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Frank da Cruz, fdc@kermitproject.orgFunction names can be shortened from the right as long as the result is still unique; for example you can use \Fchar() for \Fcharacter(). The F after the backslash means the following name is a function and the items in the parentheses are its arguments. The F need not be capitalized, nor does the function name need to be lowercase. The Returns column tells the data type returned by the function: int = integer, txt = text, chr = a single character, fn = filename, ip = IP address. A filespec (file specification), as opposed to filename, can include a directory path.
Most recent update: Thu Feb 29 08:37:06 2024
Some functions require a longer explanation; these show up as links in the Name column. Also you can see documentation for any function by typing "help function xxx" at the C-Kermit prompt, where xxx is the function name, e.g. "help function arraylook" ("h fu ar" is sufficient).
Name | Returns | Description |
\Faaconvert(name,&a,&b) | int | Converts named associative array to scalar arrays &a and &b |
\Fabsolute(n1) | int | Absolute (unsigned) value of integer n1 |
\Farraylook(pattern,&a) | int | Looks up a string or pattern (wildcard) in an array |
\Fb64decode(s) | txt | Converts Base-64 encoded string s into clear text |
\Fb64encode(s) | txt | Encodes clear-text string s in Base-64. |
\Fbasename(filespec) | txt | Filename extracted from filespec |
\Fbreak(s1,s2) | txt | s1 up to first character that is in s2 |
\Fcapitalize(s1) | txt | s1 with first letter capitalized and the rest lowercase |
\Fcharacter(n) | chr | Character whose numeric code is n |
\Fchecksum(s1) | int | Kermit 6-bit checksum of text s1 (also see \fcrc16()) |
\Fcmdstack(n1,n2) | int or txt | Name or type of object at command stack level n1 |
\Fcmpdates(d1,d2) | int | Compares free-format dates and/or times d1 and d2 |
\Fcode(c) | int | Numeric code value of character c |
\Fcommand(s) | txt | Returns the output of shell command s and sets \v(pexitstat) |
\Fcontents(variable) | txt | Value of variable, unevaluated |
\Fcount(s1,s2,n1) | int | Number of occurrences of string s1 in s2, 0 or more. |
\Fcrc16(txt) | int | 16-bit cyclic redundancy check of text string s1 |
\Fcvtdate(s,n) | txt | Converts free-format date s to format n |
\fcvtdate() format codes 0-6:
C-Kermit> for i 0 6 1 { echo \m(i). \fcvtdate(,i) } 0. 20190822 07:59:29 1. 2019-Aug-22 07:59:29 2. 22-Aug-2019 07:59:29 3. 20190822075929 4. Thu Aug 22 07:59:29 2019 5. 2019:08:22:07:59:29 6. 22 August 2019 07:59:29When the second argument is negative, only the date is shown; for example \fcvtdate(,-6) for the same date is
"22 August 2019 ".
| ||
\Fcvtcset(s,cs1,cs2) | txt | Converts string s from character set cs1 to cs2 (see list) |
\Fdate(file) | txt | Returns modification date/time of file as yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss |
\Fday(s) | txt | Returns 3-letter day of week for date given (default=today) |
\Fdayname(s) | txt | Like \Fday but with language and full-name options |
\Fdayofyear(s) | int | Given free-format date s, returns day of year as yyyynnn |
\Fdecodehex(s1,s2) | txt | Decodes string s1 that contains hexadecimal bytes with prefix s2 |
\Fdefinition(macro) | txt | Returns definition of given macro evaluated one level deep |
\Fdelta2secs(s1,s2) | int | Converts delta time to seconds (see link) |
\Fdialconvert(s) | txt | Convert phone number s to modem-dial format |
\Fdiffdates(d1,d2) | dt | Returns difference between two dates in delta time |
\Fdimension(&a) | int | Returns the dimension (number of elements) in array &a. |
\Fdirectories(filespec,&a) | int,array | Number of directories that match filespec, with names in array &a |
\Fdirname(filespec) | txt | The full directory (path) for the given filespec |
\Fdostounixpath(s) | txt | Converts a DOS/Windows pathname into a Unix one |
\Fdoytodate(n) | txt | Converts day of year yyyynnn to date yyyymmdd |
\Femailaddress(s) | txt | Extracts email address from email From or Sender header line |
\Ferrstring(n) | txt | Converts platform-dependent error code to error message |
\Fevaluate(expression) | int | Value of arithmetic expression such as 2*(5+6) (integers only) |
\Fexecute(macro args) | any | Invokes given marcro with given args and returns its RETURN value |
\Ffilecompare(fn1,fn2) | int | Compares contents and lengths of file fn1 and fn2 |
\Ffileinfo(fn,&a) | int,array | Returns attributes of given file in array &a |
