAYGROUND at 25th and 30th AVENUES and 84th
          and 85th STREETS, JACKSON HEIGHTS. 600 ft. x 200 ft.
          Facilities: Recreation building containing a large
          play room, lavatories, mothers room, directors'
          room and storage space, The rear wall of the recrea-
          tion building will be used for 4 handball courts. The
          play area.contains a wading pool which also can be
          used for two basketball courts; and a large game
          field, so graded that it can bo flooded in the winter
          for ice skating.  Around the game field is a double
          track; a cinder track on the inside is separated
          by a strip of planting from an outer concrete track.
          18 ft. wide for roller skating, with the banked curves.
          There is the usual apparatus for small children and
          a large seating area.


          122 ft. x 194 ft. Facilities : Recreation building
          and the usual playground apparatus. There is an
          octagonal wading pool. The smaller children will
          be separated from the larger children by a planting
          of trees and shrubs.

         Many of these playgrounds will bo equipped with flood lights to
extend the closing hours during the summer months.  All playgrounds will be
under the supervision of a director assigned by the Recreation Division of
the Department of Parks.

          With the exception of the areas which are devoted exclusively to
one sport, such as the baseball diamond on the site of the Ridgewood South
Side Pumping Station, each playground has a recreation building having a
playroom, lavatories, and a modern heating system, a 40 foot flagpole,
adequate plantings of shade trees and shrubbory, a chlorinated foot bath
through which children must pass before entering the wading pool; equipment
for younger children , consisting of swings, slides, see-saws and jungle
gyms; and handball and basketball courts for older children The playgrounds
will be equipped with adequate drinking fountains of the type required by
the Federal Government for army camps.

               A number of the sites on which those additional playground
facilities have been constructed were acquired by the Park Department
several years ago, but have not been developed or utilized by it
hertofore.  The Jackson Heights Playground property was acquired May 11,
1931; 141st Street and Brook Avenue has been held by the Department of Parks
since March 5, 1930; of the three parcels comprising the 99 Thompson Street
Playground, one was acquired in December 7, 1929 and the other two were
obtained April 23, 1930, while the site of the old house at Gowanus was
acquired July 26, 1926, and the property at 95th Street between Avenues K
and L passed into the hands of the Department April 3, 1924.

                The labor and materials for the construction of these
additional playground areas are being supplied thru Work Relief funds.

                After the opening exercises, which will include an address
by Mayor LaGuardia and the raising of the colors at each of the new
playgrounds, the facilities will be turned over to the children of this
city. Special entertainment and games are being arranged for each playground
for the opening day.

    y                     111 EIGHTH AVENUE

                           NEW YORK, N. Y.


                        FINAL PLANS ADOPTED FOR

          The plans for the Bronx and Manhattan Triborough Bridge approaches
 and connections to be constructed by the Triborough Bridge Authority have
been definitely decided on.

           The Bronx route to the Triborough Bridge will include Southern
Boulevard, Whitlock Avenue and Eastern Boulevard from the bridge head to
Pelham. Bay Park. No substantial changes will be made in Southern Boulevard.
Whitlock Avenue, between Liggett and Hunts Point Avenues, which has been
widened to 170 ft. will be developed as a parkway with two 20 ft. sidewalks
and two 40 ft. roadways separated by a 50 ft. grass plot panel which will
be designed by the Triborough Bridge Authority in cooperation with the City
Park Department. Eastern Boulevard, which is 100 ft. wide, will be paved
60 ft. with two 20 ft. sidewalks. Two bridges will be reconstructed. The
bridge over Bronx River will be as to:provide a 60 ft.
roadway and two sidewalks each 20 ft. wide. The bridge over Westchester
Creek will be entirely rebuilt so as to provide a central roadway of 60 ft.
and sidewalks 20 ft. wide. The existing bridge over the N. Y. N. H. & H. R.R.
will not require reconstruction.

          In Manhattan no change will be made in the original plans
affecting the Harlem arm of the bridge, excepting that a new approach
route will be provided along the East River from York Avenue at 92nd Street
to the bridge at 125th Street and First Avenue. Additional ramps will be
constructed from the bridge to the East River at 123rd Street. The route
along the East River will follow the lines of a marginal boulevard reserved
by the City many years ago. This boulevard will be widened to a minin$» of
100 ft. York Avenue now dead-ends at 92nd Street. The new approach will
carry it to 125th Street.


The Arsenal, Central Park                            July 23, 1934
Central Park,
Regent 4-1000, Ext; 31

     Starting as "Learn to Swim Week" and ending as a city-wide
"Learn to Swim Month" the campaign being conducted by the Dept. of
Parks will close on Tuesday, July 31st. More than 5000 children in
New York City have registered for the free swimming lessons.

     At the end of the "Learn to Swim" campaign a swimming meet
under the auspices of the Division of Recreation will be held in
one swimming pool from each of the five boroughs. Boys and girls
who have received free tickets from any of the Department of Parks
playgrounds are eligible to take the tests. All children who pass
the tests will receive an award of merit.

     Applications for entries may be made with the directors of all
Department of Park playgrounds where swimming tickets have been
available during the campaign. The final tests are open to those
children who did not know how to swim before July 1st, 1934.

     The following events will be held at these swimming pools
July 31st, 1934:

   Manhattan.....Riverside Cascades,,134th St,& Broadway,2:00 to 4,
   Bronx.......Jerome Cascades........168th St,& Jerome Av..3:00 to 5.
   Richmond....Faber Park Pool...Richmond Terrace S.I...,9:00 to 11:30
   Brooklyn & Queens..Betsy Head Pool....Hopkins on Ave.& Dumont St,
                                                          9:00 to 11:30
          The following are the events to be held:

   Events for Boys:
   Midgets....Height Limit...4'  .......15 yard free style
   Juniors....Height Limit...4'8".......20 yard free style
   Intermediates.Height Limit 5'4"      30 yard free style; 40 yard
   Events for Girls:
   Midgets....Height Limit...4'  .......15 yard free style
   Juniors..    "      "  ...4'8".......20 yard free style
   Intermediates  "    "  ...5'4"       30 yard free style; 40 yard

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                      FOR RELEASE
Arsenal, Central Park                                    JULY 24, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000 

             The Department of Parks announced today i t s plan for
the improvement of Owl's Head Park, located in the Bay Ridge
section of Brooklyn at Shore Road, 'Colonial Road and 68th Street.

             This twenty-seven acre tract is a part of the old
Bliss estate and is noted for i t s natural rugged beauty, fine
native trees and shrubs.

              The park is bounded on two slides by Brooklyn Shore
Drive and on the other two by Colonial Road and 68th Street, The
main entrance is at Colonial Road and 67th Street.

              The park is a network of winding paths so arranged
ds to take full advantage of the natural baauty and fin' old
shade trees. One of the finest specimens of the American Beech
tree in that vicinity is situated within the park.

               All paths lead to the Overlook, the only formal area
within the park, paved with bluestone, and having a semi-circular
background of Pin Oaks. The path leading through this background
opens into a picturesque concession building of fieldstone
through which there is an entrance into the Overlook. This walk
is especially engaging for it emerges almost instantly from a
path through the woods to a commanding view of the Bay, Staten
Island, the Statue of Liberty and the Harbor of New York. The
building at the entrance to the Overlook as well as the retaining
wall along its harbor side is constructed with the stone salvaged
from the Old Bliss homestead. The labor and materials are being
supplies, by the Department of Public Welfare.

                Other interesting features of the park include
sodded areas to be set aside for informal play, and lounging
space.    The Old Bliss stables will be used by the Department of
Parks for storage. Adequate drinking fountains, benches and
comfort stations wi. 11 be provided.

Arsenal, Central Park                        July 23, 1934.
Tol. Regent 4-1000

          The Park Department announced today the arrangements
covering the transfer of the Ridgewood South Side Pumping
Station property, located at Sunrise Highway and Atlantic Avenue,
Brooklyn, by the City of New York Department of Water Supply,
Gas and Electricity, to the Park Department for development as
a playground.

           A temporary permit has been granted to the Department
of Parks by the City of New York Department of Water Supply, Gas
and Electricity to facilitate the immediate improvement of this
site as a playground, which permit will apply until formal trans-
fer of the property to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for
assignment to the Park Department can be ace anplished.

            The Department of Parks will construct immediately
a baseball diamond on this tract.

Arsenal, Central Park               July 23, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000 

           Members of the Jacob Riis Park Swimming Team
will leave on Tuesday, July 24th for Ocean City, N. J.,
to compete in the National Lifeguard Championships be-
ginning Thursday, July 26th in Ocean City, N. J.
           Two inter-collegiate swimming champions,
Julius Dolges and Jack Ilulcahy, and George Rowland, Cap-
tain Columbia Swimming Team 1931; Ray Donigan, George
Shienberg, Robert liiller (a member of the Columbia Cham-
pionship Water Polo Team), are among the entrants for
Jacob Riis Park in the events of the National Champion-

Arsenal, Central Park               July 21, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000 

         To facilitate the issuance of tickets for free swim-
ming instruction and the handling of telephone calls request-
ing information concerning i t s "Learn to Swim" campaign, the
Department of Parks asks that application be made as follows:

BRONX - Zbrowski Mansion, East 173rd Street and Claremont
        Parkway, Claremont Park, Bronx, N. Y.
        Telephone - Foundation 8-3000
BROOKLYN - Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park West and 5th
        S t r e e t , Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.
        Telephone - South 8-2300
MANHATTAN - The Arsenal, Central Park, 64th Street and 5th
        Avenue, New York City.
        Telephone - Regent 4-1000
QJJEENS - The Overlook, Union Turnpike and Park Lane, Forest
        Park, Kew Gardens, L. I. N. Y.
        Telephone - Cleveland 3-4600
RICHMOND - Clove Lake Field House, West New Brighton, Staten
        Island, New York.
        Telephone - Gibraltar 2-2261.

Arsenal, Central Park               July 20, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000 

            Iferia Theresa, adopted daughter of the late Isadora
Duncan and one of the famous six original Isadora Duncan Dancers,will
be seen in a program of Interpretative Dancing on the mall, Central
Park, this evening, (July 21st) at 8:30 p.m.
            The Municipal Symphony Orchestra of 75 pieces furnished
by the Works Division of the Department of Public Welfare under
Guest Conductor Paul Stassevitch, will play a program of classical
numbers which will be interpreted by this distinguished dancer.
Maria Theresa does not translate the music into set steps, but
captures its mood and intent by simple, natural grace of motion.
            The program has been arranged by the Recreation
Division of the Department of Parks. The concert is under the
management of Mr. G.A. Baldini, Director of the Concert Division.
            Although Maria Theresa has made sensational successes
in all the capitals of Europe in out-of-door dancing, Saturday will
mark her first appearance in this country except in auditorium
rograms.   She has danced in New York before distinguished
audiences at Carnegie and Town Halls and in various American cities.
            The famous dancer says that the average individual has
lost touch with the artistic and aesthetic because of the peculiar
economic and industrial conditions which obtain at the present time,
and that programs such as the one to be given by the Municipal
Orchestra and herself on Saturday afford an opportunity for recovery
of contact with the simple and beautiful in natural surroundings.




Arsenal, Central Park               July 23, 1934

                       IN NEW YORK CITY.

                     The Park Department has for several weeks been
studying intensively the perennial problem of outdoor summer bathing
facilities for the public in New York City and its boundary waters.
We have consulted the heads of the Health and Sanitation Departments
and have had their cooperation.  As a result, we have come to
certain conclusions and have developed a practical program to meet
present and future conditions.

                      It is an undeniable fact that adequate opportunities
for summer bathing constitute a vital recreational need of the city.  It is
no exaggeration to say that the health, happiness, efficiency and
orderliness of a large number of the city's residents, especially in the
summer months, are tremendously affected by the presence or absence of
adequate swimming and bathing facilities. We are providing additional wading
pools for children as fast as we can by supplementing those already
furnished by the park and other city departments. This, however, does not
meet the problem of any but small children, and docs not help the larger
children and adults at all.

                      It is one of the tragedies of New York life, and a
monument to past indifference, waste, selfishness and stupid planning that
the magnificent natural boundary waters of the city have been in a large
measure destroyed for recreational purposes by haphazard industrial and
commercial developments, and by pollution through sewage, trade and other

               All citizens past middle age can remember the time when there
was good swimming and even fishing in most of our boundary waters. That
time, however, is past, and, as to most of our shore line, at least for many
years to come, beyond recall. We must frankly recognize the conditions as
they are and make our plans accordingly.

             As to summer bathing and swimming facilities in our boundary
waters, we have prepared a map which indicates not only presently polluted
waters, but those which are in all likelihood bound to bo polluted for many
years to cone.  While these waters nay be useful and even attractive for
other purposes, we must dismiss them from consideration in connection with
the study of bathing. On this map we have indicated in black the waters
which must be considered as totally unfit for bathing, and by cross-hatching
those where bathing may continue or which can be made safe for bathing by
various remedial measures and precautions against pollution.

             The net result, eliminating areas not primarily devoted to
industrial or shipping use and those where serious pollution is likely to
continue, is that only the following waters may be considered for future

             In the Bronx, along the Long Island Sound shore from Throggs
Neck to the Westchester County line.

             In Queens, the westerly and southerly shores of Little
Neck Bay, southerly shore of Rockaway Inlet, and all of the ocean
front from Rockaway Point to Nassau County line.

             In Brooklyn, the northerly shore of Rockaway Inlet,
and westerly along the ocean shore as far as Seagate.

             In Richmond, the ocean shore from Fort Wadsworth
southerly to the southerly tip of Staten Island.

             The problem therefore resolves itself into one of providing
open-air swimming pools properly located in the more congested sections. The
only existing publicly operated open-air pools in the city are at Betsy Head
Park, Brooklyn, and Fabor Park, Staten Island. The pool at the Rice Stadium
in the Bronx is not usable. For purposes of mass bathing in summer the
present small indoor city pools are of little value.

            After careful consideration, we have concluded that such pools
should be established in the following areas in the several boroughs:

            Highbridge Reservoir at 173d St. & Amsterdam Ave.

            Hamilton Fish Park, Willett St. & East Houston St.

            Riverside Drive at 75th St.

            Mt. Morris Park at 5th Ave. & 122nd St.

            DeWitt Clinton Park at 11th Ave. & 53d St.

            Thos. Jefferson Park at 1st Ave. & 122th St.

            Crotona Park at Fulton Ave. & 173d St.

            St. Mary's Park at St. Ann's Ave. & East 149th St.

            Van Cortlandt Park

            McCarren Park at Berry St. & Lorimer St.

            Sunset Park at 5th Ave. & 43d St.

            Red Hook Park at Hicks St. & Lorraine St.

            Bushwick Park, Knickerbocker Ave. & Willoughby Ave.

            Dyker Beach Park, 86th St. & 14th Ave.

            Unnamed area, Blake & Euclid Aves.

             Astoria Park, Shore Boulevard & 23d Ave.

             St. Aibans Park, Merrick Road & Linden Boulevard.

             Flushing Meadows on the Grand Central Parkway Extension.

             Kissena Park at Kissena Boulevard and North Hempstead Turnpike.

             Chisholrn Park at College Point.

             Jacob Riis Park.

             Forest Park, Myrtle Ave. & Woocihaven Boulevard.

             Unnamed area, New Brighton.

             The only resources at our command for constructing these
pools are relief funds. These resources are inadequate to begin work
on all of the pools at the same time. We have, therefore, concluded
to begin work immediately on the following pools:

             Highbridge Reservoir at 173d St. & Amsterdam Ave.
             Hamilton Fish Park, Willett St. & East Houston St.
             Thos. Jefferson Park at 1st Ave. & 112th St.
             Crotona Tark at Fulton Ave. & 173d St.
             McCarron Park at Berry St. & Loriner St.
             Sunset Park at 5th Ave. & 43d St.
             Astoria Park, Shore Boulevard & 23d Ave.
             St.Albans Park , Merrick Road & Linden Boulevard
             Unnamed area, New Brighton.

             We have started designing these pools. Typical cross-
sections will bo used wherever possible so as to simplify this work
and take advantage of standard plans. Wo expect to commence the
actual work of excavation in about a month.

             The pools begun at this time will be ready for use next
summer. The others will be designed during the late fall and
winter, and actual construction can bo started on then in the
spring if relief or other funds are made available.

             In the meantime, so far as relham Bay and other boundary
waters are concerned, where swimming is to be provided next summer,
wo shall work in close cooperation with the Health and Sanitation
authorities to eliminate present pollution.

             We believe that when these plans are carried out, the
public summer bathing facilities of the city will be reasonably
                                         ROBERT MOSES,

Arsenal, Central Park               July 15, 1934

           Mayor La Guardia dedicated and opened simultaneously today (July
15th) at 3 P.M., nine War Memorial Playgrounds which were acquired and
erected by the War Memorial Fund, turned over to the Department of Parks for
the development of this project. This fund was increased through investment
by the City Chamberlain from approximately $250,000 in 1921 to $350,000.
Released by a court decree, these funds have been used in purchasing the
property for the new children's playgrounds in the five boroughs, two of
which are located in Manhattan, one in Brooklyn, two in Queens, two in
Richmond and two in the Bronx.

           Each playground has one completely equipped play area, with a
chlorinated wading pool, a brick field house with comfortable play rooms for
boys and girls, and a heating plant.  Ample space has been set aside for
mothers and small children.  A flag pole surrounded by a stone seat, topped
with a bronze collar, stands in tribute, while a bronze tablet on each
recreation building records the name of the soldier to whom the playground
is dedicated.

             The playgrounds vary in size from one-third of an acre to three
acres. Further improvements of the playgrounds outside of the play area in
landscaping and tree planting have been made possible by the Works Division
of the Department of Public Welfare.  These are the first completely
equipped units to be added to the park system of the City by the present
administration and are the only modern playgrounds in the City.

             Names of those to whom the memorial playgrounds are dedicated
were chosen by World War Veterans Organizations and the various Divisional
Associations. These men who gave up their lives for their country, were all
enlisted men killed in action, who had either lived near the playgrounds
bearing their names or within the boroughs. Each man was well thought of in
his community.

           In addition to the above considerations, the men were selected in
the main from the three distinctive New York City Divisions, namely; the
42nd or Rainbow Division, the 27th New York National Guard and the
77th-National Army Division.

