Crotona Park, this Viking-like
built in 2009: "The $2.3 million Croton-funded stone amphitheater is
situated adjacent to the new stream and bridge and oriented north east
towards the lake and boathouse to optimize performance viewing. This
informal, natural outdoor performance space fits seamlessly into the
hillside, using materials that compliment the adjacent rock
outcroppings. The amphitheater itself is made of stone from Champlain Quarry
in Clemens, New York. Adjacent amenities include drinking fountains,
seating, and a nearby comfort station in the Boathouse. Easy access for
pedestrians and vehicles is provided via the adjacent 12-foot wide pathway
connecting to Claremont Parkway." Clearly, none of this work would have
been done, nor the workers paid, if the WPA had not converted Crotona park
from a virtual desert (complete with dust storms) into the beautiful park it
is has been since 1941. The famous WPA designed-and-built boathouse can be
seen in the distance. Photo from June 2014.