The INITIA command can be followed by one or more keywords: ATTRIBUTES type tty attribute settings CHECK attempt to determine terminal type by interrogation HELP type this text KSYS indicate when time-sharing will cease NAME (default) type system name NORUN suppress running any operator program NOTICE type general operator notice SETTTY (default unless logged in) setup terminal STRUCTURES type any operator notes about mounted structures TERMINET set tabs for a terminet-300 TEXT type quick operator notice TTY[:n] type tty mode settings for this terminal (or TTYn) NO may preceed any of the above to override default settings In addition to the above, INITIA will accept the following keywords from SWITCH.INI if invoked for a logged in job: keyword equivalent command ------- ---------- ------- SETTTY NONE (must be present to invoke the following) ALTMODE TTY ALTMODE BLANKS TTY BLANK CRLF TTY CRLF DEFER TTY DEFER DISPLAY TTY DISPLAY ECHO TTY ECHO EDITOR TTY EDITOR EIGHTBIT TTY EIGHTBIT ESCAPE:xxx TTY ESCAPE xxx FILL:x TTY FILL x FORM TTY FORM GAG TTY GAG LC TTY LC LOCALCOPY TTY LOCALCOPY PAGE:xx TTY PAGE xx QUOTE TTY QUOTE RTCOMPATABILITY TTY RTCOMPATABILITY TABS TTY TAB TAPE TTY TAPE TYPE:xxxx TTY TYPE xxxx UC TTY UC UNPAUSE:xxx TTY UNPAUSE xxx WIDTH:xxx TTY WIDTH xxx SPEED:xxxx TTY SPEED xxxx RCVSPEED:xxx TTY SPEED xxx old-xmt-speed (changes the input speed) XMTSPEED:xxx TTY SPEED old-rcv-speed xxx (changes the output speed) e.g. specifying RCVSPEED:300 XMTSPEED:9600 is equivalent to TTY SPEED 300 9600 NO may preceed keywords to reverse the setting if it makes sense to do so (NO ECHO but not NO SPEED 9600). Also, the following priviliged ([1,2] or OPR) commands are available: STOMP Start up TTY STOMPR (Shouldn't be needed) SYSTEM Start up the system. Must be done on CTY, forces an INITIA on FRCLIN, and then proceeds with its own initialization. As a side effect of running on CTY, it will force INITIAs on all terminals listed under the CONNECT command in TTY.INI.