Frank da Cruz <> ← Please send build data to this address
As of ckubuildlog 2.13 for Unix, 2023-06-26, and ckvbuildlog 0.1 for OpenVMS, 2024-08-19.
This page last updated: Wed Mar 5 12:23:20 2025 New York time
Before C-Kermit 10.0 can be released, it's necessary to make sure it builds on every possible platform, old and new. The builds are tracked in the tables on THIS PAGE. As of 6 June 2023, to alleviate the tedium of putting together the data for each build a new Kermit script, ckubuildlog, is available for Unix-based platforms, and as of 4 March 2025 a companion script ckvbuildlog, for building C-Kermit on OpenVMS (originally known as Digital Equipment Corporation VAX/VMS).
With ckubuildlog you don't have to transcribe or copy/paste all the data; the script creates a plain-text HTML table row that you can email me so I can plug it into the big builds table.
Starting with C-Kermit 10.0 Beta.10 development builds as of 23 June 2023,
this script is / is included with
the C-Kermit source-code files so it will go in the C-Kermit source-code
directory automatically and can be invoked after compilation simply by
"; no installation required.
Note that 'wermit' is the name given to the freshly-built C-Kermit executable, so that it doesn't clash with any earlier version called 'kermit' or 'ckermit'. The idea is that you check the wermit binary to make sure it works to your satisfaction before superseding any previously installed version.Thanks to Peter Eichhorn for testing and correcting ckubuildlog on HP-UX.
The following instructions apply only to Unix; VMS instructions are at the bottom.
rm -f x.tar.gz IMPORTANT: Remove any previous x.tar.gz files * wget ** gunzip x.tar.gz Uncompress the tar archive *** tar xvf x.tar Unpack the tar archive (about 30 source files plus ckubuildlog) *** ls -l ckubuildlog Check that it has execute permission ('x') (it should) chmod +x ckubuildlog Do this only if it lacks execute permission
* | If an x.tar.gz file already exists in the directory, wget stores the incoming (newer) file with a different name (e.g. x.tar.gz.1) instead of renaming the existing file, which can be VERY CONFUSING. |
** | wget is the one-step downloader, available for both Unix and VMS. FTP can also be used but several steps are required, and it doesn't work with symlinks like x.tar.gz. |
*** | In recent tar versions, steps 3 and 4 can be combined: "gunzip x.tar.gz" automatically gunzips the archive before extracting the files. You can also use "tar zxvf x.tar.z" if your tar program has that option. |
Here's what you do to build C-Kermit and generate the build report on a Linux system:
The report is a file named xxxx.txt, where xxxx is the makefile target name, "linux" in this example; it could also be freebsd, netbsd, macos, or any of the many other C-Kermit makefile targets. Please email the report file to me at
make clean Remove leftover ckxxxx.o (object files) so all modules will be compiled make linux 2> log Build C-Kermit and direct warning/error messages to a file named 'log' ./ckubuildlog Run ckubuildlog to generate the build report
You can do additional builds for the same platform in the same directory, e.g. "make linux-ssl", "make linux-krb5", "make linux-clang"
If you omit ">2 log"
from the make command, the result
file won't include any warnings or errors and I won't know what might need
Here are the results for NetBSD 9.3 (the left column is produced by ckubuildlog):
If the build failed, ckubuildlog should detect it and produce an appropriate result.
Entry Meaning <tr> New table row <td>NetBSD 9.3 OS name and version <td>amd64 Hardware architecture <td>make netbsd Build command <td>2023-05-09 Date of source code yyyy-mm-dd <td>2491536 Size of wermit executable in bytes <td>gcc 7.5.0 Compiler name and version <td> Optional security features included (SSL, Kerberos) <td>OK Build status; OK or Failed <td> Build warnings and/or errors (in this case, none)
The <tr> and <td> are HTML table row and column notation, so I can just plug the report into the C-Kermit 10.0 builds table. If there were any warnings or errors, they would be shown in the final <td>. You can email this result to me as an attachment and I'll add it to the builds table and see what I can do about any warnings or errors.
If some of the information — e.g. OS name/version or compiler name/version — is missing or wrong, let me know and I'll see if I can fix ckubuildlog to know about your platform.