          Location of the various playgrounds and the man in whose memory
each is dedicated follow:

           Playground at 528 East 12th Street - in memory of

                            JOSEPH C. SAUER

           Private, Company F, 308th Infantry; 77th Division.
           Wounded in action in the Argonne, October 2, 1918.
           Died from wound October 5, 1918.

            Playground at 47 West 138th Street -in memory of -

                            WILLIAM McCRAY

            Corporal, Company D, 369th Infantry, U.S.A., Unit
            of 161st French Division, killed in action in the
            Champagne Sector on September 12, 1918.


         Playground at 80-100 Grand Street and South First
         Street, Williamsburg, - in memory of -

                          WILLIAM E. SHERIDAN

            A member of the Police Department of the City of New
            York Shield Number 6871, attached to the 82nd Precinct
            Station, Brooklyn, New York; killed in action on
            October 1st, 1918, at Montfaucon France; while serving
            as Corporal of Company B; 313th Infantry, 79th Divi-


         Playground at 138th Place, 91st Street and Archer Ave nue,
         Jamaica, - in memory of-

                           HOWARD A. VON DOHLEN
            Sergeant, Company B; 105th M.G. Btn., 27th Division;
            killed in action on the morning of October 17th, 1918,
            while commanding a Machine Gun Section in the Battle
            of La Selle River, St. Supplet, France.

             Playground at 113th and 114th Avenue's, between 196th and
    197th Streets, Hollis Forest, St. Albans, - in memory of-

                                     DANIEL M. O'CONNELL

              Private, Company A, 165th Infantry, 42nd Division,
              killed in action at the River Ourcq, France, on
              July 29, 1918, awarded the Groix de Guerre.

            Playground at Forest and Myrtle Avenues, I7est Brighton -
             in memory of -

                                     AUSTIN J. MCDONALD

                Corporal, Company E,107th Infantry, 27th Division,
                killed in action on the Hindonburg Line, St. Quentin Canal,
                France, September 29, 1918.

            Playground at Tompkins Avenue and Chestnut Street - in
            memory of -

                                      NICHOLAS DE MATTI

                Private, 1st Cl. Company K, 310th Infantry, 78th Divi-
                sion, killed in action on the St. Mihiel Sector, North
                Thiaucourt, France, September 5, 1918.

                 Playground at Barker Avenue, Olinville Avenue and Britton
    Street - in memory of -

                                       LOUIS ZIMMERMAN

                Corporal, Headquarters Company, 305th Infantry, 77th
                Division, killed in action on November 5, 1918 in the
                Argonne Meuse Offensive.

            Playground at 188th Street and Hughes Avenue - in memory of -

                                      VINCENT CICCARONE

                 Private, Company B, 305th Infantry, 77th Division,
                 wounded in action on September 27, 1918 at Argonne
                 Forest, died as a result of wounds, January 10, 1920,
                 U.S.A. General Hospital #2, Fort McHenry, Maryland.

The dedication ceremonies at the William E. Sheridan Playground, 80 Grand
Street, Brooklyn, were broadcast to each of the other playgrounds and
amplified by separate public address systems. The ceremonies included the
unveiling of tablets commemorating the World War veterans in memory of whom
the playgrounds are named, the dedication of the colors on the memorial
flagpole at each playground, and appropriate simple military services.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                         Immediate Release
Arsenal, Central Park                                           July 14, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000

                             NEAREST RELATIVES

       JOSEPH C. SAUER PLAYGROUND - 528 East 12th Street (Mother)
           Mrs. Antoinette Lindner, 136 E. 7th Street, New York City

       WILLIAM McCBAY PLAYGROUND - 47 West 138th Street
           Matthew McCray (father) 460 West 147th Street
           Julia McCray   (mother)

       WILLIAM E. SHERIDAN PLAYGROUND - 80-100 Grand Street
           Mrs. Vellas 3robst (sister) 102 -- 74th Street, Brooklyn

       HOWARD A. VAN DOHLEN PLAYGROUND - 138th Place, 91st Avenue and
                                         Archer Avenue, Jamaica

           Martin J . Von Dohlen (father) 89-07 - 87th Street, Woodhaven, L.I.

       DANIEL M. O'CQEHELL PLAYGROUCTD - 113-114th Avenues, Hollis Forest,
                                          St. Albans
           Mrs. Mary 0'Connell (mother) 87-28 Bruce Place, Rockaway Beach, N.Y.


        AUSTIN J. McDONALD PLAYGROUND - Forest and Myrtle Avenues, West
           Austin McDonald (father) 215 Hart Boulevard - West Now Brighton,
                                                    S. I.

        NICHOLAS DeMATTII PLAYGROUND - Tompkins Avenue and Chestnut Street

            Mrs. Lucy Marino (sister) 34 Ormond Place, Rosebank, S.I.


        VINCENT CICCARONE PLAYGROUND - 188th Street and Hughes Avenue

            Adam Ciccarone (brother) 2659 Bainbridge Avenue, Bronx

        LOUIS ZIMMERMAN PLAYGROUND - Barker Avenue, Olinville  Avenue
                                       and Britton Street

            Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman (mother) 1136 Clay Avenue, Bronx.

528 East 12th Street, New York, N.Y.

                         HISTORY OF
                      JOSEPH C. SAUER

      Joseph C. Sauer was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., May 8, 1896. He was the
only child. His family moved to New York in the neighborhood of the park
when he was one year old. He was graduated from the Redemptorist Parochial
School on East Fourth Street, between Avenues A and B, at the age of 14.

      He was a member of the Boys Club for ten years, and one of the most
prominent athletes ever produced by that organization. Ke was a member of
the Boys Club Basket Ball Team and Soccer Team, He was also prominent in
Track events, being a consistent point winner in Inter-Club Meets.

      After graduating from school, Sauer started to work for the Western
Electric Company. From there he obtained a position with a Silk House as a
Silk Examiner. At the death of his grandfather, Sauer and his mother took
over his grandfather's business, namely; basket manufacturing.  This
business he continued in until he entered the army on September 28, 1917, at 
which time he was the only support of a widowed mother. He was sent to
Camp Upton.  He was appointed a Bugler and assigned to Company F, 308th
Infantry, 77th Division.

      On April 6, 1918, his unit sailed for France and first saw action in
the Baccarat Sector in May, 1918. Private Sauer went through the fighting on
the Vesle, the St. Ivlihiel offensive and started the Meuse Argonne.

         On October 7, 1918, a detachment of h is company was cut off in the
Forest of the Argonne and it became necessary to get word to them through
the terrific enemy barrage. One man after the other was sent with a message
and failed to return. Finally, Sauer volunteered to carry the msseage
through. On his way he was shot in one leg but managed to get to the company
and get back to his coimmanding officer.  Just before he got back he was
shot in the other leg and fell. Although severely wounded he managed to
crawl forward and was able to deliver his message before he fell
unconscious. He died a few days later in the hospital from wounds.

       For this act of bravery, Private Joseph C. Sauer was awarded the
Distinguished Service Cross by General Pershing for extraordinary heroism in

       After the war his body was brought back from France.

47 West 138th Street, New York, N. Y.

                                 HISTORY OF
                               WILLIAM McCRAY

        William McCray, son of Matthew and Julia McCray, was born in New
York City, February 7, 1898. He was graduated from the New York Public
School. He enlisted at Now York City, June 4, 1917, in the 15th Infantry
N.Y.N. G., now known as the 369th Infantry.

        His regiment sailed for France on December 12, 1917 and shortly
after its arrival in that country became part of the 161st Division of
France under the command of General Levauc.

        Corporal McCray was killed in action in a local Infantry attack in
the Champagne Sector on September 12, 1918.

80-100 Grand Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

                                 HISTORY OF
                            WILLIAM E. SHERIDAN

             William E. Sheridan was born at Hawley, Pennsylvania, October
20, 1893. He was the son of James and Mary Sheridan. He was educated in the
local schools and left for New York City in 1911, where he was employed.  He
was appointed to the New York City Police Department on October 22,
1917. His police officer's shield was No. 6871 and he was attached to the
82nd Precinct in the Borough of Brooklyn. While a member of the Police
Department he was awarded commendation by the Police Honor Legion for an act
of conspicuous bravery, from which he received serious injuries requiring

         Sheridan enlisted in N ew York City on M ay 29, 1918 and was
assigned to the 19th Company, 152nd Depot Brigade and was transferred on
June 22nd, to Company B, 313th Infantry, 79th Division. He left the
United States in this Division for overseas duty on July 8, 1918. He died of
wounds from rachine gun bullets in the field in the Battle of the Argonne on
October 1, 1918. He was buried in the Province of Avocourt, France and his
body was shipped to his home in Hawley, Pennsylvania and re interred on July
17, 1920.  He was buried in this country with full military honors, in
charge of the Honor Legion, for having lived up to that Division's slogan,
"Until Death".

        American Legion Post No. 1059, composed of members of the New York
City Police Department, is known as the William E. Sheridan Police Post and
is named after this man who gave his life for his country. This playground
purchased and built with funds for the erection of the war memorial is
dedicated to his memory.

158th Place, 91st Avenue and Archer Avenue, Queens

                                 HISTORY OF
                            HOWARD A. VON DOHLEN

                               (SILVER STAR)
                             (POSTHUMOUS AWARD)

                HOWARD AMES VON DOHLEN (Army Serial
          No. 1209372), sergeant, Company B, 105th
          Machine Gun Battalion, 27th Division,
          American Expeditionary Forces.
          For gallantry in action at Lempire Post, France,
          September 27, 1918. On three separate
          occasions Sergeant Von Dohlen volunteered
          and carried wounded men to the dressing
          station, having to pass through a heavy
          counter-barrage of enemy artillery and
          machine-gun fire.

      Sergeant Howard A. Von Dohlen, son of Mrrtin James and Mary Elizabeth
Von Dohlen, was born April 15, 1895 in New York City. After graduating from
the Public School he entered the employ of the Stock Exchange Firm of
V. C. Brown and Company, New York City, in whose employ he stayed until he
enlisted in Troop D, Squadron A, Cavalry, N.Y.N.G. in June 1917. This unit
later became known as the 105th Machine Gun Battalion, 27th Division.

      At the time of Sergeant Von Dohlenfs enlistment his residence was 1540
Clinton Avenue, Ozone Park, L.I. He was a member of the Menfe Club Epiphany
Church of Ozone Park and Superintendent of the Sunday School Epiphany P.E.

         Von Dohlen was appointed Corporal while his unit was in
Spartanburg, S. G. during the winter of 1917-18 and by h is efficiency was
promoted t o Sergeant shortly before his unit sailed for France in May 1918.

           Sergeant Von Dohlen was in every engagement and battle in which
the 27th Division took part up to the date of his death, which occurred on
October 17, 1918, while commanding a Machine Gun Section in the Battle of La
Selle River, St. Supplet, France.

      He will always be remembered by those who knew him as a gallant
soldier and a man of splendid character.

115 & 114 Aves.,   Hollis Forest, St. Albans, Queens

                                 HISTORY OF
                             DANIEL M. O'COMELL

        Daniel M. O'Connell was born in New York City on May 8th, 1900. His
family moved to Rockaway Beach when he was seven years old. He attended
Public School 44 and served as altar boy at St. Rose of Lima's Church.

            He enlisted June 27, 1918 at the age of 18 years, in the 23rd
Regiment and went to the Mexican border where he saw considerable
service. He returned in the summer of 1917 and was transferred to the old
69th Regiment which later became the 165th and sailed for France with the
Rainbow Division in October of that year.

           He was killed in action July 29, 1918 during the Ourcq Offensive
and word of h is death was first contained in a Government report to his
mother, Mrs.  Mary O'Connell of Beach 88th Street, Rockaway Beach, N.Y.,
late September.

              He was cited for bravery and decorated with the Croix de
Guerre and is said to have been the youngest soldier so decorated. He was
only 18 years of age when he gave up h is life.

             The remains of the heroic young soldier were brought to this
country at the request of his family and arrived July 19, 1921.

Forest and Myrtle Avenues, Richmond

                                 HISTORY OF
                             AUSTIN J. MoDONALD

         Austin J. McDonald, son of Austin and Ellen (deceased) McDonald,
was torn October 26, 1892 in New York City.  He was graduated from Curtis
High School, Staten Island in 1909 and from City College of Nev; York with
an A. B. in 1913.  He then studied Accountancy at New York University and
was employed as Auditor for the Penn Coal and Coke Company until War was
declared. On April 6, 1917 he enlisted in Company E, 107th Infantry, 27th
Division and was killed in action at St. Quentln Canal, Hindenburg Line,
France, on September 29, 1918.

         His body was brought back to the United States and interred in
Greenwood Cemetery.

Barker Avenue, Olinville Avenue and Britton Street, Bronx

                       HISTORY OF
                    LOUIS ZIMMERMAN

       Corporal Louis Zimmerman, son of Joseph and Julia Zimmerman, was one
of a family of eight. He was born on April 20, 1895 in the neighborhood of
92nd Street and 3rd Avenue, Manhattan. He attended Public School #27 and
later graduated from Morris High School. Before entering the Army he was
employed as a Motorcycle Mechanic.

       At the time of his entering service his home was at 1352 Webster
Avenue, Bronx, N.Y.

       Corporal Zimmerman was a member of Headquarters Company 305th
Infantry, 77th Division and was in numerous engagements and battles in which
his regiment took part, until November 5, 1918 when he was killed in action
in the Argonne Meuse Offensive.

     188th Street and Bughes Avenue,
     New York, N.Y.

                                     HISTORY OF
                                  VINCENT CICCARONE

          Vincent Ciccarone, the youngest son and the last of the children
of Domenico and Cleuiiice Ciccarons. first saw the light of day on the early
morning of November 26th, 1886, in Tufiilo, Province of Chieta, Abbruzzi,
Italy (Adriatic Sea).

          His early days were spent in companionship with his older brothers
and sisters who were six in number, namely, Henry, Paul, Flora, Nicholas,
Adam (the only member at present residing in the United States) and Giaconda.

          From the age of six years to the age of twelve years, Vincent was
tutored in the elementary schools of the township and there received his
early training. After completion of his elementary career, he decided to
attend the Gymnasium, in this country better known as "high school". At the
age of eighteen years his high school education was successfully completed
and during this period Vincent's interest manifested itself in music and
spent much time in the study of musical topics. His musical studies were
abruptly put aside by the call to military service, which was compulsory
when young men reached the age of twenty years. He remained under military
discipline for three years, whereby he also progressed mentally by studying
courses prescribed by military council and developed physically by routine
calisthenics. During the time of his military career he received a medal of
honor as a "sharp shooter" and upon the completion of his military duty, he
was awarded the rank of "Corporal" in the Infantry.

          Vincent again returned to his native province and decided to
venture into business. He remained there until the age of twenty-five years,
when the urge of leaving this province became strong and after much
cogitation, resolved to embark for America, the land of opportunities.  Upon
arriving in New York City, he was greeted by his brother Adam, and resided
with him for two years. It was at this time that he made known his
intentions to become & citizen of the United States and prepared himself to
obtain this privilege.

          Again he desired to migrate, and his next choice of residence
was Norfolk, N.Y. There in this small city, he opened a general store
and continued his pursuit of music. He remained in Norfolk until he was
called to military duty by the United States Government in November, 1917.

[note: the continuation pages are missing]
DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Arsenal, Central Park                                       July 14, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000

               The "Learn to Swim" week canpaign conducted by the Park
Department with the Board of Education and many private pools cooperating,
during the present week, (July 9th to 14th) has drawn such a large nu!mber
of registrants each day that the Park Department has agreed to extend the
campaign through the nonth of July.

               A swimming meet for those who "graduate" from this course
will be held at one of the pools in each of the five boroughs at the end of
the month at which time a final list of those who have learned t o swim will
be available. These meets will have special features and attractions
including the presence of noted swimmers who will give demonstrations and

               The success of the "Learn to Swim" drive is due in a large
measure t o the splendid cooperation accorded by the Municipal Departments
and the commercial swimming pools.

               No charge has been made for children by the private pools
between the hours of 9:30 t o 11:30 A.M.

           The following have signified their willingness to join With the
Park Department in extending its "Learn to Swim" program:

MANHATTAN:       Riverside Cascades, 134th Street and Broadway
                 YMCA, 23rd Street and 8th Avenue
                 YMCA, (colored) 135th Street branch
                 YMCA,      "    137th Street branch
                 Lido Pool, "    146th Street and Lenox Avenue
BRONX:           Jerome Cascades, 168th Street and Jerome Avenue
                 Bronx Union YMCA, 470 East 161st Street and
                                  Washington Avenue
                 Metropolitan Pool, Westchester and Whitlock
BROOKLYN:        Betsey Head Park Pool, Hopkins on Avenue and
                                        Dumont Street
                 Farragut Pool, 1525 Albany Avenue at Farragut
RICHMOND:        Faber Park Pool, Faber Street, Richmond Terrace
                 Wolfe's Pond, Holston Street to Cornelia Avenue-
                                        Johnson Terrace
QUEENS:          Jamaica Pool, Venwyck Boulevard

          The following pools are open to adults:

MANHATTAN:       Riverside   Cascades, 134th Street and Broadway

BRONX:           Jerome Cascades, 168th Street and Jerome Avenue
                 Metropolitan Pool, Westchester and Whitlock
QUEENS:          Jamaica Pool, Venwyck Boulevard.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
ARSENAL BLDG. CENTRAL PARK                                   July 13, 1934
REGENT 4-1000

      A Singles One Wall Invitation A. A. U. Handball Tournament
is scheduled for Jacob Riis Park, Rockavray Beach. Long Island,
Sunday, July 15, beginning at 10 A.M.

      There will be no charge for admission, although some of
the greatest handball players in the country will participate in
the Tournament, among them Jack Seaman, Cy Alexander, Ben Yedlin,
Goldman and Goldstein - the latter national A. A.U. Champion.

"Learn to Swim Campaign"                For Release Thursday, July 12th, 1934
Dept. of Parks,
Regent 4- 1000

             More than 5000 children in New York City, unable to swim, have
registered with the park playground directors and are receiving free
admission and instruction at all of the public and some of the private
swimming pools in the City.  The "learn to swim" campaign, which is being
conducted by the Park Department, although scheduled to end Saturday, in all
probability will be extended through the entire month of July as many
children who registered late, missed the early lessons.

