title k20hlp - Kermit-20 Help Text subttl Help Text. ;[18] Lengthy help messages added in edit [18]. search monsym,k20unv ; Wants parsing and Kermit .PSECT definitions cmdacs ; Clean up p1-p4 definitions sall ; Tidy listing .directive flblst ; We don't need to see all the ASCIZ bytes... subttl Notes and Cautions remark Virtual address space decisions ; The vast majority of the help text (over 32 pages of ASCII data) has ; been moved out of section 0 into section 1. This is to free up some ; virtual address space in section 0. ; ; However, it also has the benefit of a smaller working set size as ; the help text is typically seldom referenced. This will make Kermit ; more likely to be selected to run and cause less impact to Tops-20. ; ; Perhaps more significant is the fact that such a layout uses less ; cache space. This will result in faster performance on both the ; MCA25 and other implementations with cache memories, including the ; cache on systems hosting simulators. remark Virtual address space cautions ; Be aware that the help semantic action routine ($help in k20par) ; uses an address calculation to determine whether the result of the ; parse is either a macro whose text needs displaying or a simple text ; to just type. ; ; This is almost a hack in a single section program where there can be ; no issue of in-section address aliasing. It can get you into real ; trouble if you are using multiple sections. Thus, care must be ; taken to ensure that the in-section addresses of the macro table and ; help text do NOT conflict. ; ; See the calculations for hlporg in k20unv.mac for further details. subttl Table of help commands .psect code/ronly ; %key macros will put text in the text .psect %table(hlptab,G) ;[194] ;[18] %key2 <36-bit-bytes>,h36bb ;[232] %key2 ,hbye %key2 ,hcescp %key2 ,hcaptu ;[230] %key2 ,hclear %key2 ,hclose %key2 ,hconne %key2 ,hcchar %key2 ,hcwd %key2 ,hdefin %key2 ,hdele %key2 ,hdire %key2 ,hecho %key2 ,hexit %key2 ,hfinis %key2 ,hget %key2 ,hhelp %key2 ,hinput %key2 ,hkermi %key2 ,hline %key2 ,hlocal %key2 ,hlog %key2 ,houtpu %key2 ,hpause %key2 ,hpromp %key2 ,hpush %key2 ,hpwd %key2 ,hquit %key2 , hsquo %key2 ,hrecei %key2 ,hremot %key2 ,hrun %key2 ,hsend %key2 ,hserve %key2 ,hset %key2 ,hshow %key2 ,hspace %key2 ,hstatu %key2 ,hstatl %key2 ,htake %key2