\Ffiles(filespec,&a) | int,array | Returns number of files that match filespec with names in array &a |
\Ffunction(s) | int | Returns 1 if s is the name of a built-in function, otherwise 0 |
\Fhextoip(s) | ipa | Converts hexadecimal s to decimal dotted IP address |
\Fhexify(s1) | hex | Returns character string s1 encoded in hexadecimal. Note: this does not convert decimal numbers to hex; use \fradix() for that. |
\Findex(s1,s2,n) | int | Returns position of leftmost occurrence of s1 in s2 starting at n |
\Fiptohex(s) | ipa | Converts the decimal dotted IP address s to hexadecimal |
\Fipaddress(s1,n) | ip | Extracts first IP address from s1 starting at n |
\Fjoin(&a,s,n1,n2) | txt | Joins array elements into a string, s = optional separator, n's are options |
\Fkeywordvalue(s1,s2) | txt | Converts string like 'name=value' into macro with given value |
\Fleft(s,n) | txt | Returns the leftmost n characters of string s |
\Flength(s1) | int | Length of string s1 |
\Fliteral(s1) | txt | Protects string s1 from evaluation |
\Flop(s1,c,n) | txt | Chops off beginning of string s1 at nth leftmost occurrence of char c |
\Flopx(s1,c,n) | txt | Chops off beginning of string s1 at nth rightmost occurrence of char c |
\Flower(s1) | txt | Converts all uppercase letters in s1 to lowercase |
\Flpad(s1,n,c) | txt | Returns s1 left-padded to length n with char c |
\Fltrim(s1,s2) | txt | s1 with all characters from s2 trimmed from left; also see \ftrim() |
\Fmaximum(n1,n2) | int | Returns the larger of the two numbers |
\Fminimum(n1,n2) | int | Returns the smaller of the two numbers |
\Fmjd(s) | int | Converts free-format date s into numeric Modified Julian Date |
\Fmjdtodate(n) | date | Converts Modified Julian Date to yyymmdd (and optional time) |
\Fmodulus(n1,n2) | int | Returns the remainder when n1 is divided by n2 |
\Fmonthname(s,n) | txt | Extracts month from date s and returns its name |
\Fntotime(n) | txt | Converts seconds since midnight n into hh:mm:ss |
\Fnday(s) | int | Returns numeric day of the week from free-format date s (Monday=1) |
\Fntime(s) | int | Returns time portion of date-time s as seconds since midnight |
\Fnextfile() | txt | Returns next filename from \Ffiles() list |
\Fpathname(fn) | txt | Returns full pathname of file |
\Fpattern(s) | txt | INPUT command only: Declares that s is a pattern ("wildcard"). |
\Fpermissions(fn) | txt | Returns the file's permissions (Unix and VMS). |
\Fpictureinfo(fn,&a) | int,array | Extracts dimensions, orientation, and date from JPG image |
Returns: 0 if file not found or not recognized; 1 if orientation is landscape; 2 if orientation is portrait; 3 if the image is square. Note: experience shows that the orientation is not necessarily reliable, depending on the camera, scanner, phone, or other device that that encoded the image. If an array name is included, and if the function's return value is greater than 0, the array elements are: 1 width in pixels 2 height in pixels 3 'date taken' (if present) in 'yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss' format | ||
\Fpidinfo(n) | int | Given Process ID (PID) n, checks if process exists |
\Fradix(n1,n2,n3) | int | Converts number n1 from radix n2 to radix n3 |
\Frandom(n) | int | Returns a random integer between 0 and n-1 |
\Frawcommand(s) | txt | Returns output from system command s without stripping final newline |
\Frdirectories(s,&a) | int,array | Recursive directory list is returned array &a |
\Frecurse(s) | txt | Returns string s with any and all variables evaluated recursively |
\Frepeat(s,n) | txt | Returns a string composed of n repetitions of s |
\Freplace(s1,s2,s3,n) | txt | In string s1 replace nth occurrence of s2 with s3; if n=0, replace all. |
\Freverse(s) | txt | Returns string s reversed |
\Frfiles(s,&a) | int,array | Recursive file list is returned array &a |
\Fright(s,n) | txt | Returns rightmost n characters of txt |
\Frindex(s1,s2,n) | int | Position of rightmost instance of s1 in s2 ignoring rightmost n characters |
\Frpad(s,n,c) | txt | Returns s right-padded to length n with character c |
\Frsearch(s1,s2,n1,n2) | int | Pattern (wildcard) string search from right. |
\Fsearch(s1,s2,n1,n2) | int | Pattern (wildcard) string search from left. |
\Fsexpression(s) | any | Returns the result of evaluating S-Expression s |
\Fsize(fn) | int | Size of file fn in bytes |
\Fspan(s1,s2) | txt | s1 up to 1st char that is not in s2 |
\Fsplit(s1,&a,s2,s3,n1,n2) | int,array | Splits elements of a text string (e.g. comma-separated list) into array &a |