             Cooperating with the Department of Parks in this movement to
teach more children to swim are the City pools, Faber at Richmond, and Betsy
Head in Brooklyn, the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. pools, the Board of Education
pools and members of the Outdoor Pool Owners Association, headed by the two
Cascades Pools, the Miramar, Starlight Park, the Metropolitan and Lido
Pools.  At the Riverside Cascades 220 children were given free instruction

             Following is a list of the playgrounds where children may
apply for tickets and registration to take advantage of the "learn to swim"
course of instruction if they have not already done so:--


 (Playgrounds) -   Colonial - Bradhurst Ave. -    St. Nicholas - 150th St.
                   Carmansville - 152nd Street    - Amsterdam Avenue
                   Annunciation - 134th Street    and Amsterdam Avenue
                   Jasper Oval - 136th Street     - Convent Avenue
                   St. Nicholas - St. Nicholas    Avenue - 128th Street
                   Morningside - 123rd Street     and Morningside Avenue
                   Mt. Morris - 120th Street      and Madison Avenue

                   West 59th St. - Between 10th and 11th Avenue
                   Heckscher - Central Park - 7th Avenue - 62nd Street
                   DeWitt Clinton Park - 11th Avenue - 52nd to 54th Street
                   Chelsea - 9th and 10th Avenue - West 28th Street
                   67th and West End Avenue Playground

                   Queensboro - 59th Street - York Avenue
                   John Jay - 77th Street East River
                   St. Catherine's - 67th Street - 1st Avenue
                   St. Gabriel's Park - 36th Street - 1st and 2nd Avenue

                   Dyckman - Dyckman and Pay son Avenue
                   Isham Park - Seaman Avenue 214th Street
                   Highbridge - 188th Street - Amsterdam Avenue

                   Lyons Sq.. Playground - Whit lock & Bryant Avenues
                   Pulton Playground - 169th Street near Pulton Avenue

                   Crotona - West PI. Gr, 174 - Pulton Avenue
                   Crotona - East - Near Charlotte Street
                   Echo Playground - 178th. Street Ryer Avenue

                   St. James Kecreation Building - Claremont Park

                   St. Mary'a Playground West-148th St. - St. Ann's Avenue
                   St. Mary's East - Trinity Avenue - East 146th Street
                   Pulaski Playground - 133rd Street - Willis Avenue
                   Melrose - 161st Street - Cortlandt Avenue


                   Betsy Head - DuPont and Hopkins St.
                   Riverdale Avenue - Sackman Street
                   (New Lots) Lincoln Terrace -
                        Rochester Ave., E. New York Ave.
                   Avenue L - East 95th Street Playground
                   Bushwick Playground - 
                        Putnam Avenue - Bet. Knickerbocker & Irving St.
                   Tompkins Park - Lafayette Avenue & Tompkins St.
                   McKitfben Playground - White & Siegel Street
                   Lindsay Playground - Boerum & Leonard Streets

                   Flatbush Playground - Wm. E. Kelly Playground
                         Ave. S - 3 . 14th St.
                   Bay Parkway Y Avenue P Playground
                   Sunset Park - 44th Street - 6th Avenue
                   Gravesend Playground - 18th Avenue - 56th Street

                   McKinley Park - 75th St. - Port Hamilton Parkway

              Children may apply for free admission directly at the Fober
pool in Richmond and at Wolfe's Pond where free instruction is being given
during the entire campaign.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Arsenal, Central Park                                   July 7, 1934
REGENT 4-1000

             "Learn to Swim," week, sponsored by the Department of Parks,
officially open on Monday, July 9th and as many as 5,000 people will be able
t o receive free swimming lessons in various public and private
pools. Simultaneously with the organizations which have united in furthering
the "Learn to Swim" week campaign in response to a call issued by the
Department of Parks, the Board of Education has brought more than 35
swimming pools under its own jurisdiction into the city wide movement.

              Twenty-two individual public and privately owned swimming
pools will open on July 9th with free admission and free instruction for
children. No admission charge will be made at any of the pools except at the
three Y.W.C.A. pools, where a charge of 10¢ for each child will be made
to cover the required medical examinations.

              Among the twenty-two pools are those which are operated
by the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., City College of New York, Department of
Parks and a majority of the pools which are members of the Pool
Owners Association of New York.

              A call to all playground supervisors has been issued by the
Recreation Division of the Department of Parks to enlist every available
volunteer swiivnning instructor and attendant who is willing to donate his
services to the success of this cause.  5,000 cards of admission will be
distributed at the playgrounds located near the pools which have joined the
"Learn to Swim5' campaign.

           Following is a schedule of swimming pools at which all beginners
may receive free swimming lessons during the entire week, if they will apply
for cards at the playgrounds nearest the pools named below.

           Many of the pools who have joined the campaign have sent
representatives to the headquarters at the Arsenal, Central Park, asking
that "Learn to Swim" week be extended until the end of July, With the
cooperation of instructors and volunteers the extension of time may be


           Riverside Cascade - 134th St. and Broadway - 9:30 to 11:30
           Miramar Pool        410 W. 207th St. - 9:30 to 11:30 A.M.
           C.C.H.Y. Pool       Hygiene Building, C.C.N.Y. - 9:00 to
                                                             11:30 A.M.
           Y.M.C.A.'s Pools    West Side Branch - 10:00 A.M. to 12
           Y.M.C.A. Pool       23rd Street Branch ~ 10:30 A.M. to 12
           Y.M.C.A. Pool       135th Street
           Y.W.C.A.'s Pools    Central Branch - 1:30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.
           Y.W.C.A. Pool       West Side Branch - 2:00 P.M. to 2:30
           Y.W.C.A. Pool       137th Street Branch
           London Terrace Pool West 23rd Street - free instructions
                               to residents only.


           Jerome Cascades             168th St. and Jerome Ave. - 9:30 A.M.
                                                                  to 11:30 A.M.
           Starlight Park Pool 177th St. and Bronx River - 9:30 to
                                                                  11:30 A.M.
           Bronxdale Pool      Bronxdale Avenue - 9:30 to 11:30 A.M.
           Metropolitan Pool   Westchester Ave. - 9:30 to 11:30 A.M.
           Castle Hill Park    Castle Hill Ave. - 9:45 to 11:45 A.M.
           Lido Pool           146th St. and Lenox Ave. - 9:30 to
                                                  11:30 A.M.
           Bronx Union Y.M.C.A. 161st Street

                                 BROOKLYN AMD QUEENS

             Betsey Head Pool           Hopkinson Ave. - 9:30 t o 11:30 A.M.
             Faber Pool                 Richmond Terrace - 9:30 t o 11:30 A.M.
             Farragut Pool              Farragut Road - 9:30 t o 11:30 A.M.
             Jamaica Pool               Venwyck Boulevard - 7:30 P.M.

             The Lido Pool, the 135th Street Branch of the Y.M.C.A., and the
137th Street Branch of the Y.W.C.A. will be reserved for colored children.

             Adults may receive free instruction at the Metropolitan Pool
every evening at 7 P.M. by applying for cards.

             Adults may receive free instruction at the following pools for
a small admission charge.

          Jerome Cascades -- 160th Street and Jerome Ave.
          Starlight Park - - 177th Street and Bronx River
          Miramar Pool    -- 410 West 207th Street

ARSENAL BUILDING                                  FOR IMMEDIATE
CENTRAL PARK                ·                          RELEASE

                                                    JUL 6  1934


            Thirty Five (35) Members of the Womens' Swimming Association of
New York, will inaugurate "Learn to Swim Week", on Sunday, July 8th, 1934 at
2 P.M. in a series of competitive ocean swimming exhibition events at Jacob
Riis Park.

            Under the supervision of the Department of Parks, thirty five
(35) women swimmers will appear in four (4) ocean swimming events.  The
events will include half-mile, quartermile and 250 yd. races around life
buoys, with a novelty event in which the swimmers will swim into the surf
and carry objects to the finish line.

              The Meet is sanctioned by the-Amateur Athletic Union and
officials will include the Womens' Swimming Chairman in the Metropolitan
District A.A.U., Miss Charlotte Epstein - who will act as Timekeeper.  Other
officials include Mr. L. deB. Handley, Coach of the Womens' Swimming
Association, who will act as referee; Miss Alice Lord Landon, Former Amateur
Diving Champion, Mr. Fred F. Delany, Mr. Paul Lockwood, Father Murray,
Chris. Dalton, Mr. M.  E. Aubell, and Miss Elsie Viets, who will act as
Judges and Timers.

                Trophies will be awarded to winners of first, second
and third places in each of the events.

                Following is a list of those who have already entered
the swim:

                Marie Berger    Adeline Buschow Dorothea Dickinson
                Evelyn Fogler Elizabeth Harrison Helen Hendry
                Doris Henley    Florence Hughes Natalie Irvine
                Margaret Kirschoff Erna Kompa    Elizabeth Kompa
                Catherine Mattern Louise Murphy Marie Pechette
                Ottlie Schachtsiek Catherine Goetz Mary Flanagan
                Dorothy Jung     Dorothy Lubin    3Daan T.cAuley
                Value Phillips   Grace Morgenweck

                 The other entries are expected to swell the total to
more than 35.
Arsenal, Central Park                        July 3, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000 

             Stringent rules regarding undressing in cars were enforced at
Jacob Riis Park and other Rockaway Beaches over the week-end.

             Several summonses were issued in the Rockaway District, and in
             the Riis Park Auto Parking Fields.

             Notice was given yesterday through the Department of Parks -
that bathers who drive their cars into Parking Stations, and make a complete
change of clothing after swimming, will receive summonses which will result
in fines.

            Notice was also given that owners are forbidden to park their
cars on the highways.

Arsenal, Central Park                             July 3, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000

                At the request of Mr. August Hecksoner, the playground in
Brooklyn, 'bounded by Grove and Linden Streets and between Central and
Wilson Avenues, which he founded in 1930, has been placed under the
direction and supervision of the Recreation Division of the Department of
Parks, beginning today.

                This property, which is improved with a recreation building,
containing a dental clinic and indoor play facilities, is valued at
$100,000. The summer schedule for this playground includes Kindergarten
activities, song plays, puppet shows, story telling, instruction in
handicraft and other activities which appeal to younger children.

                This is the second playground which Mr. Heckscher has
requested the Department of Parks to operate. The playground in Central
Park, which also bears his name and which likewise was made possible by
Mr. Heckscher's generosity, is one of the most popular playgrounds for small

                The Heckscher Playground in Brooklyn heretofore has been
under the direction of the Heckscher Foundation, but effective today, its
operation will be taken over by the Recreation Division of the Department of

ARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK                                     7/3/34
Tel. Regent 4-1000

          New York parks and playgrounds in all the five boroughs have
planned celebrations for tomorrow, every program, to be opened by "Salute to
the Flag" and several to be featured by flag drills.  Playlets, concerts of
patriotic music and songs, drills, marches, games,pageants and athletic
events will mark the day's activities.

          Programs in the playgrounds will open at 10 A.M. and continue, in
          a few cases, through early afternoon.

          All festivals and plays will open at 2 P.M.

          In Manhattan - at Chelsea, Corlear's Hook, Hamilton Fish,
Queensboro, Thomas Jefferson, Hudson, DeWitt Clinton, Playground Lawn, North
Meadow, Jasper Oval, Reservoir Oval, Inwood Hill and Coleman Park
playgrounds, baseball ganes will start at 10 A.M.  and continue until 6 P.M.

          There will be special programs, including patriotic numbers during
the forenoon at Heckscher, Gulick, John Jay, Sutro and Saint Gabriel's
Playgrounds in Manhattan.  The afternoon's program for Manhattan includes
festivals and Athletic meets at the following points:

         Annunciation, Battery, Garl Schurz, Coleman, Colonial, Columbus,
Corlears Hook,- DeLancey and Eldridge Streets; DeWitt Clinton; Downing
Street; Gulick; Hamilton Fish; Hamilton Place, Heckscher; Highbridge, 169th,
177th and 189th; Hudson; Seanan Avo,, and Isham Street; Jaspar Oval; John
Jay; John J. Murphy; Morningside 123rd; Payson Avenue & Dyckman Street;
Riverside, (6th; St. Catherine's; St. Gabriel's; St.Nicholas Terrace;
Steward; Sutro; Thomas Jefferson; Thompkins Square; West 59th Street;
Yorkville; Barrow Street, Pier; Third Stroot Pier; 129th Street Pier and
Market Street Pier.  A typical program is that announced for Mirket Street
Pier, which follows: 1, Salute to the flag; 2, Singing of the Patriotic
Songs; 3, Playground Songs; 4, Patriotic Recitations by Children; 5, 40 yard
dash; 6, Potato Race; 7, Broad Jump; 8 Sack Race; 9, Distribution of prizes,
10, Star-Spangled Banner.


              Color Guard Drill will open the exercises for Independence Day
at Mosholu Playground; the Music Club will sing Star Spangled Banner; there
will be recitations by children and a dancing special-Military Tap.

              Girls' Events in the Athletic Program include a 30 yard
dash, potato race for the 4 ft 8 inch class; boys1 events will be
40 yard dash, obstacle race for the 4ft.8 in. class and a 220 relay
broadjump for the 5ft 3 in. class. Girls will contest with boys in
the Punch Ball Game.

              Crotona Park will have athletic activities including a
punch ball game; a volley ball game and races. These events will be
preceded by the Reading of the Declaration; a talk on the meaning
of July 4th and a program of patriotic songs and poems.

              Macomb's Recreation Centre will start the day with patriotic
exercises; singing of the Star Spangled Banner and a short talk on the
purpose of the celebration. Girls Athletic Events and games will be: Jump
the Shot; Going to Jerusalem; Over and Under relay; Broom Dance; Long
Distance Basket Ball throw and, for the little girls: Magic Capet, Potato
Race; Hopping Race; Cracker and Whistle Contest and Rope Jumping Contest.

              The Senior Boys' events will include Scrambled Potatoes; Jump
the Shot; Ping Pong Blowing Contest; Finger Twirl and Broom Dance, while the
Junior, boys will have Cracker and Whistle; Potato Race; Obstacle race;
Snatch club and three legged race. The directors' Events are All Up Relay;
travelling forward relay and directors vs Playground Baseball Game.

              Lyons Square has a patriotic program which includes the
production of a one-act play "The Spirit of '76" by L.C.Van derVeer,
a military drill by the dancing class and a community choral.

              Croton Park, West, after the flag saluite, will start the clay
with a patriotic march and story and have the song plays "Tin Soldiers; Let
your feet go tramp, tramp, tramp; and Did you ever see a Lassie? The older
children will sing patriotic songs and play songs will be sung by the little
ones.  There will be exciting tournaments for boys and girls in ping pong,
checkers and shu-quois.  The forenoon programm will end with a colorful

              There will be baseball, soft ball and punch ball, with
dashes, relays and potato races anong the the track events.

              St. Mary's East, has an ambitious program which includes a
talk on the meaning of Independence Day; singing of patriotic songs and
junior and senior athletic ganes and track events, including squad hopping;
s p r i n t and walkraces; jumping sidewalk races; running jumps; bear races
; walking backward races; sack races, back to back races and rope jumping
races .

              Claremont Park announces a fire cracker race after the
patriotic concert; a flag relay for big girls, Crossing the Delaware for
small girls and among the athletic events; 2 thirty yard races and one
forty yard race as well as a pursuit race.


              Richmond will celebrate Independence Day with a Members
Tournament at the Golf course of the Silver Lake Golfers' Club.  There will
be a water Carnival at Faber Park Pool; small childrens' festivals and games
at Faber Park Playground: athletic games for boys and girls, large and
smalll at Mariners y Harbor as well as at Richmond and Rosebank
Playgrounds. At Stapleton Playground there will be a small childrens'
festival, with story telling and elocu tion. At Westerleigh there will be a
band concert at 2 P.M. and dancing at night, in cooperation with, the
Westerleigh Improvement Society. At Wolfe's Pond Park and at Clove Park,
model yacht regattas are announced.  There will be a baseball game at Cloves
Park, also.


           John Andrews Playground, at Queens., will begin its Independence
Day exercises at 2 P.M. There will be flag salute, patriotic songs and music
[illegible...]  The Declaration will be read at College Point, Waterfront;
there will be flag salute, music and flag relay races, as well as other
novel races. A patriotic rally and field events will mark the day's
exercises, beginning at 2:.30 in Newtown Play ground.

           Field Meet Activities, as well as patriotic songs and recitations
and stirring music, will feature July 4th at Jackson Pond: 3 P.M.  At 1
o'clock Brookville Park's Independence Program will open and will include
athletic events track meet and baseball.  Kissena Park announces simply a
celebrations. At one o'clock; and no details are given of the arrangements
for the oontinued celebrations scheduled for the same hour at College Point
Waterfront.  There will be boat races in the afternoon, after the patriotic
pro- gram at Bowne Park.

           A flag drill, obstacles races, games and patriotic songs will be
included in the Astoria Park program, beginning 10:30 A.M.  At Rainey Park,
relay races, and unspecified athletic contests will follow the salute to the
flag, the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, recitations and flag drill.
Program begins at 3 P.M.

           At noon, in Bridge Plaza Playground, the Declaration will be read
after the singing of the National Anthem. There will be a flag drill,
recitations and racing.  St.Albans Memorial Park will celebrate with
patriotic exercises and races, 11 A.M.

           A patriotic rally will be the chief eveiit of the observance cf
the day at Dry Harbor Playground, 2 P.M.

           Alley Pond Park will introduce Hare and Hounds, a baseball game
and a basket ball game at 3 o'clock exercises which will begin with
patriotic songs and talks.

           Crocheron Park's program will start at 1:30 p.m. and will include
singing of the national anthem, dances, games and athletic events.  At
Anawanda Park, girls will participate in a basket ball throw.  There will be
a band concert, and tap dancing, all to follow a program of song and story
dealing with the day and its meaning.

           Overlook will have an all day celebration including games
music, dancing and patriotic observances, There will be a celebration in the
afternoon at 2 in the Greenhouse.

           The program at Victory Field will be informal and patriotic - a
safe and sane celebration from 1 to 6 p.m.  Checker Tennis and Punch Ball
will be attractions at Howard Beach, and there will be tournaments of boys
vs girls from 3 to 5.

