@Echo Regression decode against Kermit-20 4.2(174) [2-May-85] LCLT20:: @CHKPNT LCLT20 @Echo Local Kermit is latest version @Terminal Ideal @Terminal No Parity @Get K20:Kermit @Info Version @Start ! *Echo Condition Local Kermit-20 *CWD KT: *PWD *Echo It's a PTY and doesn't need to swallow flow control *Set Flow None *Echo Various parameters for OUTPUT/INPUT commands *Set Prompt "Local-Kermit-20>" *Set Input Default-Timeout 4.5 *Set Input Timeout-Action Quit *Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" *Echo Maximum packet length 4.2(174) Supports *Show 94 *Set 94 ! *Echo Set up packet logging, first with no decoding *Set Debugging Packets *Log Debugging KT:K20RDC-LOCAL-OLD-DECODE.LOG *Log Session KT:K20RDC-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG ! *Show Line *Show Debugging *Show Packet *Show Timing *Show Input ! ! REMT20:: @CHKPNT REMT20 ! *Echo Sign into remote system, mount structure, recondition terminal *Connect pseudo-terminal /stay *Input *Echo Note, no password needed for same user id on a pseudo-terminal *Output "slogin\r" *Input *Output "Terminal Ideal\r" *Input *Output "Terminal No Parity\r" *Input *Output "SMNT k20:\r" *Input ! ! REMK20:: @CHKPNT REMK20 ! *Echo Start Kermit-20 4.2(174) on remote job *Output "Get PS:Kermit\r" *Input *Output "Info Ver\r" *Input *Output "Start\r" *Input "\r\nKermit-20>" ! ! *Echo Configure remote Kermit and put into server mode *Set Input Search-Default "\r\nRemote-Kermit-20>" *Show Input *Output "Set Prompt Remote-Kermit-20>\r" *Input *Output "Set 94\r" *Input *Output "Set Flow None\r" *Input ! ! *Echo Set up remote logging, also *Output "Set Debugging Packets\r" *Input *Output "Log Debugging KT:K20RDC-REMOTE-OLD-PACKETS.LOG\r" *Input ! ! *Output "Show Line\r" *Input *Output "Show Debugging\r" *Input *Output "Show Packet\r" *Input *Output "Show Timing\r" *Input ! *Output "\rSERVER\r\r" *Input "BYE" *Input "\r\n" *Pause 2 *Clear /Display /Repeat 2,.5 ! ! ! FILTST:: @CHKPNT FILTST ! *Echo Tests with data files *Set Debugging Packets /Decode *Show Debugging *Remote CWD "TOMMYT:" "" ! ! 4.2(174) Does not implement REMOTE STATUS ! *Echo This is the Gutenberg ASCII text of The Ghost of Canterville by Oscar Wilde ! OTITLE:: @CHKPNT OTITLE *Echo /Debug "Remote Kermit-20 4.2(174) sending with no local decode" *Set Debugging Packets *GET "TITLE-PAGE.TXT" TITLE-PAGE-OLD.TXT;T *Statistics *Echo /Debug "Remote Kermit-20 4.2(174) WITH decoding" *Set Debugging Packets /Decode *GET "TITLE-PAGE.TXT" NUL: *Statistics ! ! OMGETN:: @CHKPNT OMGETN *Echo /Debug "Wildcard (multiple) get to local NUL:, no decoding" *Close Debug *Set Debug Off *GET "*.TXT.0" NUL: *Statistics ! ! DONOLD:: @CHKPNT DONOLD *Echo Done with remote tests against Kermit-20 4.2(174) *Finish *Pause 2 *Show Input *Output "\R" *Input "\@\r\n\@" *Output "Info Fork\r" *Input "\r\n\@" ! ! Run same transfer with latest Kermit ! ! NEWKER:: @CHKPNT NEWKER *Output "Reset *\r\r" *Input "\r\n\@" *Echo Start latest Kermit-20 on remote job *Output "Get K20:Kermit\r" *Input "\r\n\@" *Output "Info Ver\r" *Input "\r\n\@" *Output "Start\r" *Input "\r\nKermit-20>" ! ! *Echo Configure remote Kermit and put into server mode *Output "Set Prompt Remote-Kermit-20>\r" *Input *Output "Set 94\r" *Input *Output "Set Flow None\r" *Input ! ! *Echo Set up remote logging, also !*Output "Set Debugging Packets /Decode\r" !*Input !*Output "Log Debugging KT:K20RDC-REMOTE-NEW-DECODE.LOG\r" !*Input !*Output "Log Session KT:K20RDC-REMOTE-SESSION-NEW.LOG\r" !*Input ! ! *Output "Show Line\r" *Input *Output "Show Debugging\r" *Input *Output "Show Packet\r" *Input *Output "Show Timing\r" *Input ! ! *Output "\rSERVER\r\r" *Input "BYE" *Input "\r\n" *Pause 2 *Clear /Display /Repeat 2,.5 ! ! NTITLE:: @CHKPNT NTITLE *Set Debugging Packets /Decode *Log Debugging KT:K20RDC-LOCAL-NEW-DECODE.LOG *Show Debugging *Remote CWD "TOMMYT:" "" *Echo /Debug "New Kermit-20 sending the same file without decoding" *Set Debugging Packets *GET "TITLE-PAGE.TXT" TITLE-PAGE-NEW.TXT;T *Statistics *Remote Status *Set Debugging Packets /Decode *Echo /Debug "New Kermit-20 sending the same file WITH decoding" *GET "TITLE-PAGE.TXT" NUL: *Statistics *Remote Status ! NMGETN:: @CHKPNT NMGETN *Echo /Debug "Wildcard (multiple) get to local NUL:, no decoding" *Close Debug *Set Debug Off *GET "*.TXT.0" NUL: *Statistics *Remote Statistics ! ! ! DONNEW:: @CHKPNT DONNEW *Echo Done with remote tests against newest Kermit-20 *Finish *Set Input Default-Timeout 20 *Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" *Pause 2 *Show Input *Output "\R" *Input "\@\r\n\@" ! ! FINREM:: @CHKPNT FINREM ! *Echo Show Remote Processor Time Used *Output "Info Fork\R" *Input *Echo Log the remote job out *Output "Logout\R" *Input "Used" *Input "\r\n" ! ! FINLCL:: @CHKPNT FINLCL ! *Echo Finish up and close out the local Kermit *Clear /Display *Show Line *Close All *Connect Close *echo No terminal fork to kill since never started one *echo Connect Kill *Quit @Info Fork ! ! CHKFIL:: @CHKPNT CHKFIL @Echo Compare transferred small files against known originals @Info Job @VD TITLE*.TXT.0 /since:today @Define OWC: TOMMYT: @Define TITLE: OWC:TITLE-PAGE.TXT @Define OTITLE: TITLE-PAGE-OLD.TXT @Define NTITLE: TITLE-PAGE-NEW.TXT @Set Trap File @FILCOM *TTY:=TITLE:,OTITLE: *TTY:=TITLE:,NTITLE: = ! ! PORKY:: @CHKPNT PORKY @VD KT:K20RDC*.*.0 @Echo That's all Folks!