\Fsqueeze(s) | txt | Removes extra whitespace from string s |
\Fstrcmp(s1,s2,n1,n2,n3) | int | Compares strings s1 and s2 |
\Fstringtype(s) | txt | Tells whether string s is 7-bit, 8-bit, or UTF-8 text, or binary. |
\Fstripb(s,c1,c2) | txt | Strips enclosing parens, brackets, braces, or quotes from string s |
\Fstripn(s,n) | txt | Strips n characters from the end of string s |
\Fstripx(s,c) | txt | Strips string s up to the rightmost occurrence of character c |
\Fsubstitute(s1,s2,s3) | txt | Substitute characters in string s1 according strings s2 and s3 |
\Fsubstring(s,n1,n2) | txt | Returns the part of string s starting at position n1, length n2 |
Compact substring notation ... A shorter and more flexible approach to substrings: | ||
\s(name[n:m]) | Substring of \m(name) starting at position n, length m | |
\s(name[n_m]) | Substring of \m(name) from position n to position m | |
\s(name[n]) or \s(name[n:]) | Substring of \m(name) from position n to the end | |
\s(name[n.]) | The character at position n | |
\Ftablelook(s,&a,c) | int | Looks up tag in array of tag=value pairs, c = separator |
\Ftime(date-time) | hh:mm:ss | Extracts the time from a free-format date-time string |
\Ftodtosecs(hh:mm:ss) | int | Converts time of day to seconds since midnight |
\Ftrim(s1,s2) | txt | s1 with all chars from s2 trimmed from the right. |
\Funhexify(s) | txt | Decodes hexadecimal string s Note: this does not convert hex numbers to decimal; use \fradix() for that. |
\Funixtodospath(s) | txt | Unix pathname s is converted to DOS/Windows format |
\Funtabify(s) | txt | Converts Tabs in s to spaces, assuming tab stops every 8 spaces |
\Fupper(s1) | txt | Letters in s1 converted to uppercase |
\Futcdate(s) | txt | Free-format date-time s converted to UTC (GMT) yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss |
\Fverify(s1,s2,n) | int | Pos of 1st char in s2 starting at n that's not also in s1 |
\Fword(s1,n1,s2,s3,n2,n3)) | txt | Extracts word number n1 from string s1, many options |
File Input/Output functions [see documentation] | ||
\F_eof(n) | int | Returns 1 if channel n file pointer is at at end of file, 0 otherwise |
\F_errmsg(n) | txt | Converts error code to associated error message text string |
\F_getblock(n1,n2) | txt | Reads a block of n2 characters from channel n1 and returns it |
\F_getchar(n) | chr | Reads one character from file open on channel n |
\F_getline(n) | txt | Reads a line of text from file open on channel n |
\F_handle(n) | int | Returns operating system's file handle for file open on channel n |
\F_line(n) | int | Returns the current line number for the file open on channel n |
\F_pos(n) | int | Returns the current character position for the file open on channel n |
\F_putblock(n,s) | int | Writes string(s) to the file open on channel n |
\F_putchar(n,c) | int | Writes character c to the file open on channel n |
\F_putblock(n,s) | int | Write string(s) to the file open on channel n |
\F_putline(n,s) | int | Like \F_putblock() but adds a line terminator |
\F_status(n) | int | Returns open modes for channel n |
Floating-point functions... many are superfluous since S-Expressions were added in C-Kermit 8.0 | ||
\Ffpabsolute(fp,d) | fp | Returns absolute value of floating-point number fp to d decimal places |
\Ffpadd(fp1,fp2,d)) | fp | Returns sum of two floating-point numbers rounded to d decimal places |
\Ffpcosine(f1,d) | fp | The cosine of angle f1 (in radians) to d decimal places |
\Ffpdivide(f1,f2,d) | fp | Floating-point result of f1 divided by f2 to d places |
\Ffpexp(f1,d) | fp | e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the f1 power, to d places. |
\Ffpint(f1) | int | The integer part of f1 |
\Ffplog10(f1,d) | fp | The base 10 logarithm of f1 to d places |
\Ffplogn(f1,d) | fp | The natural logarithm of f1 to d places |
\Ffpmaximum(f1,f2,d) | fp | The maximum f1 and f2 to d places |
\Ffpminimum(f1,f2,d) | fp | The minimum f1 and f2 to d places |
\Ffpmodulus(f1,f2,d) | fp | The modulus f1 and f2 to d places |
\Ffpmultiply(f1,f2,d) | fp | The product f1 and f2 to d places |
\Ffpraise(f1,f2,d) | fp | f1 raised to the power f2 to d places |
\Ffpround((f1,d) | fp | f1 rounded to d decimal places |
\Ffpsine(f1,d) | fp | The sine of angle f1 (in radians) to d decimal places |
\Ffpsqrt(f1,d) | fp | The square root of f1 to d decimal places |
\Ffpsubtract(fp1,fp2,d) | fp | f1 minus f2 to d places |
\Ffptangent(f1,d) | fp | The tangent of angle f1 (in radians) to d decimal places |
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