           Highland Park's Independence Day Celebration will last
from 10 to 5 P.M.


           Aside from the scheduled playground program in Brooklyn,
Independence Day will be celebrated at the bandstand, at 10 A.M.  Prospect
Park, by an Independence day Program under auspices of the 4th degree,
Knights of Columbus. At the same hour on 4th Avenuo and Third Street the
Public Forum of Brooklyn Heights, Inc., will have its 12th annual
celebration, commemorating the 158th anniversary of the Battle of Long
Island on this historic block site and calling attention to the recent
uncovering of the old Gowanus House near there. At TJensonhurst the Civic
Association of the 16th Assembly District will hold its annual celebration
at the same hour while at 1 P.M. the brownsville Post of the American Legion
will conduct patriotic services in Zion Park.

           At Betsy Head, there will be an address by a World War Hero
Veteran after a Local Civic Welfare Worker reads the Declaration of
Independence.  There will be a pledge to the Flag: exhibition of horizontal
bar and apparatus feats by club gymnasts; exhibition tennis match by leading
public courts players; exhibition horse-shoe pitching contests; a baseball
game; presentation of prizes and, as the finale, singing of "The Star
Spangled banner."

           There will be a flag drill at New Lots, reading of the
Declaration; medal presentation to winners of the June Track events.
Athletic events including Dodge ball, forty rod dashes, potato races for
girls and Boys' track and field events; tumbling exhibition; handball
exhibition wi th Harry Goldstein, National A.A.W.  Champion featured; punch
ball game, weight lifting contest and other important athletic numbers.
There will be music and song to start it all.

           "Betsy Ross", and "Washington's Farewell Address", one
act plays will be produced at the Red Hook Playground, together
with patriotic musical program, group singing and a varied athletic

           Events in the Independence Day Track and Field Championship will
be judged by Park and Playground Officials at Bushwick Playground, during a
program beginning at 2 P.M.  The Athletic events will follow the reading of
the Declaration of Independence.  Frank Joseph will direct the meet.
Mr. John J. Donning will be referee.

           At Seaside Park, Coney Island, an ambitious program of singing,
dancing and reading will follow the Salute to the Flag and the reading of
the Declaration of Independence.  A playlet, "The Ringing of the Liberty
Bell" will be produced; kindergarten children will do pantomine songs; boy
scouts will put on a drill and there will be an assorted athletic event

            Vanderbilt Playground's celebration embraces races for boys and
girls. Recitations by boys and girls, choral singing, reading of the
Declaration and singing of the Star-Spangleed Banner, Prizes will be awarded
to winners of the races.  Winners of al1 the track and field events
scheduled for Independence Day at Mclaughlin Playground, will be awarded
medals.  After the patriotic program with sports will be put on, for girls
and boys in both junior and senior classes.

             Dyker Beach Playground will have a spirited sports carnival
following the program of national music and songs. One feature announced is
a tether ball contest.  There will be horseshow pitching contests, as well
as track and field sports events.

             The City Park Playground will have a Paddle Tennis Tournament
to celebrate Independence Day.  To be decided are Boys' single championship
of City Park; Girls' single championship an,d mixed doubles championship.
There will be track events for different classes of boys and girls, with
regard to height.

             At Cooper Park, track meet events will, follow the reading of
the Declaration and singing of the Star Spangled Banner. One of the events
will be a novelty race, hands on head run. A track and field athletic meet
will be included in the McKinley Playground celebration of July 4.  There
will be individual and group games, including a LaCrosse demonstration.
Checker and Chess tournaments, a Volley Ball Game, Basketball Contest,
Soccer Game, Indoor baseball game and punch ball game are among the nunbers
on the card.

             Lincoln Terrace playground celebrants, after hearing the
Declaration read and assisting in the singing of the national anthem, will
enjoy a program of sports embracing a hopple race, basket ball throw,
Honeymoon relay, sack race, potato race, dashes and monkey races.  The
finale of the program will be a patriotic drill.  Boys events for July 4 at
Lincoln Terrace Park will follow the program af national music and song.
Running broad jump, ring swinging contest dashes and club relay will be

             Lindsay Park's patriotic celebration will be followed by folk
dancing, tap dancing and fciney dancing, as well as track events for boys
and girls.

             At Gravesend, a one act play will follow the singing of the
Star Spangled Banner and reading of the Declaration; as well as other
patriotic expressions.  An indoor baseball game, a basket ball game, dashes,
running broad jumps, standing broad jumps and horse shoe pitching are among
the events announced.

Girls and boys of Kelly Memorial Playground, after participating in a full
patriotic program, will contest in various field and track events in their
separate classes.  These will include, as a novelty, a jacks contests. The
program will end in a Flag Relay Drill.

             A festival, with a full program of music, recitations, singing
and drills will follow the exercises to begin with the singing of the
national anthem at the 56th and 2nd Avenue playground,

             A Boxing bout will be a feature of the celebration at
Bushwick after the young Americans gather to sing the national songs and
hear the national Declaration read.  There will be songs by the Bushwick
Park quartette.

             Recitations, races and team games will follow the musical
program at McKibben Park Playground.

             Cooper Park Program includes many ftrack and field events for
boys and girls. Boys and girls at McCarron Park will have games, track and
field events on their program.

              Bay Parkway Playground events, after choral singing and band
music and drills, are track and field numbers for boys and girls.  Song and
athletic exercises for both boys and girls.

               Community Singing at Fort Green Park, will follow fleg
exercises and recitations and be followed in turn by a big card of track and
field events, winding up with a boxing exhibition Rao vs Ceres. There will
be a treasure hunt and a gymnast drill.

               Bushwick Playground has a good athletic program, as well as
one of patriotic exercises. At McKibben Playgrounds, track meet events will
be interspersed by other sports, following the exercises in celebration of
the day.

               Marching, indoor baseball, flag drill fancy dancing, tug of
war, lilting song and Volley Ball game Till be part of the exercises at
Carroll Park.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel. Regent 4-1000.

               Twenty Five (25) Sailing canoes have already entered the
First Annual Riis Park Ocean Sailing Races to be held Wednesday, July 4th,
1934, beginning at 11:30 A.M. in front of the Jacob Riis Park Pavilion,
under the sanction of the Associated Canoe Clubs of Sheepshead Five.

               Five Canoe Clubs, including the Miramar and Mic-mac,
Sheepshead Bay and Thall Canoe Clubs are represented.

               The open sailing races will include 3 classes of Boats:

                  The Class A-which is 20 ft. long, and carries 135 sq.
                                  ft. of sail;

                  The Class B-Racing Canoe, which is 18 ft.long,and
                              carries 105 ft. of s a i l ;

                  The Class B-Cruiser, which is 18 ft.long, and carries
                              sail with mast not over 14 ft.high,

               All members of Canoe Clubs are invited to participate
in the events Wednesday norning, and Trophies will be awarded to
crews of the first three winning sail boats in each class.

               It was announced yesterday by the Department of Parks
that flat trucks would transport all sailing canoes to Jacob Riis
Park Beach. All Canoes coming from Sheepshead Bay are to land on
shore near Riis Park Dock, in Jamaica Bay, east of the Ferry Slip,
from 8 to 10.30 A.M.

               All entries must be received at the Administration office at
Jacob Riis Park by Tuesday, July 3rd.

               The course will be 2-½ miles around markers, set with

          Entries received to date are as follows:

A-CLASS, 20 ft. 135 sq. ft. Sail:

                       Water Wagon
                       Ride Away
                       Phant on
                       Black Gat
                       Deb ona ir
                       Taboo II
                       Voy Ageur

B-CLASS, Racing, 18 ft. - 135 sq. ft. sail:

                        Knee Deep
                        Sea Wing

B-CLASS Cruiser: 18 ft. 135 sq.ft. sail:

                        Seven Seas
                        Bunny II
                        Private Peer"

            An additional novelty event to be held the sane afternoon will
be flat botton Row Boat Race.  The course will be marked off by buoys.  Cash
prizes will be given for this race.  Entries are open only to expert
swimmers.  Ample protection will be given to entrants by motor boats and
life boats stationed along the course.

            Free calesthenic classes will be held on the beach under the
direction of recreational department supervisors at 11:00 a.m 2:00 and 4:00


Arsenal, Central Park,                 FOR IMMEDIATE: RELEASE
New York City, N.Y.
Tel. Regent 4-1000

          The Department of Parks has made arrangements for Mr. Montgomery
Ogden, one of the recognized authorities on tennis, to give free instruction
to boys and juniors holding park permits. The Eastern Lawn Tennis
Association is cooperating with the Department of Parks in the movement.

            The schedule of Mr. Ogden is as follows:

  Monday   July 2 - Central Park, 93rd St. & Central Park West
  Tuesday    " 3 - McKinley Park,Brooklyn, Bay Ridge and Ft.
                    Banditon Parkway.
  Thursday   " 5 - Crotona Park, Bronx.
  Friday     " 6 - Forest Park, Woodhaven-Park Lane, South and
                    90th Street.
  Saturday   " 7 - Livingston Park, Staten Island, Davis Ave.
                    Bard and Delafield Place.
  Monday       " 9    Central Park
  Tuesday      » 10   McKinley Park
  Wednesday    " 11   Crotona Park
  Thursday     " 12   Forest Park
  Friday       " 13   Gravesend Park,Brooklyn, 56th St. & 18th Ave.
  Monday       " 16   Central Park
  Tuesday      " 17   Kelly Memorial Park, Brooklyn, Ave. S and
                      East 14th Street.
  Wednesday    " 18 Macombs D  am Ext. Bronx, 161st St. & Jerome Ave
  Thursday     " 19 Kissena Park,   Flushing, Rose St. & Oak Ave.
  Friday       " 20
                      Silver Lake Park, Staten Island, Victory Blvd.
                      and Forest Avenue,
  Monday       " 23   Central Park
  Tuesday      " 24 Gravesend Park, Brooklyn.
  Wednesday    " 25 Crotona Park
  Thursday     " 26   Forest Park
  Friday         27 - Riverside Park, N.Y.C.,172nd St. and
                      Riverside Drive.

         Those wishing to avail themselves of this instruction
must be on the tennis courts at 9 a.m. sharp.

Arsenal, Central Park                              June 29, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000

         The Recreation Division of the Department of Parks
will sponsor a "Learn to Swim" week, July 9 to 14, at all
public and many of the private swimming pools in New York City.

         Representative's of the following agencies attended a
meeting today to discuss plans for holding the classes of

Department of Parks, New York City       Crime Prevention Bureau
Board of Education, New York City        Van Cortlandt Park Swimming Pool
Park Central Swimming Pool                           
Castle Hill Swimming Pool                Pare Vendome Swimming Pool
St. George Swimming Pool                 Cascades Swimming Pool
London Terrace Swimming Pool             Y.M.C.A.
Community Councils                       Y.W.C.A.
                                         Red Cross

          It was the consensus of opinion of those attending the meeting
that there would be a large number of people, adults as well as children, in
New York who do not know how to swim and who might be induced to learn if
the campaign were inaugurated.

          It was stated by one of the authorities that the loss of life by
children through drowning could be decreased by at least &fo if all agencies
would cooperate in furthering the success of the "Learn to Swim" drive.

          The Board of Education will have 31 swimming pools in operation
during the summer.  Non-swimmers will be given free instructions at these
pools during the week of July 9 to 14 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

          Most if not all of the private swimming pools will offer special
rates to non-swimmers during that week at certain hours.

          The Women's Swimming Association is arranging for champions to
give exhibitions at a number of swimming, pools every day of "Learn to
Swim" week.  Other exhibitions will be arranged for the public pools.

          It was the sense of those attending the meeting that a genuine
need existed in New York City for more outdoor swimming pools.

          Those agencies which are willing to cooperate in the movement are
urged to communicate immediately with the Recreation Division of the
Department of Parks.

          It was pointed out during the meeting that children who learn to
swim and who participate in wholesome recreational activities are less apt
to become juvenile delinquents during the vacation period.

          The Board of Education has included swimming among the requisites
for graduation from high schools where swimming facilities are available.

          Further details will be announced shortly.

Arsenal, Central Park                              June 27, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000

           The Gypsy Moth, one of nature's most deadly enemies, has made its
first appearance of the season in the vicinity of East 180th Street and
Morris Park Avenue in the Bronx, according to a statement issued by the Park
Department through i t s Forestry Division,

           Last week a family living in t h is area noticed a small
detachment of caterpillars feeding on the lower leawes of an oak tree which
had been the treasure of their garden for many years. In the belief that
they were just ordinary worms, the family dealt with the first contingent in
the approved manner for exterminating pests of this kind, but the Gypsy Moth
is not exterminated so easily, and the species strikes almost without
warning. The following day more caterpillars appeared than had been present
the previous day and they set to work devouring the leaves of the large oak
tree.  The owners of the property scraped the worms off by the pailful,
applied kerosene to the trunk and branches of the tree and buried the
caterpillars in the garden soil but the pest only increased greatly in
number and the Park Department was called upon for advice.

           While the Park Department does not inspect the trees and
plantings on private property, it seemed advisable to check this report as a
precautionary measure.  An inspection disclosed an infestation of the Gypsy
Moth. The situation was also reported to the Division of Forester Pest
Control of the Conservation Department of the State of New York.
Representatives from the State Division conferred with the officials of the
Park Department and assured them that while the matter was in the hands of
the State they would welcome full cooperation on the part of the Park
Department and the general public.

           Anyone finding an area which seems to be infested with the Gypsy
Moth is urged to report the circumstances to the office of the Chief
Forester of the Park Department, Arsenal, Central Park, 64th Street and
Fifth Avenue, Telephone - Regent 4-1000, Extension 120. In this way
citizens will aid the proper agencies in the spread of this pest. In order
to avoid possible infestation of other areas by possible loss in transit of
specimens, it is requested that no specimen be removed from the locations in
which they are present. The Park Department will have an inspection made of
all localities so reported and will advise the State and Federal authorities
of additional area where the Gypsy Moth exists so that proper action can be
taken by these agencies without delay.

          The Gypsy Moth caterpillar is about two inches long and is covered
with dark stiff hairs. Pairs of spots are arranged along its length; 12
spots are red and 10 are dark blue. The head of the pest is fairly large,
yellow in color with black markings. There are no other larvae in this
section o? the country bearing these red and blue markings.

          After the insect in the caterpillar stage has ceased to feed on
growing plants (generally about this date in this latitude) it becomes more
or less dormant and is encased in a cocoon as a moth on the bark of a
tree. It emerges later as a moth about l½ inches long. The eggs generally
are deposited on the bark of trees in yellowish masses and these later hatch
out into voracious feeding caterpillars.

          There is no intention on the part of officials of the various
agencies to alarm the residents of any of the boroughs unduly, but in view
of the destruction which the Gypsy Moth can accomplish in the absence of
precautionary measures, it is advisable to acquaint the public with the
facts and to ask cooperation by reporting areas believed to be infested to
the Park Department.

Arsenal, Central Park                              June 27, 1934
Tel. Regent 4-1000

           The Jacob Riis Park life guards will hold a swimming meet and
give a series of life saving demonstrations in front of the Riis Park
Pavilion this Sunday at noon, according to an announcement issued by the
Department of Parks today.  Thirty of the guards will participate.

           Among the events to be held, the launching of boats through the
surf will be one of the most difficult.  Ability of the guards to
successfully launch their boats through the waves without accident; their
skill as oarsmen, and proficiency in bringing the drowning victim ashore
will be carefully judged.

            Other tests include a 200 yard swim with a life buoy, speed
swimming races and life saving demonstrations by the Schaefer method.  The
latter method, developed by Sir Edward Shartey Schaefer of Edinburgh
University, is commonly known as the prone pressure system now used by the
Police, the emergency crews of all gas and electric companies and by well
trained life guards.  An oxygen inhalator forms part of the equipment.

           The Schaefer method may be described briefly as follows: The
patient is placed face downward and one hand is placed under the face to
facilitate breathing.  The attendant then straddles the legs of the patient
and places his fingers four inches apart, following.the course of the lower
ribs.  He throws his weight forwardto a point reaching the vertical position
of the body and then releases his weight from the ribs with a quick snap and
returns to the first position.  This operation is repeated 12 to 15 times a

          Supplementary treatment is given by other guards as the above
measures are in progress.  This includes massaging the body toward the heart
and the use of hot pads under the armpits, around the limbs and under the
heart. All tight clothing of the patient should be loosened and the body
covered with a blanket.

          Parking space at Jacob Riis Park is provided almost directly
adjacent to the shore line where the contests will take place.  The parking
fee is 250 per car. The existing parking area is sufficient to accommodate
4,000 cars, but these facilities are being increased to take care of 7,500
cars by July 1st. Swimming lockers are available at 350 for adults and 150
for children, bath houses at 750,and suits for men or women may be rented
for 500 None of these prices are increased on Saturdays, Sundays or

Arsenal, Central Park                      June 21,1934
Tel. Regent 4-1OOO

           The Park Department announced today, through its Division of
Recreation, that for the first time in the history of the Department, day
camps will be opened July 9th in the following parks:

           Pelham Bay Park- at the site known as the
           Mothers' Pavilion and Shelter, where two
           wading pools, two large pavilions, first
           aid room, lunch room and game room are

           Van Cortlandt Park- two locations have been
           designated, one near the picnic grounds at
           Mosholu avenue, and another about ¼ mile
           north of the Mosholu Golf Course, and ¼ mile
           east of Woodlawn (I.R.T. Jerome Ave. Line)

           Inwood Hill Park- at a site approximately
           200 feet from the old House of Mercy where
           500 children can be accommodated.

           Forest Park- at the site between Freedom
           Drive and Myrtle Avenue.

            The programs for the recreation to be featured at those day
camps will be arranged and supervised by the Department of Parks, and will
include group games (dramatized), nature study, geology, artsand crafts,
story telling, assembly, lessons in first aid, community singing, marionette
shows, drama and mass games.

          The educational features of the program will be arranged and
conducted by the Board of Education, which is cooperating with the
Department of Parks in the movement.  The Board of Education also will make
the necessary provisions for the transportation of the children to and from
the day camps, as well as for lunch, all of which will be supplied to the
children without charge.  The Park Department is making arrangements for
water supply, toilets and shelter tents.  It is expected that a daily
average of 2,500 children will avail themselves of those facilities.

