@Echo Regression test 8 bit file parity against Kermit-20 4.2(174) [2-May-85] LCLT20:: @CHKPNT LCLT20 @Echo Local Kermit is latest version @Terminal Ideal @Get Kermit @Info Ver @Start *Echo Condition Local Kermit-20 *CWD KT: *PWD *Echo It's a PTY and doesn't need to swallow flow control *Set Flow None *Echo Various parameters for OUTPUT/INPUT commands *Set Prompt "Local-Kermit-20>" *Set Input Default-Timeout 4.5 *Set Input Timeout-Action Quit *Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" *Echo Maximum packet length 4.2(174) Supports *Show 94 *Set 94 *Set File Eight-Bit *Echo Only check Parity on Packets *Set Parity Even /Packets-Only /Parity-Checking !4.2(174) Does not support pseudo-timing, so don't do it locally !*Time NUL !*Time Copy NUL PTY *Log Session KT:K20P8R-LOCAL-SESSION *Show Line *Show Packet *Show Timing *Show Input ! ! REMT20:: @CHKPNT LCLT20 ! *Echo Sign into remote system, mount structure, recondition terminal *Connect pseudo-terminal /stay *Input *Echo Note, no password needed for same user id on a pseudo-terminal *Output "slogin\r" *Input *Output "Terminal Ideal\r" *Input *Output "sm k20:\r" *Input ! ! REMK20:: @CHKPNT REMK20 ! *Echo Start Kermit-20 4.2(174) on remote job !*Echo Can't do this, as it (silently) breaks older Kermit-20's !*Output "Set NO Control-C-Capability\r" !*Input *Output "Get PS:Kermit\r" *Input *Output "Info Ver\r" *Input *Output "Start\r" *Input "\r\nKermit-20>" ! ! *Echo Configure remote Kermit and put into server mode *Set Input Search-Default "\r\nRemote-Kermit-20>" *Show Input *Output "Set Prompt Remote-Kermit-20>\r" *Input *Output "Set 94\r" *Input ! !4.2(174) Does not support pseudo-timing, so can't do these remotely !*Output "Time NUL\r" !*Input !*Output "Time Copy NUL PTY\r" !*Input ! ! Don't choke 4.2(174) flushing NAK's, either ! !*Echo Note subsecond server NAK'ing!!! !*Output "Set Receive Server-Timeout 0.3333 \r" !*Input ! *Echo Pseudo-terminal doesn't need any of that ^S/^Q baloney *Output "Set Flow None\r" *Input ! ! *Echo Doing eight bit files *Output "Set File Eight-Bit\r" *Input ! ! *Echo Condition Ye Olde Kermit to send parity *Output "Set Parity Even\r" *Input ! !*Echo But now can't use Input, because characters are gubbish to a PTY !*Clear /Display /Repeat 5,.33 ! ! *Output "Show Line\r" *Input *Output "Show Timing\r" *Input *Output "Show Packet\r" *Input ! *Output "\rSERVER\r\r" *Input "BYE" *Input "\r\n" !*Clear /Display /Repeat 5,.33 ! ! ! The following commands exercise the remote Kermit in server mode ! SIMSRV:: @CHKPNT SIMSRV ! *Echo Simple comands that do not open files ! !4.2(174) Does not implement PWD ! !*Remote PWD ! *Remote Space ! ! *Echo Remote Help (BASIC) *Remote Help *Statistics ! ! NULTST:: @CHKPNT NULTST ! *Echo Kermit-20 4.2(174) does not implement NUL:, so don't use it @GOTO CWDTST ! *Echo Basic tests against NUL: *Remote Dir NUL: *Remote Type NUL: *Remote Delete NUL: *Echo NUL: looks deleted, but it's still there *Remote Dir NUL: *Remote CWD NUL: * *Echo Show that remote Connect to NUL: did nothing *Remote PWD *Echo We can get NUL:, but it doesn't get us much *Get "NUL:" NUL: *Statistics ! ! CWDTST:: @CHKPNT CWDTST ! *Echo Test Changing real directories *Remote CWD "TOMMYT:" "" !