'remind' is a C-Kermit script that does what the Solaris Cunix program of the same name (written in the 1980s) did: it reminds you of upcoming events that you have listed in your ~/.remind file. The .remind file contains lines with the date of each event and a brief description: date 17-Jan-2016 2:30 Dentist appointment countdown 15-Jun-2024 SOMEBODY's birthday "date" is a keyword, "17-Jan-2016" is the date (this is the only format accepted by the original remind program, but others are possible in the new one; however it must not include any whitespace); and the rest is the text to be shown. Whenever you run the remind program (typically from your shell profile), it prints all the events scheduled on or after the current date. "countdown" is like "date" but also prints how many days remain until the given date. In the .remind file, blank lines are ignored, as are any lines starting with ; or #, which are comments. Three other kinds of lines are accepted: weekday dayname text (e.g. "weekday Monday Group meeting at 10:00am") monthday number text (e.g. "monthday 1 Turn page on wall calendar") fuzz number (e.g. fuzz 7 - how many days in the future to show) The FUZZ command applies to all the DATE commands that follow until the end of the .remind file or the next FUZZ command, whichever comes first. For greater detail see: http://kermitproject.org/remind.html