          Preliminary arrangements, including the method of solecting the
various daily groups, are in charge of the Board of Education.  A large
number of the children selected will be drawn from the list of those who
have registered with the play schools of the Board of Education.  The other
children will be selected from the park playgrounds for one day oach week
and the arrangements for those outings will be made by the Department of

                            THE CITY OF NEW YORK
                            DEPARTMENT OF PARKS
                           ARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK

                              June 15th, 1934.


          The Lioness and Cubs in Prospect Park, recently fenced in, are to
be placed in an appropriate and conspicuous place in the new prospect Park
Zoo and on a low pedestal of the kind originally recommended by the
sculptor, Mr. Frederick MacMonnies, who was consulted on this subject.

                             ROBERT MOSES
ARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK                      June 13th, 1934
Butterfield 8-9310

             The enlisted men of the United States Navy have been invited
"by the Park Department to engage in a row boat race to be held on the 72nd
Street Lake in Central Park, Friday afternoon, June 15th, starting at 3 P.M.
Prizes will be awarded to the successful contestants, and will consist of
two silver cups, a gold watch and official medals of the Park Department.

             Two entries will be allowed from each ship. The event will be
run in heats, semi-finals ani finals over a distance of approximately 600
yards. It will be optional on the part of the sailors whether they desire a
lady of their choice to serve as coxswain, but not more than one coxswain to
a craft mill be allowed.

             Only park row boats may be used and these will be supplied
gratis by Mr. Peter Pappas, who has the concession for row boats in Central

             Mr. W. Barle Andrews, General Superintendant, Major Theodore
Crane, Assistant to the Commissioner, and Mr, Allyn E.  Jennings, Landscape
Architect in charge of Operations, eff the Park Department, will serve as
honorary judges. Members of the staff of the Division of Eecreation of the
Department of Parks will act as referees.

             A good view of the races may be had from points along the West
Drive of Central Park.

Arsenal, Central Park                      June 6 ,1934
Butterfield 8-9310

            The Department of Parks announced today a series of performances
by "Playground Puppeteers" to be given under the direction of the Drama
Department by the Works Division of the Department of Public Welfare and
sponsored by the Recreation Division of the Department of Parks. The Drama
Department, under Mr. George Junkin, will supply the puppeteers for the
shows, which will be given under the direction of Miss Grace Wilder.

          "Jack and the Bean Stalk" will be shown as follows at
Playgrounds in Manhattan:

     June 6    '34   -Annunciation Playground-134th St,& Amsterdam Ave.
       "  7      "   -Carmansville Playground-Amsterdam Ave.& 152nd St.
       "  8      "   -Colonial Playground-Bradhurst Ave.& 150th Street.
       " 11      "   -Hamilton Place ?layground-140th St.&Hamilton Place
       " 12      "   -Highbridge Play round-189th Street.

     The puppets will be loaned by Miss Sue Hastings.

     "Shoemaker and the Elves" will be shown as follows at Playgrounds in

      June 6   '34   -Dyker Beach Playground-86th St.& 14th Avenue
       "   7    "    -McKinley Playground-7th Ave.& 75th Street
       "   8    "    -56th St. & 2nd Avenue Playground.
       "  11    "    -Sunset Playground-5th Ave. & 44th St.
       "  12    "    -Carroll Playground-Carroll & Smith Sts.

      The puppets will be loaned by Miss Gale Adams.

      The "Frog Prince" will be shown as follows at Playgrounds in Queens:

      June 6 '34 -Astoria Park-Hoyt Ave. & River, Astoria
           7   " -John Andrews-5th St.near Vernon Ave.,L.I.City.
           8   " -Sunnyside Playground-63rd St.& 50th Ave.,Laurel
                                             Hill, Sunnyside.
          11   " -Rainey P!.rk-Vernon & Graham Aves. & L.I. City.
          12   " -Bridge Plaza Playground-Under the Queensboro
                                              Bridge Ramp.

      The puppets will be loaned by Remo Buffano.

      All performances will start promptly at 4 P.M. In case of rain
the bookings will be advanced one day. It is hoped that the shows
can be changed on an average of every two weeks and that performances
will extend throughout the entire suuimcr.

       Bookings for the Bronx and Richmond will be announced shortly.

PARK DEPARTMENT                                          FOB. IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Arsenal, Central Park                                       May 24, 1934.
Butterfield 8-9310.

               On Friday, May 25th, the new city park opposite Grant's Tomb
on Riverside Drive and 122nd Street, known as Sakura or Claremont Park, will
be formally taken over and opened to the public by the Park Department. The
redesign and reconstruction of this park were made possible through the
generosity of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. The cost of these improvements
was $315,OOO.

               The area was redesigned by Olmsted Brothers, Landscape
Architects, of Brookline, Mass. The plan is simple. A wide central turf
panel centers on the International House at the north end, and on Riverside
Church on the south.  The panel is edged with geometrically clipped privet
hedges, surrounded by European Linden trees.  Flowering Japanese cherry
trees are grouped in the north plots and are included in the general mixed
plantings.  These trees were among those presented to the city by the
Japanese government to replace those which were sent to commemorate the
Hudson-Fulton Centnnial but were lost in transit.  Bounding the park on
three sides is a wide, paved promenade shaded by European Linden trees.

               The monument to General Daniel Butterfield, by Gutzon
Borglum, which occupied a position in this area before construction started,
has been placed on the same site.

                An interesting feature of the park is the wall along
Claremont Avenue side.  Allen & Collens, Architects, of Boston, Mass.,
collaborated with Olmsted Brothers in reproducing here a typical section of
the wall around the historic Kenilworth Abbey in England.

                                      - End -
Arsenal, Central Park                          May 23, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310

          The following letter drafted by the Corporation Counsel
has been served on the Dieppe Corporation (Central Park Casino.)

                                                 May 21, 1934.
Dieppe Corporation
Central Park Casino
Central Park
Borough of Manhattan
New York City

Sirs: On or about February 13, 1934, you were served with a notice stating
that the conduct of and the style and manner of the operation of the
Central Park Casino Restaurant by you, under the privilege granted you by
The City of New York under date of February 6, 1929, were unsatisfactory to
the City and the Commissioner of Parks, in violation of the intent and
purposes of the agreement for said privilege and in violation of the law
relating to public parks. In said notice demand was made upon you to conduct
and operate this privilege in a manner satisfactory to the City and the
Commissioner of Parks and in accordance with the restrictions, rules and
requirements of the Commissioner of the Department of Parks so as to carry
out the intent and purposes of the agreement and among other things, to
establish a moderate and reasonable schedule of prices for the refreshments
and facilities furnished by you under said privilege and to make the
restaurant a public restaurant available to and within the reach of the
general public using Central Park.

          You were informed by said notice and at the conferences had with
your counsel upon this matter that the conduct of this privilege as an
exclusive night club and cabaret charging exorbitant prices and catering
principally to an exclusive class of persons entering Central Park solely
for the purpose of using such facilities, was entirely unsatisfactory to the
Commissioner, and that the only type of restaurant satisfactory to the
Commissioner would be a popular priced public restaurant charging reasonable
prices and operated so that it would be available to and serve the needs and
convenience of the general public using Central Park.

          Every reasonable opportunity has been given you to conform the
conduct and manner of operation of this privilege to these
requirements. However, you have continued and still continue to conduct and
operate the privilege in a style and manner substantially unchanged. The
restaurant is still conducted in a manner of an exclusive and high priced
night club and cabaret and not as a popular priced public restaurant in a
public park. You have failed and refused to establish and charge moderate
and reasonable prices for the refreshments and facilities furnished by you
within the reach of the general public using the park, and to conduct the
privilege as a popular priced public restaurant. The style and manner of the
operation and conduct of this privilege has continued to be and still
continues to be unsatisfactory to the Department of Parks and its
Commissioner in violation of the intent and terms of the agreement, and
constitutes an improper and illegal use of the promises in a public park.

          The City of New York and its Commissioner of Parks require these
premises for the reasonable park purpose of there being maintained thereon a
popular priced public restaurant at which the general public using the park
may be accommodated, and its needs and convenience served.

          The privilege heretofore granted to you under date of February 6,
1929 of selling refreshments on the premises of the building known as the
Casino Restaurant and providing entertainment for the guests, is hereby
revoked, cancelled and annulled by the Commissioner of Parks, in accordance
with the terms and provisions of the agreement for said privilege and in
accordance with the powers vested in the Commissioner by law.

          According to paragraph 21 of said agreement you may be required
within five (5) days after notice of cancellation thereof to cease to
exercise the privilege granted and to remove all property belonging to you
from the premises.

          However, in order to give you ample time to make arrangements to
vacate the premises and remove your property therefrom, you are hereby
notified to ceaso all operation of said privilege and to remove all property
belonging to you from said premises on or before midnight of June 15,
1934. In default of such removal on or before said date you will be
forthwith ejected from said premises and all property belonging to you found
thereon will be deemed abandoned.
                                            Very truly yours,

                                                  ROBERT MOSES
                                             Commissioner of Parks,

Arsenal, Central Park                             May 19, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310

                        The championship finals of the annual marble
Shooting Contest held under the auspices of the Park Department, open to
boys and girls under sixteen years of age, for the Boys' Championship and
Girls' Championship of Greater New York, were played at City Hall Plaza on
Wednesday, May 16th.  Master Howard Roettger, 14 years, of 339 Eighth
Avenue, New York City, representing Chelsea Park, won the Boys' Championship
and Miss Patty Smyth, 12 years, of 147-35 Elm Avenue, Flushing, was the
successful contestant for the Girls' Championship.

                     Each of the winners challenged the other and they were,
so insistent that they be allowed to play off what seemed to them to be a
tie, that the Park Departnent has granted that these two winners would play
a series of games for the Boys' and Girls' Championship on Thursday next,
May 24th, at 4 p.m. on the Mall, Central Park, in front of the bandstand. If
inclement weather prevents the holding of the contest on that day, the event
will be held on the following day at the same time and place.


Arsenal, Central Park                              May 17, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310

               The Park Department's new plan for the construction of
fifteen baseball diamonds in Central Park was announced today. These fifteen
baseball diamonds have been laid out in the North Meadow opposite 100th
street in Central Park.  Up to now the playing of baseball has been
permitted in this area but no formal diamonds were provided and conditions
have been disorderly and unsatisfactory, thirteen of the new diamonds will
be usable now, but two will not be available for immediate play, due to rock
which must be blasted away to level off the surface.  Base lines have been
marked out with lime as on major league baseball diamonds. Regular rubber
home plates are being installed and najor league canvas bags will be secured
in place to mark the bases. Temporary heavy wire backstops are being
installed.  Permanent backstops would necessitate a delay in the immediate
use of these areas. These diamonds are laid out to provide safe play for all
teams using the grounds. Adequate space is provided for spectators.

               Football and soccer will be provided for after the baseball

               The old stable and storage yard, which has been in use since
the Civil War, is being converted into a modern field house.  The Park
Department's horses quartered in these stables will be moved out of the
park, showers and locker rooms will be installed in this building.  The
structure is of good design and is readily adaptable to the plan, the
storage yard in the rear of the old stable, which has been used for fifty
years as a dumping ground for refuse and discarded equipment, will be turned
over to recreation. Handball courts will be built on the site of the old
yard. The wall surrounding the old storage yard will be demolished.

             Access to the new field house for recreation in Central Park
will be provided from the 97th street Transverse Road and from the
Park path system which encircles this area.

            The connecting drive between the east and west park roads,
opposite 102nd Street, has been closed to vehicular traffic and this area
has been turned over to roller skating.  The circular overlook on the west
side of the park, opposite 105th street, has been converted into a roller
skating rink. The Area in the center of the roller skating rink has been set
aside for lawn croquet and roque, while the area around the rink has been
reserved for other lawn sports.

            A new playground for small children is also being built
adjacent to the roller skating circle.

            The new facilities being added to Central Park are adjacent to
the tennis courts across the Transverse Road in the South Meadow.

            The Park Department also has set aside twenty-three restricted
small plots, adjacent to all of the pedestrian entrances to Central Park,
for children under five years of age, in which to dig with their shovels and
pails.  Sand boxes are provided for this purpose.


Arsenal, Central Park                              May 16, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310

                COLUMBIA YACHT CLUB against CITY OF NEW YORK

               In view of the decision of the Appellate Division setting
this case down for immediate trial and following Judge Wasservogel's
decision in the Orchard Beach case, the Columbia Yacht Club has decided not
to contest Park Commissioner Moses' right to order the club to vacate
property in Riverside Park which it has occupied for some years.

               Counsel for the club has entered into a stipulation with the
Corporation Counsel discontinuing the action and agreeing to vacate the
club-house on or before June 17th, 1934 and to remove property belonging to
the club from the premises on or before July 1st, 1934.  The City has
consented that the club may remove the club-house, if it cares to do so,
providing it is removed before July 1st.

              The removal of this obstacle in the way of the West Side
Improvement will enable the Park Commissioner to continue the improvement of
Riverside Park unobstructed by clubs, squatters, or other private interests.

Arsenal, Central Park                              May 15, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310

              The Department of Parks announced today the detailed plan of
development of the Orchard Beach section of Pelham Bay Park, in the Borough
of The Bronx, on which the technical staff has been working for several
months. A general outline of the plan was announced previously when the bath
houses and seawall around Pelham Bay were demolished and the campers who
held permits to maintain tent platforms were served notice to vacate the
property by June the first.

             The development requires a parkway to be constructed through
the peninsula to reach the privately owned development on City Island. This
parkway will be laid out as the backbone of the vehicular traffic system in
this area.  Secondary parkway drives will provide access to the recreational
units in the park.

                 The whole stretch of shore northerly from the City Inland
Road along Pelham Bay, over a half mile in length, will be rebuilt by
cutting into the bank of the beach and adding additional hydraulic fill to
widen the usable sand beach area to approximately 200 feet in width. A
boardwalk the entire length of the beach will be constructed behind a
masonry parapet wall.

                On the bank overlooking the middle section of the beach and
the boardwalk, a brick bath house, to accomodate 5,400 bathers at one time,
will be constructed. This bath house will follow the general scheme of
development which has proven satisfactory at Jones Beach State Park. The
dressing rooms and lockers will be built in open court areas to let in a
maximum of light and air. A refreshment stand and open air self-service
restaurant will be built in connection with the bath house.

               Adequate parking fields will be provided in the rear of the
bath house in the area up to now occupied by the tent colony. It will be
necessary to eliminate entirely the present road as well as the tent
platforms.  Thirty tennis courts and a large picnic area will be built
adjacent to the parking field.  A children's play area will also be
constructed adjacent to both the beach and the parking field. Overlook
parking spaces will be provided along the secondary park drives.

                 South of the main parkway to City Island a forty acre
athletic field will be constructed to provide baseball, football and soccer
fields. Fifteen additional tennis courts will be built adjacent to this
athletic field.

                 At the southerly tip of the peninsula, between Pelham and
Eastchester Bays, two boat harbors will be built. These marine basins are
designed to accommodate motor boats, sail boats, canoes and other small
craft that use these sheltered waters at the westerly end of Long Island
Sound. The construction of these marine basins will provide publicly owned
and operated storage spaces and landing docks for the many boats for which
there are no adequate facilities either publicly or privately owned. The
make-shift boat and yacht clubs along the shore of this section of the city
can find here all the facilities needed to own and operate a boat.  A
refreshment stand will be constructed between the two boat harbors to serve
the needs of the patrons of these marine basins.

              Work has already been started following this detailed
plan. The road to City Island is well under way. The old bath house, which
will be replaced with a modern structure, has been torn down. These
buildings which were demolished, were very badly designed, improperly
located and badly built. The seawall which was built of cobblestones has
been demolished to make way for the new boardwalk.  The tortuous,
inadequately located roadway along the shore, squeezed in between the old
bath house and the camps, will be torn up to allow the execution of the
plan. Work on the building of the parking field will be started on June the
first, the date on which all of the campers are to remove all of their
personal property.

                 All of the work will be done, for the present, with labor
and material provided by the Works Division of the Department of Public
Welfare, Additional funds must be provided later. By commencing work on June
1, and working through the remainder of the year and next spring, the new
recreational area can be open to public use next summer.

                 The plan takes the fullest advantage of the natural rocky
hillside and wooded areas.  No attempt will be made to salvage any part of
the previous development of Orchard Beach.  The original plan, built around
the poorly planned existing structures, would have necessitated unwarranted
destruction of the natural topography and woodland of this area, and would
have produced nothing of permanent value to the public.

                 Up to now one-third of the whole area of Orchard Beach has
been preempted as a special privilege for a few hundred campers.  The new
plan provides facilities which will be open without exception to the general

                 No swimming will be permitted at Orchard Beach this summer.
Investigation has disclosed the water to be unfit for bathing.  The source
of pollution is in a large measure local and the Park Department will see
that the contamination is eliminated by the summer of 1935 to restore this
bathing area to public usage.

Arsenal, Central Park                              May 15, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310

              The Park Department announced today that construction will be
resumed immediately on the golf clubhouse at Dyker Beach Park in Brooklyn.
This work was stopped two weeks ago pending a complete investigation of
previous construction.  The Building is 60% completed.  It has been under
construction for about a year and a Half.  The work was financed through the
old City Work Committee and the former Civil Works Administration.  Plans
were prepared and construction supervised under the former Commissioner of
Parks, Brooklyn.

          Mr. Aymar Embury, II, Consulting architect, Major Gilmore
D. Clarke, Consulting Landscape Architect, and Mr. Emil K. Praeger,
Consulting Civil Engineer, of the Park Department, made a complete
investigation of the structure and found that there were many features which
require correction before the building can be occupied with safety.  There
is hardly any part of the building entirely free from minor structural
faults.  It is the opinion of the engineering experts, however, that the
building can be made structurally safe by redesign of the work still to be
done and reconstruction of certain parts of the existing building.

                 The building is not ideally located in relation to the rest
of the layout of the park.  Instead of being designed as an incident in the
plan of the municipal golf course and made an inconspicuous part of the
topography, it was put up in the most prominent part of the park,
overlooking the harbor, and requires sacrifices in design of the golf course
that should not have been made.  It is too large and elaborate for its
purpose, and reflects the bad taste and lack of planning experience of those
who were originally responsible for it.