*Remote PWD *Remote CWD "" !*Remote PWD ! ! FILTST:: @CHKPNT FILTST ! *Echo Tests with 8 bit data files *Remote CWD "TOMMYT:" "" !*Remote PWD *PWD ! ! Taken from K20B8P ! DAPVAL:: @CHKPNT DAPVAL *Echo A small comma seperated value file of DAP OS types *Remote Directory "DAP-VALUES.CSV" *Get "DAP-VALUES.CSV" DAP-VALUES.CSV;T *Directory DAP-VALUES.CSV.* *Statistics !*Remote Status ! GIGANT:: @CHKPNT GIGANT *Echo Theme song to 1960's Gigantor MANGA (cartoon) *Remote Directory "GIGANTOR.WAV" *Get "GIGANTOR.WAV" GIGANTOR.WAV;T *Directory GIGANTOR.WAV.* *Statistics !*Remote Status ! HALFCH:: @CHKPNT HALFCH *Echo Windows/NT of Half Chat application (which runs on OS/2, Unix, Etc.) *Remote Directory "HALFCHAT.EXE" *Get "HALFCHAT.EXE" HALFCHAT.EXE;T *Directory HALFCHAT.EXE.0 *Statistics !*Remote Status ! PDFSEC:: @CHKPNT PDFSEC *Echo Analysis of security on Adobe PDF files *Remote Directory "PDFSECURITY.PDF" *Get "PDFSECURITY.PDF" PDFSECURITY.PDF;T *Directory PDFSECURITY.PDF.0 *Statistics !*Remote Status ! TIGHTV:: @CHKPNT TIGHTV *Echo An old copy of Tight VNC for Windows/NT *Remote Directory "TIGHTVNC-1_3_9-SETUP.EXE" *Get "TIGHTVNC-1_3_9-SETUP.EXE" TIGHTVNC-1_3_9-SETUP.EXE;T *Directory TIGHTVNC-1_3_9-SETUP.EXE.0 *Statistics !*Remote Status ! VNCVIE:: @CHKPNT VNCVIE *Echo An old copy of VNC Viewer for Windows/NT *Remote Directory "VNCVIEWER.EXE" *Get "VNCVIEWER.EXE" VNCVIEWER.EXE;T *Directory VNCVIEWER.EXE.* *Statistics !*Remote Status ! ! ! DONE:: @CHKPNT DONE *Echo Done with remote tests, exit the remote Kermit *Remote Space *Show Line *Remote CWD "TOMMYT:" "" * *Finish *Pause 2 ! ! *Set Input Default-Timeout 20 *Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" *Show Input *Output "\R" *Clear/Display/Repeat 5,.54 ! FINREM:: @CHKPNT FINREM ! *Echo Show Remote Processor Time Used *Output "Info Fork\R" *Input *Echo Log the remote job out *Output "Logout\R" *Input "Used" *Input "\r\n" ! ! FINLCL:: @CHKPNT FINLCL ! *Echo Finish up and close out the local Kermit *Clear /Display *Show Line *Close Session *Connect Close *echo No terminal fork to kill since never started one *echo Connect Kill *Quit @Info Fork ! ! CHKFIL:: @CHKPNT CHKFIL @Echo Compare transferred small files against known originals @Info Job @VD *.*.0 /since:today @Define O: PS: @Define D: DAP-VALUES.CSV.0 @Define OD: O:DAP-VALUES.CSV.0 @Define G: GIGANTOR.WAV. @Define OG: O:GIGANTOR.WAV.0 @Define H: HALFCHAT.EXE.0 @Define OH: O:HALFCHAT.EXE.0 @Define P: PDFSECURITY.PDF.0 @Define OP: O:PDFSECURITY.PDF.0 @Define T: TIGHTVNC-1_3_9-SETUP.EXE.0 @Define OT: O:TIGHTVNC-1_3_9-SETUP.EXE.0 @Define V: VNCVIEWER.EXE @Define OV: O:VNCVIEWER.EXE @Set Trap File @FILCOM *TTY:=D:,OD:/W/Q *TTY:=G:,OG:/W/Q *TTY:=H:,OH:/W/Q *TTY:=P:,OP:/W/Q *TTY:=T:,OT:/W/Q *TTY:=V:,OV:/W/Q = PORKY:: @CHKPNT PORKY @Modify Batch K20RDC /Dep:0 @Echo That's all Folks!