@Echo Control file to demonstrate Kermit CDUP Implementation @Terminal Ideal @Info Terminal LCLT20:: @CHKPNT LCLT20 @SMNT K20: @Get K20:Kermit @Info Ver @Start *Echo Condition Local Kermit-20 *Set Prompt "Local-Kermit-20>" *Set Input Default-Timeout 4.5 *Set Input Timeout-Action Quit *Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" *Show 94 *Set 94 *Echo No need for flow control on a PTY... *Set Flow-Control None *Show Line ! ! REMT20:: @CHKPNT LCLT20 ! *Echo Sign into remote terminal, mount structure and connect to testing directory *Log Session KT:k20gpt-remote-session.log *Connect pseudo-terminal /stay *Input *Echo Note, no password needed for same user id on a pseudo-terminal *Output "slogin\r" *Input /silent *Output "Terminal Ideal\r" *Input /silent *Output "Info Term\r" *Input /silent *Output "sm k20:\r" *Input /silent *Output "Connect k20:\r" *Input /silent ! ! REMK20:: @CHKPNT REMK20 ! *Echo Start Kermit on remote job *Output "Set NO Control-C-Capability\r" *Input /silent *Output "SMNT K20:\r" *Input /silent *Output "Get K20:Kermit\r" *Input /silent *Output "Info Ver\r" *Input *Output "Start\r" *Input /silent "Kermit-20>" ! *Echo Configure remote Kermit and put into server mode *Set Input Search-Default "\r\nRemote-Kermit-20>" *Show Input *Output "Set Prompt Remote-Kermit-20>\r" *Input /silent *Echo Since this is remote, there will be no session to log *Output "Set 94\r" *Input /silent *Output "Set Flow-Control None\r" *Input /silent *Echo "No need to NAK a PTY...\r\n\r\n" *Output "Set Receive Server-Timeout 0\r" *Input /silent ! *Echo "Set up for packet decoding on both sides" *Output "Log Debugging KT:k20gpt-remote-packet-decode.log 7\n" *Input /silent *Output "Set Debugging Packets /Decode\n" *Input /silent ! *Output "Show Line\r" *Input *Output "Show Timing\r" *Input *Output "Show Packet\r" *Input *Output "Show Debugging\r" *Input ! *Log Debugging KT:k20gpt-local-packet-decode.log 7 *Set Debugging Packets /Decode *Show Line *Show Packet *Show Timing *Show Debugging ! *Output "SERVER\r" *Input /silent "machine.\r\n" ! ! ! Show local CDUP ! LCDUP:: @CHKPNT LCDUP *Echo "Example of local CDUP" *Local CWD STAR: *Local CDUP *Local CDUP *Local CDUP *Local CDUP *Echo "Last CDUP at Top-level does nothing" *Local CDUP ! ! ! Show local CWD .. ! LCWDUP:: @CHKPNT LCWDUP *Echo "Example of local CWD .." *Local CWD STAR: *Local CWD .. *Local CWD .. *Local CWD .. *Local CWD .. *Echo "Last CWD at Top-level does nothing" *Local CWD .. ! ! ! Show remote CDUP and relative connecting ! RCDUP:: @CHKPNT RCDUP *Echo "Example of remote relative directory connecting" *Remote CWD "PS:" "" *Remote CWD "HOLMES" "" *Remote CWD "MEMOIRS" "" *Echo "Example of remote CDUP" *Remote PWD *Remote CDUP *Remote CDUP *Echo "Last CDUP at Top-level does nothing" *Remote CDUP ! ! ! Show remote CWD .. ! RCWDUP:: @CHKPNT RCWDUP *Echo "Example of remote absolute directory connecting" *Remote CWD "PS:" "" *Echo "Example of remote CWD .." *Remote PWD *Remote CWD ".." "" *Remote CWD ".." "" *Echo "Last CWD .. at Top-level does nothing" *Remote CWD ".." "" ! ! DONE:: @CHKPNT DONE ! *Echo Done with remote tests, log out the remote Kermit *Bye *Show Debugging *Close Debugging *Set Debugging Off ! ! FINLCL:: @CHKPNT FINLCL ! *Echo Finish up and close out the local Kermit *Show Line *Show File *Connect Close *Close Session *Quit @Info Fork @VDIR KT:k20gpt-*.log.0 ! ! PORKY:: @CHKPNT PORKY @Echo That's all Folks!