                 The exterior architecture of the building is fairly
satisfactory.  There is a great deal of waste space in the building which
can be corrected by reallocation, and the tearing out of some partitions,
and construction of others.

                The Commissioner of Parks announces that while the present
staff of the department would not have designed this structure inthe way it
was done, it wouldbe a waste of public funds, to tear down the building and
start anew.  Work therefore, will be resumed immediately and the structure
will be completed by fall.  It will cost approximately $75,000. in materials
to complete the structure.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                          May 14, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

           The finals of the annual marble shooting contest, which was open to
all boys and girls under sixteen years, will be played separately for the Boys
Championship and Girls Championship of Greater New York at City Hall Plaza on
Tuesday, May 15th, at 4 p.m. under the auspices of the Park Department.

               The successful- contestants in the preliminary games held in
the playgrounds of all five boroughs, who are to represent their respective
boroughs in the championship finals, are as follows:

BOYS -- MANHATTAN          --   Howard Roettger, 369 -8th Ave. Age 14 years
                                Billy Anthony     311 West 55th St.    12 "
                                Edward Roettger,   369 - 8th Ave.      12 "
                                James McPartland, 284- 10th Ave.        9 "

GIRLS --                        Ruth Richardson,     62 West 56th St.  14 "
                                Dorothy Jones,      114 West 63d St.   16 "
                                Dora Richardson,     62 W. 56th St.    12 "

BRONX        GIRLS    --        Betty Gallagher    1703 Fulton Ave.    15 "
                                Evelyn Plotnick    1699    "    "      11 "
                                Marlyn Pearson       25 E. 193d St.    12 "
                                Phoebe Folke        995 Summit Ave.    13 "

        --   BOYS     --        Warren Kammins        5 W. 192nd St.   13 "
                                Herbert Schalz,    2601 Jerome. Ave.   15 "
                                Joseph DiUbaldo     3933 3d Ave.       14 "
                                George Schwager,    3933 Sd "          14 "

RICHMOND --   BOYS only. James Burns               14 Faber St.
                         Tony Lucci                11   "    "
                         Fred Lafrado              19 Simonson Ave.

QUEENS --     BOYS            John Atkinson      119-15 Sutphin Blvd. 15 years
                              Charles John       22-33 30th Drive,Astoria- 12
                              Alex Tonimek       45-45 - 161st St. Flushing, 14
                              Robert Lenihan,    240-10 142nd Ave. Rosedale 14

               GIRLS          Patty Smyth      147-33 Elm Ave. Flushing,    12
                              Betty Bergman     214-17 - 56th Ave. Baysido, 15
                              Edith Peragine    35-25 215 St. Bayside       11
                              Florence Buckholz 148-12- 153d Ave.
                                                    South Ozone Park,       13

BROOKLYN --    BOYS           Arthur Yacenda,    2502 "S" Bklyn.            13
                              Munzio Aquilina    326 Stockholm St. Bklyn.   15
                              James Freola       123 First Place, Bklyn.    15
                              Vito Migliore      2057 E. 14th St.           12
BROOKLYN --    GIRLS          Vivian Kart       1817 55th Street, Bklyn.    10
                              Shirley Ponerante 1722 58th St., Bklyn.       10
                              Evelyn Smith       1955 54th St., Bklyn.      13

              The following rules will govern the contest:

    1.    All games shall be for fair, marbles must be returned to owners after
          each game.
    2.    Players shall provide their own shooters and marbles for the games.
    3.    Shooters shall not be less than 5/8 inch nor aors than 7/8 inches in
    4.    Marbles shall not be less than 1/2 nor more than 3/4 inches in
    5.    Players shall knuckle down on all shots.
    6.    Hunching and histing shall not be permitted on any shots, and
          where called by the referee the shot shall be played for.
    7.   Players will first lag for a line marked from the ground from a
          distance of ten feet for the order of their turns in each game.
    8.    Player tossing or shooting shooter nearest the line shoots first,
          next shoots first, next shoots second, &c.
    9.    The ring shall be ten feet in diameter, with a cross scratched in the
          center. In all games 15 ducks shall be used, one at the
          intersection of the cross lines and the others placed three inches
          apart on each cross line.
   10.    Starting the game, each player in his turn, according to the
          lagging outcome knuckles down on the ring line and shoots-- by
          lofting is possible to knock one or more of the ducks out of the
          ring5 or to hit the shooter of the preceding player. A player when
          shooting from the outside of the ring must knuckle down from the
          ring line. 
   11.    Ducks knocked out of the ring are held by the player knocking them
          out. Ducks knocked only part way out of the ring.will be left
          where they come to rest and the player following will
          be. permitted to shoot at then. A player whose shooter goes
          outside the ring, at the time he has been successful in shooting a
          duck out, will continue shooting from the ring line and 
          is permitted to take roundsters.
    12.   The referee's decision shall govern in all cases of disagreement
          and shall be final.

              A gold medal bearing the seal of the City and the figure of
Victory will be presented by the Park Department to the winners of the Boys
Championship and to the winner of the Girls Championship.  Silver medals for
second place and bronze medals for third place wdll be presented to the boys
and girls finishing in these positions.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                          May 10, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

            The Department of Parks announced today that, effective Saturday,
May 12th, a charge of 25¢, will be made for parking an automobile and 50¢ for
the parking of a bus at the parking spaces listed below:

            MANHATTAN      Speedway north of 155th Street
                           Isham Park, near ballfield.

            BRONX          Pelham Bay Park - Rice Stadium
                           Split Lock
                           Hunter Island 
                           1st tee - Golf Course.

                          Van Courtlandt - Mosholu Club House
                         1st Tee- Van Courtlandt Golf Course
                         Parade Grpunds
                        Picnic Grounds.

             QUEENS        Alley Pond, adjacent to Grand Central Parkway
                           Hillside,        "   "      "      "      "
                           Jacob Riis
                           Forest - Band Stand and Victory Field

            BROOKLYN       Dreamland parking field, Coney Island
                           Dyker Beach 
                           Prospect Park- Concourse at the Lake
                                          Picnic House
                                          Lookout Hill

            RICHMOND       LaTourette Club House
                           Silver Lake Club House

            These are the large formal parking areas in the City park system.
Where free parking is permitted in overlooks or along the park drives, a one
hour parking limit will fee established.

            There are inadequate parking facilities in all of the City parks
and the charge of 25¢ for the exclusive use of part of the park by the owner
of an automobile is necessary- In addition to providing revenue for the City
for.  the maintenance and operation df the park system, it provides a means
for controlling the disorderly procedure in storing automobiles which
existed in the past.  In order to line up the cars properly so that the
owner of an automobile can leave the area freely, attendants must be
provided to control the spacing of the care.

             The City cannot afford to pay these attendants unless a charge
is made for this particular service.  In connection with the new parking
fields at Alley and Hillside Parks along the Grand Central Parkway, picnic
areas, fireplaces for outdoor cooking, tables and playgrounds have been
provided, and these will be enlarged according to the demand.

             Where charges are made ior parking at golf courses or tennis
courts, holders of season permits or daily receipts will not be required to
pay an additional charge for parking their cars.

             Dreamland Parking Field at Coney Island, operated by a
concession agreement, which was recently cancelled by the Commissioner of
Parks, will be operated on a Zbi charge every day of the week, including
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.  Formerly, under the old agreement, the
concessionaire was allowed to raise his price to 50¢ on Sundays.

              A similar arrangement existed at Jacob Riis Park where 50¢
was charged on Sunday because the concessionaire could exact this fee. This 
fee will also he reduced to 25¢ every day of the W6ek.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                          May 9, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

           The Park Department announced initial plans today for the
accommodation of the officers and enlisted men of the various units of the
United States Fleet which will be anchored opposite Riverside Park and Drive
between 79th and 97th Streets during the visit of the fleet to New York,
commencing May 31st.

        This section is now being provided with temporary facilities by the
department.  Two landing stages are being provided at 79th and 96th Streets.
Everything possible will be done to provide for the comfort of the officers
and enlisted men and their guests.

         A large plaza, approximately 100 x 300 feet, is to be provided at
79th Street between the New York Central·tracks and the North River. On this
will be erected a large temporary concession stand and a comfort station.
In the space between these two buildings, 50 x 100 feet, an ample number of
benches will be placed for the use of those waiting for launches to take them
to the ships, and in the center, an information booth is to be built with a
flagpole. These three temporary buildings will be of appropriate design and
will be painted in attractive colors.

        North of the plaza a large space will be fenced off for the use of
taxis and buses, and to the south of the plaza another area will be reserved
as a parking space for private vehicles.

        A list of the ships anchored at this point vail be posted on a large
bulletin board.

        The landing stage at 96th Street will be treated in a somewhat
similar manner. A large plaza with temporary information booth and concession
stand, comfort stations and parking areas for public and private vehicles will
be provided. Portions of this section are to be resurfaced with smooth blocks
to replace the present cobble-stones.

     The Flag Ship of the Floets the Battleship Pennsylvania, will be
anchored off 97th Street.

     A special temporary building conforming to plans of the Navy
Department is being erected at the 96th Street pier.    This is to be used as
a receiving depots for all meats, vegetables and other food supplies for the
fleet.   All supplies must pass goverment inspection at this point before being
transported to the ships.

     There are to be sign posts bearing the names of the various ships which
may be visited from each one of the three landing stages to help visitors
reach the ship desired and to minimize traffic congestion.  These will be
erected at 79th Street, 97th Street and 122nd Street and Riverside Drive.

     These arrangements are being made by the Park Department after
consultation with representatives of the Navy and of the Dock Department.

     Portions of the piers to be used are being repaired by the Dock
Department, which department also is building gangways to the several floats
which are to be anchored to either side of the piers.

     Additional launches in excess of those provided and operated by the
Navy will be available for the use of visitors.   These extra boats will be
under the direct supervision of the Dock Department.

     The Dock Department will provide independently all facilities required
above 97th Street.

     The entire fleet will number about 100 ships of various types and the
personnel will total around 36,000 men.

     It is expected that twelve to fifteen thousand people will visit the
ships on Sundays and that the fleet will receive about five to six thousand
visitors on week days.

     The fleet is scheduled to leave New York the 17th of June.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                          May 2, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

           Plans for the rehabilitation of Crotona Park were announced by
the Park Department today.  The territory to be improved lies along the
westerly side of the park from Claremont Parkway to East 175th Street. The
narrow flagstone walk now in place will be removed and an attractive broad
walk will be constructed. The new type of park benches recently adopted by
the Park Department will be placed along the entire walk. This part of the
improvement is designed for the particular use of mothers and children.

           To meet the great demand which has existed for many years for
baseball facilities in the neighborhood of Crotona Park East, the park road
at East 173d Street and Crotona Park will be closed and a baseball diamond
and backstop constructed. Additional baseball diamonds will be constructed
on the west side of the park where an appropriate location will be obtained
by the removal of a small quantity of rock. A playground and handball courts
will be constructed in the southwest corner of the park.

           The mounds located in the vicinity of East 175th Street will be
improved with attractive plantations of trees and shrubbery.

           The lawns located at Arthur Avenue north of East 175th Street,
Crotona Park East between Prospect and Wilkins Avenue, Charlotte Street and
Suburban Place and also those between Wilkins Avenue and Charlotte Street
will be restored.

           An additional improvement in this neighborhood will be the
construction of ten new tennis courts and it is expected that a new tennis
house will be opened this season for the use of the players.  When the
new courts are completed, this park will have thirty courts and a modern
locker house with showers.

           The rehabilitation of Crotona Park will get under way within the
next two   weeks.

                                     - End-
DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                        April 27, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

          The fifty-two shacks comprising the veterans' camp between 72nd
Street and 79th Street, between Riverside Drive and the Hudson River will be
torn down on May the first. Provision has been made for the Department of
Public Welfare to transfer these men to a farm at Greycourt. There are
eighty-three other shacks along Riverside Drive on the Hudson River, housing
over one hundred men, which will be torn down at the same time that the
Hudson River Yacht Club and the Columbia Yacht Club will be demolished.

          A reinforced concrete coal hopper at the foot of 96th Street, on
the River, will be wrecked immediately. This coal hopper on Park land has
for years been an improper usage of Park property. It interferes with the
West Side Improvement Plan and the area it occupies will be restored to
recreational usage in accordance with the Plan. The ground floor of this
structure houses miscellaneous equipment which is being stored by private
corporations with no permit from the City. Another frame coal hopper is now
leased by a firm of retail coal dealers. The City has been receiving a
yearly rental for this structure but it occupies park land and is another
example of improper use. of a recreational area. Agitation for removal of
these obstructions and eyesores has been going on for years without action
on the part of the responsible public officials.

          Most of the old docks in the vicinity of 96th Street will be torn
down.   All will be left, however, for the use of the Navy during the visit
of the Pacific and Atlantic fleets in June.

          A dilapidated lunch wagon on the waterfront at 96th Street will
also be torn down, and a temporary food stand will be provided for the sailors
during the stay of the fleet. When the fleet leaves, this temporary building
will be demolished.

          There is another group of eleven shacks built around the piling
tinder the dock at 96th Street. These wharf dwellers are literally clinging
to the underpinnings of the rotting dock structure. They will, of course,
be torn down immediately.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                        April 26, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

                       The public links at Forest Ellis, nine holes, will
open this Saturday. The popularity of the newly reduced foe for pemits this
year is recorded in the number of permits issued to date. Some 2745 permits,
a considerable number over the Park Department's record last year, have
already been issued. Another factor accountable for the increased
registration is that permits are good on the golf courses in all boroughs.

                      The Department announces that holders of 1934 brass tags
must immediately comply with the new regulations by surrendering their brass
tags at any of the following offices:

               Bronx:  Zbrowski Mansion, East 173d Street and Claremont
               Brooklyn: Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park West & 5th St.
               Manhattan: The Arsenal, 5th Ave. & 64th St., Central Park
               Queens: The Overlook, Union Turnpike & Park Lane, Forest Park,
                       Kew Gardens
               Richmond: Borough Hall, St.George, Staten Island, N.Y.

                       At the same time, it is necessary for each applicant
to furnish a small snap-shot photo, 1-3/4 x 1-3/4 to be pasted on each permit.
The brass tags were issued prior to the installation of the present system
only as an emergency measure, and these tags will not be honored any longer
as a permit to play on the city links.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                        April 20, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

                         Commissioner Moses of the Department of Parks has
           notified the Columbia Yacht Club, at 86th Street and the Hudson
           River, and the Hudson River Yacht Club, at 90th Street and the
           Hudson River, to vacate the city property occupied by them,
           by the following letter:

                                                  April 17, 1934.

                 Dear Sirs:

                        This is to notify you that you are occupying
                 property belonging to the City of Few York under the
                 supervision of the Department of Parks without a per-

                        This property is needed immediately for con-
                 struction work. Please vacate the property and remove
                 all personal property belonging to you from the premises
                 by May 1, 1934.  If your property is not removed by
                 that date it will be treated as abandoned property.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                               Robert Moses,


                                         COLUMBIA YACHT CLUB,


ROBERT MOSES, as Commissioner of Parks
of the City of New York, and THE CITY


                              ROBERT MOSES being duly sworn, deposes and says:

                     I am and have been since January 19, 1934 the Park
Commissioner of The City of New York duly appointed and acting as
such pursuant to the provisions of Chapter two of the Laws of 1934.

                     I found upon taking office that one of the most
important park developments to which the City was committed by law and
contract, and on which millions of dollars had been expended, had
practically come to a standstill.  This was the so-called West Side
Plan as it affected Riverside Park.

In an agreement between the City and the New York Central Railroad, dated
July 2nd, 1929, and which was the subject of debate and discussion for
approximately twenty years, and which was made pursuant to Section 5 of
Chapter 677 of the Laws of 1928, as amended by Chapter 431 of the Laws of
1939, contemplates among other things, the roofing over of the tracks of the
New York Central Railroad from Riverside Park at Seventy-second Street to
the Harlem River.  This plan also involves the extension of the West Side
Elevated Highway on the roof constructed over the tracks, the extension,
widening, improvement, beautification, and development for recreational,
boating and other purposes of the reconstructed Riverside Park.  Among other
things, the plan includes a series of boat basins, athletic fields, walks,
under and over passes, grade eliminations, and other improvements.  The
adoption of this plan involved the cooperation of numerous agencies,
including the Legislature and Governor of the State, the Board of Estimate
and Apportionment, the New York Central Railroad, the Board of
Transportation, the Transit Commission, the Port of New York Authority, and
numerous other agencies of the city.

             I found that the City had a credit of Three Million Two Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($3,300,000.) with the New York Central Railroad available
for construction between Seventy-second and Eighty-sixth Streets in
Riverside Park, and that there was also available a considerable sum of
relief money to pay for labor and materials which could be used by me as
park commissioner to supplement the funds to be expended by the New York
Central Railroad.  All of the work above described is under the direction
and control of the park commissioner, subject to the terms of the West Side
agreement and by resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment.
Part of this work has already been done.  For example, the railroad has
expended approximately One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.) on retaining walls
which extend from Seventy-second to Seventy-ninth Street, and the City has
expended from time to time large sums for bulkheading and filling.

             I found that there were a number of encroachments in the way of
this important plan.  The encroachments which most seriously interfered with
the resumption of work on this project were shacks of various squatters, the
Columbia Yacht Club, and another yacht club.  I immediately took steps to
have these encroachments removed.  There were discussions with the officers
of the Columbia Yacht Club with reference to the abandonment of the club.

          I found that this club had occupied the premises on the basis of
an annual permit which contained a clause which provided that the permit was
revocable at any time, at the instance of the Park Commissioner.  The
officers of the club wished to remain during the summer, and at first an
effort was made to work out a plan of construction which would make this
possible.  Further study indicated that such a plan was not practical, and
could only be carried out at great expense and unjustified inconvenience.
It should be noted that the continued existence of this club at its present
location is impossible anyway, because the club is immediately in the path
of the West Side improvement.