The part part beginning with "make clean" could be separated out into a separate script if you're going to do multiple builds (because you don't need to download the same tarball again and again). See below for more about multiple builds.#!/bin/sh if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo Usage: $0 makefile-target; exit 1; fi rm -f x.tar.gz* wget || exit 1 gunzip x.tar.gz || exit 1 tar xvf x.tar || exit 1 chmod +x ckubuildlog || exit 1 make clean || exit 1 make $1 2> log ./ckubuildlog exit 0
For a real Beta test (the latest one), the URL would be:
Then send me the linux-combined.txt file (or netbsd-combined.txt, whatever you were building variations of) and I can simply copy and paste this single attachment into the build table. Otherwise — since I'm required to use Gmail — the process is ridiculously labor-intensive and linux*.txt > linux-combined.txt
Obviously (or perhaps not so obvious) if you build a minimal version of C-Kermit without features needed by ckubuildlog (e.g. make linux KFLAGS=-DNOSPL 2> log), ckubuildlog won't work! (NOSPL = "No script programming language".)
-v Verbose - print progress messages. -h Help - prints a help message and exits. "osname version" OS name and version in doublequotes "resultfile=name.txt" Name for result file (overrides default name) "logfile=name" Name for errors/warning log file (overrides 'log') "kflags=list" KFLAGS used in the 'make' command
The NetBSD build shown in the previous section went smoothly. Most notably, the correct operating-system name and version are shown. The situation is more complicated with (say) Linux, where the normal APIs for getting this information return just "Linux" and the kernel version, rather than the specific Linux variation (distribution) such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, etc, and its version. Simarly, Apple systems return the Darwin Kernel name and version rather than the familiar OS name and version, such as macOS or Mac OS X. Version 2 of ckubuildlog goes to considerable lengths to hunt down and report these for both Linux and Macs.
If ckubuildlog doesn't show you the right OS name and release, you can provide them yourself on the command line (in doublequotes, since the text almost certainly includes spaces); examples:
ckubuildlog "AlmaLinux 8"
ckubuildlog "Raspberry Pi 11"
ckubuildlog "Sparky 2022"
ckubuildlog "Springdale 8"
ckubuildlog "Voyager 22.10"
ckubuildlog "Zorin 16.2"
ckubuildlog "GhostBSD 22.01"
ckubuildlog "LibertyBSD 6.1"
ckubuildlog "MidnightBSD 2.2.0"
make linux "KFLAGS=-DNODIAL -DNOUUCP"the extra material is not seen by C-Kermit itself, and therefore not by ckubuildlog. In that case you can supply them in the ckubuildlog command line, e.g.:
./ckubuildlog linux kflags="-DNODIAL -DNOUUCP"
./ckubuildlog openbsd kflags="-DNODIAL -m64" resultfile="openbsd3.txt"
to see which, if any, of these variables contain the correct information. If none of them do then checkshow variable osname osversion osrelease platform
and if that fails
look around elsewhere. When/if you find where the osname and version are
stored, let me know and I'll add your platform to the
ITS $ show default ITS$DKA0:[UTILITY.SOURCE.KERMIT.cku414-beta11_Goodwin-2025-02-18_s1] ITS $ set default [.its_default] ! (Hence the "[-]" stuff below.) ITS $ create /directory [] ITS $ @ [-] ITS $ @ [-] "[--]ckvblog_cku414-beta11-DG_its_default.txt" 0.1 2024-08-19 This directory: ITS$DKA0:[UTILITY.SOURCE.KERMIT.cku414-beta11_Goodwin-2025-02-18_s1.its_default] wermit: C-Kermit 10.0.414 Beta.11, 2024/08/08, for OpenVMS(tm) IA64 Executable: (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) 5983232 2025-03-01 17:18:42 wermit.exe;2 done, result (also in [--]ckvblog_cku414-beta11-DG_its_default.txt; please email it to<tr> <td>IA64 <td>@ckvker.comIA64 <td>2024-08-08 <td>5983232 <td>VSI C V7.4-001 <td> <td>OKOpenVMS V9.2-3 V91 $ set default [-] V91 $ set default [.v91_vssl31] V91 $ create /directory [] V91 $ @ [-] "" "" "CK_SSL=31" V91 $ @ [-] "[--]ckvblog_cku414-beta11-DG_v91_vssl31.txt" 0.1 2024-08-19 This directory: ITS$DKA0:[UTILITY.SOURCE.KERMIT.cku414-beta11_Goodwin-2025-02-18_s1.v91_vssl31] wermit: C-Kermit 10.0.414 Beta.11, 2024/08/08, for OpenVMS(tm) x86_64+SSL Executable: (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) 4514816 2025-03-01 18:20:21 wermit.exe;1 done, result (also in [--]ckvblog_cku414-beta11-DG_v91_vssl31.txt; please email it to<tr> <tr>IA64 <tr> "" "" "CK_SSL=31" <td>2024-08-08 <td>514816 <td>VSI C x86-64 V7.6-001 (GEM 50YAN) <td>OpenSSL 3.1.4 <td>OK
Frank da Cruz / The Kermit Project / Page created 8 June 2023 /
Updated: 5 March 2025