MM Manual


There are two sets of control-letter commands. One set is used at command lines (the prompts MM>, Read, Send), and another set is used for Text Mode (when you are writing a message).

The commands are given by holding down the control key and then pressing the letter. (This is exactly like typing a capital letter by holding down the shift key.)


Some of the commands move the cursor for editing, and are based on Emacs. Control-p and -n access command history as they do in ksh.

amove the cursor to the start of the line
bmove the cursor back one character
ckill the MM process (not recommended)
ddelete the character at the cursor
emove the cursor to the end of the line
fmove the cursor forward one character
gnot valid in any command
hbackspace and delete (same as the backspace/delete key)
icomplete the command (same as the tab key)
jnewline (same as the return key)
kdelete from the cursor to the end of the line
lclear the screen
mreturn (same as the return key)
nget the next command in history
odoes nothing
pget the previous command in history
qrestore output to the screen (see s)
rre-display the current line
sstop output to the screen
ttranspose the character at the cursor and the one before
udelete the entire line
vinsert the next character as part of the command
wdelete the word to the left of the cursor
xnot valid in any command
ysuspend MM
zsuspend MM


A few control-letter commands have the same meaning as at the command line.

Control-n meaning abort can be used at any point in preparing a message after the Top Level send command and before the Send Mode prompt; use it to abort at the To, Cc or Subject prompts as well as in Text Mode.

ainserts control-a
binsert a file where the cursor is
cabort and leave MM (not recommended)
dfinish writing text, go to Send Mode (like the escape key)
euse the editor: Any text typed so far is brought into the editor.
frun text through a filter: Any text typed so far is processed and replaced by the output.
ginserts control-g
hbackspace and delete (same as the backspace/delete key)
iinserts a tab (same as the tab key)
jnewline (same as the return key)
kredisplay the message
lclear the screen, then redisplay the message
mreturn (same as the return key)
nabort the whole send routine; back to MM> or R> prompt
odoes nothing
prun a program and put its output where the cursor is
qrestore output to the screen (see s)
rredisplay the current line
sstop output to the screen
tinserts control-t
uerase the last line
vinsert the next character into the text
werase the last word
xinserts control-x
ysuspend MM
zsuspend MM

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