           This club has enjoyed the use of enormously valuable park land
for many years at an absurdly low rental.  The club has paid the City Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) a year for land worth at least Twenty-five
Thousand Dollars ($25,000.) a year.  The club has rented landing orivileges
to another yacht club for five times the annual rental which it pays the
City.  This club has been enabled to exist on membership dues of Fifty
Dollars ($50.00) a year because of the nominal rental paid to the City.
Whatever improvements the club may have made in the way of fill, have been
on its own risk, and with the full knowledge that the time must come when
the City would take over the land.  It should be noted in this connection
that the fill made by the club is inconsequential compared to the hundreds
of thousands of cubic yards of fill placed on adjacent land by the City for
the extension of Riverside Park in accordance with the West Side Improvement

            Among the many evidences that the Columbia Yacht Club was fully
informed as to the West Side Plan and as to the effect which this plan would
inevitably have on the club is the fact that the club made an effort in 1931
to have this plan modified so as to include the club as an official feature
by building1 the retaining wall of the railroad in such a way as to preserve
the club site.  The same firm of architects which prepared the plans for the
City was retained by the club to prepare a modification of the City's plans
for the purpose of including the club.  This proposed modification of the
plan to preserve a private club in the midst of a City Park was so grossly
and obviously at variance with all sound principles that it was rejected bv
the City and never became part of the official plan.  At the time that this
modification was proposed the club also tried unsuccessfully to obtain a
twenty year lease through the Park Commissioner.  A proposal for this lease
was submitted by the Park Commissioner to the Corporation Counsel.  No lease
was granted, presumably because the Corporation Counsel informed the Park
Commissioner that he had no power to make a lease and could merely grant an
annual permit.

          Further attention is called to the fact that all encroachments on
Riverside Drive are being removed, including coal pockets, garages, and
other structures north of Ninety-sixth Street, and that absolutely no
exceptions are being made.

          There is no possible way in which the existence of this club can
be reconciled with the West Side Plan and the proposed Riverside Park
Improvement.  The roofing over of the tracks and the fill and landscaping
west of the tracks will necessitate the removal of the club house.  All the
facilities which the club has afforded in the way of landing places for
boats, will be provided for the general public under the plan.  No private
facilities are needed for this purpose.

             It should also be noted that all necessary facilities for the
landing and visiting of the Fleet this summer will be adenuately provided by
the arrangements now being worked out by the Park, Dock and Police
Departments.  The Columbia Yacht Club might provide additional entertainment
for some officers, but this can not be said to be an essential function
which should be allowed to interrupt the West Side Improvement.

          The statement that the area west of the tracks of the New York
Central Railroad in Riverside Park is not part of the park is absurd.  It is
the whole purpose of the West Side Plan to extend the park by adding to the
area on the waterfront.  This is also the purpose of roofing over the tracks
and placing the highway on the roof.  It was also the purpose of the
bulk-heading and filling which has been going on for years.  The statement
that the railroad tracks constitute an impassable barrier to the waterfront
is also wholly false.  As a matter of fact there are several crossings
protected by gates, and there would be no approach to the Columbia Yacht
Club other than a narrow foot-bridge over the railroad tracks if it were not
for the present grade crossing at Seventy-ninth Street.  The reason why
State grade crossing funds are available for the West Side Project is
precisely because present crossings at grade are to be eliminated under the
Comprehensive Plan in the sole interest of users of the park.

             Work on the West Side Improvement between Seventy-second and
Eighty-sixth Streets will necessitate among other things the digging up of
subway rock in the entire area and using this rock for a rip-rap wall.  It
will also necessitate other construction by both contract and relief forces
which will make access to the club in the course of the summer impossible.
The logical and orderly planning and execution of a project of such scope
should not be hampered or conditioned by considerations of sentiment or
social standing affecting a single structure which has for years pre-empted
City Park Property on the basis of a nominal rental, and Tdiich enjoys no
present legal status of any kind.

         There is no objection to the removal of the club house.
The building is of no use whatsoever to the City.

Sworn to before me this  :
                         : (Sgd.)   Robert Koses
26th day of April, 1934. :

(3gd.)   Hazel M. Tappan
         Notary Public
         Hew York Co.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                        March 23, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

             These are busy days in the Greenhouses facing Woodhaven Boulevard
just south of Myrtle Avenue in Forest Park, Borough of Queens.   Workmen are
tenderly carrying pots of lilies and armfuls of bright tulips from the pits,
while others are busy constructing frames and stands around the large cross
which will be the feature of the exhibit, for the Park Department is preparing
the Easter Show which will gladden the hearts of thousands during the Easter

             The show will be opened to the public on Palm Sunday and
continue daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. during Easter week.  There will be 700
gleaming Easter lilies massed in the form of a cross and banks of bright
tulips, hyacinths and daffodils harmoniously arranged to surround its grassy
base with color.  In the foreground there will be over 200 pot3 of daisies
bordered by cuphea and glowing double yellow tulips.  Clusters of hydrangeas
and tall Darwins, hyacinths in all shades of pink, lavender and blue, yellow
genestra and many other colorful blooms will be arranged and massed against
a background of palms and fern to produce a magnificent spectacle of color
climaxing in the gleaming whiteness of the lilies.

              It is estimated that no less than three or four thousand
visitors will gaze on this inspiring array of beauty daily and many will
take away with them a more hopeful outlook and be the richer for the short
time spent with spring's promise of another bright season.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                        March 22, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S.·Dennen, Secretary.

          The plan for the development of Kissena Park in the Borough of
Queens has been finally determined by the Department of Parks. The greater
part of this 217 acre area is to be developed into an informal park, but is
to include recreational facilities for adults as well as children.

         The features to be provided for adult recreation will include a
large outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, handball courts, baseball,
hockey and football fields and archery ranges.

         An 18 hole pitch and putt golf course, requiring less than 50 acres
of land, will start from the central club house. This golf course will have
regulation greens and tees but the fairways will only be long enough to
provide for an approach shot. The holes will vary from 60 yards to 125 yards
in length.  It was decided to e stablish this type of golf course in
preference to a nine hole course, because the pitch and putt course requires
no expensive outlay of equipment for the player.  Players can play the
course after work in the evening as it requires only one hour to make the

         Boating facilities will be provided on the Kissena Lake and a
system of trails and paths through the 150 acres not required for the
recreational plant, will be built.

         Playgrounds for children wi 11 be built around the margin of
the park.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                        March 17, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

          Spring is here!

          Her coming will be celebrated by the yearly pilgrimage to Prospect
Conservatory where the annual sister flower Display will open on Holy
Saturday and continue for three weeks. Assisting Mlle. Printemps will be
10,000 floral beauties in 300 groups, all en jardinaire with a background of
ferns and palms - the Saster Flower Show in full bloom and loveliness.

     This annual display has so grown in grace and popularity as to have
become a fixture in the social calendar of thousands. Every year has found
the show more beautiful and notable than its predecessor. Last year's event
drew 165,983 visitors and this number did not include school children.

          Pilgrims came by private and public motor car, trolley, subway,
"L", afoot and horseback. Last year, on Easter Sunday, the crowd began
arriving at 7:30 a.m. and from then until dark, 33,678 Individuals passed
through the conservatory. Of parked cars on that day, there were 4,271 from
New York; 33 from Pennsylvania; 43 from Connecticut; eight from
Massachusetts; five from Rhode Island and 751 from New Jersey.

        How - the thoughtful visitor may marvel - does it ceme to pass that
the flowers all open oa tine, in spite of variable weather and fluctuating
thermometer?  How does it happen that the plants are in full bloom for the
Easter show, the gardener achieving a timeliness arrived at by the modiste
in decking a debutante for the Saster Parade? The answer is it just does not
happen. It Is planned.

      Should anyone harbor the Idea that there Is much new in current
theories of planned living, let him consider existence in a conservatory

          He will learn, on investigation, that the Easter Flower Show,
petal, sepal, bud, calyx, stem and leaf - Is readied through long months,
with skill, patience and watchfulness, the uninitiated can have little idea,
when inhaling fragrance or gazing at beauty in the Springtime show, of the
care and detailed method employed to bring the plants to their timely and
perfect assumption of blossoms. Sach plant has its formula for care, diet
and temperature.

          This month a year ago, the propagating and growing of the plants
for exhibition in the greenhouses during Eastertide, were started. In the
meantime each plant has seen plucked, sheared, repotted, cultivated,
watered, sprayed, washed and fed in turn.

          Sons of the plants are lilies, used in their several varieties in
the show. Blaster lilies form the glgentie erot s which is an annual feature
of the exhibit, & symbol of arresting beauty and significance. The Japanese
Easter Lily requires five months to mature, and the growing period of the
others is variable.  k full year is needed for the burgeoning of others,
cinerarias, calceolarias, schiianthus, camellias, gardenias, acacias,
genesters and asaleas*

         The flowering plum, cherry, peach, crab apple; these are for
the most part three to four years old. They were dug up a month ago, earth
bagged around their roots and removed from their winter rest to warm
greenhouses and there brought to the blossoming point. They were then moved
to a cool, dark place to "be ept until the eve of the display.

           At Prospect park Greenhouses, the gardeners do notable things in
the way of arranging landscapes. A potted wisteria, which has rested all
winter Is lifted out, stimulated to bloom, and placed where It forms a bower
of beauty.

          Visitors to the Easter Show will find much to intrigue their
interest in various greenhouses - the cacti exhibit for instance, the fine
collection of Bromeliaseas among the tropical foliage and flowers, not to
mention the rare palms and ferns assembled in this Brooklyn Institution.

          The Easter Show is one of three big events each year at the
Greenhouses.  One is the Chrysanthemum show, for which the gardeners are
getting ready even now and the other is the winter display of
Poinsettas. Each attracts a large attendance, the Greenhouses are under the
direct care of James J. Gleason, who has a personnel of 12 gardeners and
five firemen, for the 17 greenhouses which shelter the flora of the park.

          Visitors may reach the Easter show by subway to Grand Army Plaza
and by Vanderbilt Avenue car to Vanderbilt entrance. When they arrive at the
Easter Show they will have a preview of the park in its summer robes - two
months ahead of time!


Arsenal, Central Park                   FOR RELEASE TO AFTERNOON PAPERS
                                               WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen

              Model news stands, refreshment stands, bootblack stands, and
police booths, standardized housing for concessions in the city parks
and playgrounds, designed by the CWA staff of architects, engineers
and landscaped architects working at the Arsenal, are made public

           In accordance with these plans, each of the several kinds
of stands will be uniform in appearance, designed to fit into a park
or playground. When these are installed the miscellaneous structured
which now clutter city squares and the entrances to city parks will be

            The plan for the police booths was arrived at after a conference
between the Park and Police Department, These booths, built entirely of
metal, will be supplied with telephone, lights and a writing shelf. The
glass windows extending completely around the booth afford an unobstructed
view in all directions.

            The model refreshment stand is in reality a complete
kitchenette. Water, gas and electricity connections will be installed, also
electrical connections for refrigeration and ventilating fan.  The serving
counters and working parts will be constructed cf monel metal, the walls and
booths of wood and formica.

          New stands in three model types, are designed to be constructed of
naonel metal, wood and formica. One of these, octagonal in shape, for use in
the open, is accessible from all sides, the other type is oblong, to fit
against a vail of fence. Both these stands are for permanent installation,
soundly constructed of metal, wood and formica, with steel shutters which
pull down protecting the merchandise when not in use.

          Another temporary news stand has been designed, folding up when
not in use, something in the manner of a wardrobe trunk. All of the news
stands will be pointed a neutral shade depending on the colorful display of
magazines for decoration.

          The new model bootblack stand will also be temporary in character,
inasmuch as it can be folded, padlocked and transported from place to
place. Each stand will be equipped with two chairs, two drawers, installed
under each chair for brushes and the necessary supplies.  The backs of the
stands extend up and over the top of the chairs, affording protection to the
occupant both from sudden rain.

          These designs were made by A. G. Lorimer, A. Martini, and,
George Levy, CWA workers, under the direction of Aymar Embury, 2nd, architect.


DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                  For Immediate Release
Arsenal, Central Park                                  March 7, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen

                The new Central Park picture-book Zoo is under construction,
          work has started and will be completed by early summer. The
      work of design has been done by C.W.A. architects, landscape men and
      engineers in the employ of the Park Department.

                The present Zoo, built in 1868, was considered at that time
      the best of its kind, but measured by modern standards it is now
      inadequate and presents dangerous fire hazards.

                The plan shows a hollow square, with the Arsenal on the
      east and a restaurant with an open terrace on the west.     The
      enclosed court measures 267' from east to west and 290' from north
      to south. The various animal houses will be connected by arcades
      on the north and south sides.    In the center of the square will be
      a large seal tank and in each of the four corners, small cages of
      very active animals, whose constant motion will add to the interest
      of the setting.   The entire court area will be well shaded, with an
      ample supply of benches.

DEPARTMENT OP PARKS                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Arsenal, Central Park
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310
Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary

            Plans for the new zoo in Prospect Park have been completed. The
preliminary work of digging test pits has already been started.  The new
zoo will be located on the area which was once the Duck Pond. The main
entrance to the zoo appears on the plans opening immediately off Flatbush
Avenue, at a point about 440 feet from the Lefferts Mansion, towards
Eastern Parkway. A stone stairway will be built leading down from the street
to the lower level on which six brick buildings comprising the zoo will be
constructed around a seal pool in the center, with walks radiating from
this, giving the plan in the bird's-eye-view the general shape of a fan.

        These six buildings will house the lions, the horned animals,
monkeys and birds. The home of the hippopotamus and elephants will be in a
large domed central building.  In one corner of the zoological garden there
will be a restaurant where light refreshments will be served, and two
shelters will be constructed along the street level. Two huge decorative
cages will exhibit a hawk and an eagle.

        The most spectacular feature of the new Brooklyn Zoo will be the
bears' dens, built back into the slope which rises towards Flatbush Avenue.
These dens will be constructed of huge boulders, simulating a mountain side.
To the spectator viewing the animals, nothing seems to stand between them as
a protection.  Closer observation, however, discloses a mote 18 feet deep,
filled with water. This mote will be constructed with perpendicular sides,
and even should one of the bears attempt to charge the spectators by
swimming the mote, these steep sides will afford ample protection and will
prevent the bear from gaining his freedom.  This is known as the Haggenbachs
method of display and has been adopted by the zoos in St. Louis, Chicago and
Washington. The lawn area around the zoo will be planted with large shade
trees and attractive landscape features incorporated in the design will be
laid out. paths have been plotted to make the zoo accessible from all points
in the park. The plans were prepared by C.W.A. architects and engineers and
the zoo will be completed, and the animals moved into their new home, by
early summer.

Arsenal, Central Park                             March 6, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary

       The new zoo at Barrett Park, Staten Island, will not only be a zoo
but it will be the headquarters of a unique educational demonstration under
the direction of the Staten Island Zoological Society.  The zoo will be a
small one, judged by the number of specimens, which will include small
mammals, birds and reptiles only.  There are, in addition, extensive
facilities planned for the enjoyment and understanding of the animals
exhibited there.  A biological laboratory, a lecture hall with sound movie
installation will give both to adults and youngsters an unusual opportunity
for nature-study work.  Bird clubs, acquarium clubs, reptile clubs and wild
flower clubs, etc., will have an opportunity of establishing headquarters
with the added advantage of securing expert guidance in the study of their
hobbies.  A close cooperation with the natural history departments of the
public schools and high schools will be maintained.

       This zoo will be built on land given to the city for a public park by
the will of Julia Oliver Harden, to be known as the Clarence T. Barrett

       The center building, containing the curator's offices, will be two
stories high, constructed of stone with a slate roof.  The animals will be
quartered in three one-story wings, one on either side of the center
building, and one immediately in the rear.

        This zoo will cost $150,000 and will give employment to 150 men.
Both the cost of construction and the payroll will be met by C.W.A. funds.
Work will begin immediately and the Zoo will be finished and ready for
occupancy by early summer.


Arsenal, Central Park                           MARCH 6, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8- 9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

                  In order to provide a trained personnel to assist in
directing the recreation in the new playgrounds under construction by the
Park Department, a Training School for the 200 C.W.S. workers assigned to
the playgrounds has been opened at the gymnasium at 342 East 54th Street,

                  Among the C.W.S. workers, men and women, are kindergarten
teachers, settlement and playground workers.  Daily sessions will be held
from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. after which the workers will return to their
individual posts in the various playgrounds.  This school will continue in
session until April 1st.

                  The subjects covered in the curriculum include General
Duties and Regulations, Organization and Administration, Group Games, First
Aid, Dramatics and Handicrafts.  The lectures will be given by the
supervisors, assistant supervisors and the field staff of the Bureau of
Recreation of the Department of Parks, assisted by a number of guest
lecturers, among whom are, Richard A. Larned, Executive Secretary of the
Society for Instruction in First Aid to the Injured; Charles Cranford,
School of Health Education, New York University; Augustus D. Danzig, Musical
Director, and John Martin, Handicraft Specialist, both of the National
Recreation Association.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                 February 28, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

         An agreement has been made between the Borough President of
Manhattan and the Park Department under which the Borough President will
reconstruct and improve the grass plots and central safety islands on
Broadway, north of 59th Street.  These areas are under jurisdiction of the
Park Department, but owing to the fact that all plans have been made by the
Borough President for their improvement, it was decided that the greatest
progress could be made by having the work done under his direction.  This
work will be completed by the use of C.W.A. men and materials.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                 February 28, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

              The C.W.A. forces under the supervision of the Park Department
have started building the 7-block-long playground from Canal to Houston
Street and between Chrystie and Forsythe Streets.  This property has just
been turned over to the Park Department by the Sinking Fund Commission, to
be developed and operated as playgrounds.  The land was aquired f o r the
widening of Chrystie and Forsythe Streets, and for low-cost housing, but it
has been decided that playgrounds and resting places for mothers and small
children are more needed than model tenements.  The clearing away of the
slums from the end of the Manhattan Bridge to Canal Street has opened up a
breathing space through this slum area, and the plan of the Park Department
guarantees that it will be kept open.

             The construction that has been started makes necessary the
closing of Hester, Broome, Rivington and Stanton Streets. The closing of
these one-way streets will cause no choking of traffic.  Houston, Delancey,
Grand and Canal Streets will, of course, be left open in this playgreand
area.  The closing of the other streets is absolutely necessary to afford
protection for the users of the play areas and provides additional area for
development. It would be impossible to develop seven separate
playgrounds. Under the proposed arrangements there will be three areas.

