Here's a brief summary:
Put the HP-48 in Kermit server mode. Set up the Kermit client like this:
For file transfer, use binary mode unless you are exporting or importing
HP-48 objects: To transfer files: To change directory on the HP-48: To shut down the HP-48 Kermit server: If file transfers fail, try: CLICK HERE for
further information.
40 How to Transfer Files with the HP-48?
SET PREFIXING ALL ; (C-Kermit or Kermit 95)
SET MODEM TYPE DIRECT ; (C-Kermit or Kermit 95)
SET PORT COM1 ; (Or other communication port)
SET SPEED 9600 ; (Serial port speed)
SET CARRIER-WATCH OFF ; (Don't require carrier)
SET FLOW NONE ; (Don't use flow control)
SET PARITY NONE ; (8 data bits, no parity)
SET BLOCK 3 ; (if desired, or 2)
SET CONTROL PREFIX ALL ; (Necessary in Kermit 95)
SEND filename ; Send file(s) to the HP-48
GET filename ; Get file(s) from the HP-48
REMOTE HOST { relative_directory_name } EVAL
SET SEND TIMEOUT 20 ; (Or other number of seconds)
SET SEND PAUSE 100 ; (Or other number of milliseconds)
Kermit FAQ / Columbia University /