              Wading pools depressed below the level of the street are being
provided between Grand and Broome Streets, and between Rivington and Stanton
Streets.  These wading pools of concrete will provide relief for chiildren
during the hot summer months; in the winter they will be used for
ice-skating and in the fall and spring months for roller-skating and group
activities such as basketball, volley ball, punch ball and other competetive

           The most modern sanitary facilities are being installed providing
for chlorination and adequate re-circulation of the water.  Nozzles and
spray showers will be installed around the outside edges of the two wading
pools for summer usage.  Trees are being planted around the edgesand benches
are being installed so that mothers can watch their children.  Adequate
comfort stations will be built overlooking the pools.

           Opposite Junior High School No. 65 for boys and girls between the
ages of 13 and 15, separate parate boys aad girls playgrounds are being
installed between Canal and Grand Streets.

           Across from Public School No. 20 and Public School No.  91,
separate boys and girls girls playgrounds are also provided.  There are
separate playgrounds with sandboxes, kindergarten swings, see-saws and small
slides provided in the general plan.

           The whole area is built between surrouadiag walls two feet above
the street level and the playgrounds are depressed four feet below the
general parked area. All the playgrounds are surrounded with shade trees
under which will be placed benches for the mothers.

           These areas will be flood-lighted for adult recreation at
night providing horse-shoe pitching, shuffle board, volley ball,
basketball, hand tennis, paddle tennis, roller-skatlag ana similar
recreational activities.

           The whole area will be supervised by a staff of Park Department
recreational supervisors. The work will be completed by the coming summer
and opened for public usage.

           This area will be the largest children's playground in the City
of New York.  It is located in the very heart of the most thickly congested
tenement section where playgrounds have been needed.

           The detailed plans were prepared by C.W.A. landscape architects
working under the supervision of the landscape division of the Department of

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                 February 23, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

                Park Commissioner Moses sought this week from the
Commissioners of the Sinking Fund the transfer of five abandoned school
sites on the east side, from the Board of Education to the Department of
Parks for the development of playgrounds.

                The letter to the Sinking Fund follows:

"Among the abandoned structures owned by the city which have been
investigated by the Tenement House Commissioner are five school houses on
the lower east side, which will be useful for playgrounds.  After discussing
the matter with Mr. [Fest?], we have agreed that no better use can be made
of these areas.  I, therefore, request that they be transferred to the Park
Department for playground purposes with the understanding that the work of
demolition will be carried out as a CWA project by the Park Department under
the direction of our engineers.

"The sites referred to are as follows:

   Borough of Manhattan

1. Old Public School No. 88, located at the north-
   west corner of Lewis and Rivington Streets.
   This property has a frontage of approximately
   125 feet on Lewis Street and extends 150 feet
   on Rivington Street.

2.  Old Public School No. 15 located at the southerly
   side of East Houston Street extended from Essex
   Street to Norfolk Street.  This property is
   approximately 200 feet long and 125 feet deep.

3. Old Public School No. 126 located at the southerly
   side of 12th Street, between Avenue A and Avenue B.
   This property is approximately 105 feet wide and
   103 feet deep.

4. Old Public School No. 112 located on the
   westerly side of Roosevelt Street between
   Oak Street and Cherry Street.  This property
   is approximately 117 feet wide and 122 feet

5. Old Public School No. 161 located at the
   northeast corner of Delancey and Ludlow
   Streets.  This property has a frontage of
   approximately 116 feet on Delancey Street
   and extends 190 feet on Ludlow Street.

"May I ask that action be taken on this matter at
the earliest possible moment so that we may 
include these projects in our CWA plans?

Very truly yours,

    Robert Moses

        Commissioner of Parks.

                It is planned to equip these playgrounds for the explicit
use of young children.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                 February 22, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

                This afternoon at 2:30 the North Meadow of Central
Park will assume all the aspects of a winter resort when a dog
sled race, conducted by the Monroe Counry Pennsylvania Resort
Association, will be run off.

                Six teams of Alaskan Huskies will race over a five
mile course.  The Henry C. Turner Silver Cup will be awarded to the
winner at the close of the race by Gladys Swartout, Metropolitan
Opera Star.  Six teams will be entered, two from the Inn at
Buckhill Falls, two from Skytop and two from [Posene?] Manor.
Piloting one of the teams will be Harry Drennen, who won the 
Husky race in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, last month.  Another
driver will be [Nolly?] Richardson who piloted the team to victory
in the first day's grind of the Pocene Mountain Dog Sled Derby 
on Tuesday this week.  Another Musher is Mrs. Harry Drennen,
one of the few women drivers in the country.

                Among the Huskies to take part in the race will be
Togo, who a few winters previously raced over Alaskan snow
lands to carry anti-toxin to check an epidemic of diptheria that
had broken out there.  Some of the dogs are Alaskan Huskies,
crossed with Greyhounds, some are Huskies crossed with Police Dogs,
and some with Collies, and some are pure white Siberians.  Two are
descendents of dogs which Rear Admiral Byrd took with him to the
South Pole.  The six teams will comprise 36 dogs.

                The unprecedented cold and unusal depth of snow
will make ideal sledding conditions.

                Entraces to Central Park most convenient to the
course are 96th Street and Central Park West and 102nd Street 
and Fifth Avenue.

Copy of the letter that the
Park Department has sent to the
Dieppo Corporation, which operates
the Central Park Casino, is
attached hereto.
DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                 February 19, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

Dieppe Corporation,
Central Park Casino,
Central Park, Borough of Manhattan,
City of New York

Sirs :

            This is to advise you that the operation of the Central Park
Casino, by the Dieppe Corporation, under an agreement with the City
of New York dated February 6, 1929, is unsatisfactory to The City and
to the Commissioner of Parks.

            The license and privileges granted under said agreement are
not being exercised, as provided in the agreement, to promote and
increase the public enjoyment, use and convenience of Central Park.
The prices charged for food, refreshments, entertainment and other
facilities afforded there are exorbitant and make it impossible for
the general public to avail itself of its use.

            The only purpose that may legally be served by this agreement,
is to afford a place in Central Park where foody refreshments and
recreation may be enjoyed by the general public at reasonable prices,
within the reach of persons of average means. The prices and the
general mode of operation indicate that the Casino is operated for the
special benefit and use of a small and special group of persons of
means and is used and frequented only by this group and not by the
general public.
             Its general tone is that of an exclusive cabaret or night
club, and not that of a public restaurant in a public park, used by
citizens of the City visiting the park for pleasure and recreation.
The present manner of operation violates the terms and intent of the

           Your attention is called to paragraph 16 of the agreement above
referred to which provides that "the corporation * * * covenants and agrees
for itself, its successors or assigns that it will keep, maintain and
conduct a refreshment building or restaurant on the said premises, in a
style and manner satisfactory to the said Department of Parks * * * and
under such restrictions, rules and regulations, as the said department * * *
may prescribe and regulate from time to time."  For the purpose of
establishing a fair and moderate schedule of prices for the refreshments and
the facilities furnished by the Central Park Casino which will be within the
reach of the general public, and for the purpose of effecting the true,
legal and proper purposes of the agreement and the intent thereof, and under
the regulatory power of the Commissioner of Parks, referred to in the said
agreement, will you furnish forthwith, to the Commissioner of Parks of The
City of New York at the Arsenal Building, in Central Park, New York City, a
list and schedule of prices and charges of all foods, refreshments,
beverages, liquors and other items sold and dispensed or facilities
furnished that will meet the requirements and accomplish the intent and
purposes of the said agreement.

                                                        Bobert Moses,
                                                        Commissioner of Parks
                                                        The City of New York.
DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
Arsenal, Central Park                                 February 15, 1934.
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310.

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary.

                 In order to furnish his former neighbors an
opportunity of playing the popular Italian game of Bocce,
Mayor La Guardia has requested the Park Department to install
courts in Thomas Jefferson Park at 111th Street and First Avenue,
Manhattan.  A Bocce Tournament will be held on these courts in
the spring.

                The game of Bocce is a favorite pastime in all
Italian neighborhoods and any ground fairly level can be
used, it is a familiar sight to see two or four players playing
in vacant lots.

                The official court measures approximately 60 x 18
feet and is enclosed by a small wooden border.  Bocce is played
with eight round wooden balls thrown at a smaller guide ball,
called a pellino.  This is first tossed into position by one fo
the players chosen by the lucky flip of a coin.  Two or four
players my participate, a sure eye and a steady hand insures
expertness.  This game which resembles bowling has become a
national sport in Italy and is recognized by the National
Olympic Association in Italy.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                      FOR RELEASE SUNDAY
Arsenal, Central Park                                      Feb. 18, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310             

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary

                                BRYANT PARK

              The Municipal Art Commission has approved the
Department of Parks design for the construction of Bryant
Park.     Work will be started immediately and completed be-
fore the summer.

              The design of the park is simple. It reflects
the simple dignity of the westerly facade of the New York
Public Library and satisfies the requirements of public
usage of the area for rest and recreation. No playgounds,
athletic facilities or similar active recreational units
need to be supplied in this midtown resting place.

              The developraent of this area calls for benches
in the shade, out of the path of the heavy pedestrian traffic
of the mldtown area.

               A depressed central panel of grass in the center of the park
is terminated at the Library end by the William Cullen Bryant Memorial, and
at the Sixth Avenue end by the Lowell Memorial Fountain. A granite
balustrade surrounds the grass panel back of which, at a slightly higher
level, is a broad band of Oriental Plane trees four rows deep, which extends
around the central panel forming a shady grove. Benches will be placed under
the trees. The whole park will be raised slightly above the street level to
afford greater seclusion.

               Over one hundred plans have been prepared by different
individuals during the past ten years for Bryant Park.  The Architects'
Emergency Committee held a competition recently, which was won by Lusby
Simpson. This competition was judged by prominent architects and landscape
architects. An exhibition of the plans was held by the Sixth Avenue
Association.  The design of the Department of Parks which was approved by
the Municipal Art Commission, follows closely the general scheme of
Mr. Simpson's plan. Mr. Simpson is a member of the Technical Staff of the
Park Department, and in recognition of the merit of his original design, was
placed in charge of the development of these plans.

          The plans as approved by the Art Commission are final and the
construction has started and will be carried to completion as rapidly as

          Mr. V. Clement Jenkins, vice-president of the Sixth Avenue
Association, said: "After eleven years fighting with the previous
administrations it was very gratifying to find that, our new Park
Commissioner was planning in a few days after he came Into office, to
re-create Bryant Park and has selected the design approved by outstanding
architects and landscape architects and the general public.

            It is interesting to know that over a hundred thousand people
pass Bryant Park in a single day.  What a disgrace to our city Bryant Park
has been to these thousands and what joy the Park Department will give to
these same thousands every day as they pause at this new spot of inspiration
and beauty.  It was most Interesting to find that the general public
attending the exhibition of Bryant Park plans agreed enthusiastically in
endorsing the prize winning plan submitted by Mr. Lusby Simpson.

            We in mid-Manhattan owe to the reorganised Park Department a
debt of gratitude for its prompt response to our hopes for a beautiful oasis
of restfulness in the very heart of our throbbing city."

          Mr. Edmund P. Livingston, vice-president of the Union Dime Savings
Bank, chairmal of the Bryant Park Committee of the Sixth Avenue Association,
said: "Commissioner Moses and his staff have been open-minded and all plans
submitted have been studied by the Park Department staff.  The plan for
Bryant Park adopted by the Department have received unanimous endorsement
of the Bryant Park Committee as being ideal, practical and met all the
wishes of the Committee."

           Mr. Charles M. Dutcher, president of the Greenwich Savings Bank
and president of the Sixth Avenue Association, stated that the Association
had enthusiastically approved the plan for Bryant Park after many years
study of innumerable plans submitted for consideration.

SDD/s                              (end)
2/18/34                                                FOR RELEASE MONDAY

          After conferring with officials of the Park Departmetn on the
subject of the cooperation of the Police and Magistrates in the proper
maintenance of of the City Parks, Chief Magistrate MacDonald sent the
following letter to all of the Magistrates of teh City:

          "Park Commissioner Moses has reuested the cooperation of the
Magistrates in his endeavors to keep and maintain the public parks in proper
condition, by suppressing vandalism, discouraging littering of the lawns and
paths with papers and rubbish, and restraining visitor from permitting dogs
to be at large unleashed, and preventing unrestricted roller-skating on the
park paths, in view of the fact that a portion of the parks will be set
aside for the benefit of those who desire to indulge in roller-skating.

          "In line with the request of Commissioner Moses, I have promised
a hearty cooperation of the Magistrates to this end, assurring him that it
is our earnest desire to aid and assist the Park Department in every way in
its efforts to maintain the parks at a high standard for the benefit of the
entire people."


DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                      FOR RELEASE MONDAY
Arsenal, Central Park                                      Feb. 12, 1934
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310             

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary

                      A house cleaning at Coney Island will be undertaken by
an army of CWA workers ordered there by the Park Department at the request
of the Borough President of Brooklyn.  Several hundred men are now working,
and the force will be increased to approximately 3,000.  The men will be
supplied with shovels, and each group of seven men will work a sieve
measuring 3 ft. by 7 ft. set over trenches dug in parallel lines to the
Boardwalk.  The point of attack will be [???ter] in front of the Municipal
Bath house, working both East and West from there until every bit of refuse
material on the Coney Island Beach has been removed to a depth of three
feet.  The was material will be put in piles and removed by trucks in the
employ of the Park Department.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 
Arsenal, Central Park 
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310             

Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary

          As the first step in a new uniform policy for the wider use of all
recreational facilities in the five boroughs, Park Commissioner Robert Moses
announced today that five model playgrounds would be established and new
equipment installed.  All of these playgrounds were hitherto unequipped.
One playground in Manhattan at 17th Street east of Ninth Avenue; the
playground situated at 4th Avenue and Third Street, Brooklyn; the Astoria
Park Playground, Queens; the Britten and Olinville playground In the Bronx
and the playground in Clove Lake Park, Richmond, have been set up as
standards for the entire city.  Trees will be planted in protected areas to
provide shade in these playgrounds. All other playgrounds will be brought up
to these model standards in the course of the next three months.  The new
administration policy will include opening of all play spaces on Sundays and
many of the playgrounds in the city will be lighted for night use. The wider
use of all playground facilities includes ehildrens' and adults' recreation.

CWA workers will assist 1 B supervising these enlarged playground

February 8, 1934.
                                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Park Department
Arsenal, Central Park 
Tel. Butterfield 8-9310             
Sarah S. Dennen, Secretary

                   Major Theodore Crane of Manhattan has been appointed
Assistant to the Park Commissioner. He will act as liaison officer between
the Park Departasat and the Police Department on all matters relating to
policing in the parks, it was announced today by Park Commissioner, Rober

                   Major Crane is an architect. He enlisted in the New York
National Guard In 1906 and saw service on the Mexican border in 1916. He
went overseas during the World War as a First Lieutenant and was susequently
appointed aide-de-campp to Major General John F. O'Ryan.

                   Fall cooperation of the city magistrates in the matter of
enforcing all rules and ordinances is sought by the Park Dapartment. Looking
toward that end Major Grame has recently conferred with Chief Magistrate 
James McDonald.

                   Police Cooaissioner John F. 0'Ryan has already announced
that Deputy Inspector James Bannon has been assigned to special duty with
the Park Department to assist Major Crane in reorganising the policing of
all parks by the New York City police force.

                                        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

FOR: GENERAL RELEASE                         January 18th, 1934.

                       The five Commissioners, the Deputy Commissioner in
Manhattan, five Borough Superintendents, a Chief Engineer, a Secretary of
the Park Board, five Secretaries to Commissioners, four Stenographers to
Commissioners, all of whom are holding exempt positions aggregating
$115,195.00 in annual salaries, will be replaced by one Commissioner, one
General Superintendent, one Consulting Park Engineer, one Consulting
Landscape Architect (part time), one Consulting Architect (part time), one
Secretary of the Department, an Assistant and a Secretary to the
Commissioner, one Chief Park Designer, and one Senior Park Designer, at
total salaries of $65,640.00 per year. In place of the twenty-two exempt
positions there will be eight exempt positions and two positions filled from
the competitive Civil Service class. The overhead cost will therefore be cut
from $115,195 to $65,640.

                       Maintenance and operation activities in each of the
five boroughs will be in charge of engineers under civil service.  They will
replace the so-called superintendents, who have been political appointees.

                       The preparation of plans, direction of
construction work, and all overhead administration will be centralized at
the general Administration Headquarters of the Department in the Arsenal,
Central Park, in the Borough of Manhattan.

                       W. Earle Andrews, who will be full time Consulting
Park Engineer in charge of planning and construction, has been for the last
seven years Deputy Chief Engineer of the Long Island State Park
Commission. As such he was in immediate charge of the design and
construction of the State park and parkway system on Long Island, including
Jones Beach State Park. Mr. Andrews lives in Manhattan.

                       Emil Praeger who will act as General Superintendent, is
a consulting engineer in general practice in the metropolitan area. He has a
wide experience in all types of park and parkway construction. Mr. Praeger
is a resident of Brooklyn,

                       Major Gilmore D. Clarke will act as part time Consulting
Landscape Architect. Major Clarke is Consulting Landscape Architect in the
Westchester County Park Commission and was in immediate charge of the
landscape development of the Westchester County Park System, He is
Consulting Landscape Architect for the Niagara Frontier Bridge Commission,
is a member of the Federal Fine Arts Commission, and is Consulting Landscape
Architect for the new three hundred mile national parkway through the Great
Smoky National Park.

                       Aymar Embury II has been retained as part time
Consulting Architect. He is the architect of the Port of New York Authority,
is a trustee of the Roosevelt Memorial Commission, has recently designed
buildings at Princeton University and has had wide experience in public

                       Mrs. Sarah S. Dennen who will act as Secretary of the
Department was formerly executive of the Coney Island Chamber of Commerce
and secretary of the New York Principals Association.  Mrs. Dennen was a
leader in the women's suffrage movement, and has been active in community
and civic work in Brooklyn in connection with such organizations as the
Brooklyn Music School Settlement, the Sheepshead Bay Board of Trade, and the
School Settlement Association. Mrs. Dennen is a native of Brooklyn, was
graduated from Erasmus Hall High School, and took her B. S. degree from St.
Lawrence University.

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